Was the middle ages the high times of Europe?

Was the middle ages the high times of Europe?
How do we bring this spirit back?

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Yes. A return to the glory days.

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Late Middle Ages until the end of the Victorian period.

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you dont

Is that real? Why haven’t I seen that picture before?

dont know this place, but its aesthetic as fuck


Mont Saint Michel, Normandy, France

>when roasties stfu'd for once and were somewhat useful.

yes please.

The Enlightenment was the height of Europe.

Burgers raging over yet another French masterpiece


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new found respect for frogs. you suck at war, but you can build. you are redeemed.

> *unlocks his cellphone*
> So, the middle ages were awesome
> *eats a slice of pizza ordered using an android app*
> We are living in a terrible situation since the church fell from power
> *orders an airplane ticket to another continent in his phone*
> We shouldn't have abandoned the monarchy too

back to your favela, mulatto

>shit everywhere
>people die of famine and plague
>few people knew how to read or write
>most jobs were backbreaking labor with small reward and no room for advancement
>hot waifu dies in childbirth so you live a life of whoring with dirty sluts at tavern
>stupid war is started over some religious differences with your neighbors
>your village is burned down

Fuck that shit. I'll take air conditioning, medicine, and the ability to read books.

How does it stand there? I thought wet sand ground isnt good for heavy stone buildings.

Wheres (((waldo)))

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Which country is the most successful military power in European history?

France. According to the historian Niall Ferguson, of the 125 major European wars fought since 1495, the French have participated in 50 – more than Austria (47) and England (43). Out of 168 battles fought since 387BC, they have won 109, lost 49 and drawn 10.


France’s achievements help to explain another French “military victory”. Whether it is ranks (general, captain, corporal, lieutenant); equipment (lance, mine, bayonet, epaulette, trench); organisation (volunteer, regiment, soldier, barracks) or strategy (army, camouflage, combat, esprit de corps, reconnaissance), the language of warfare is French.

Source : telegraph.co.uk/men/the-filter/qi/8080884/Quite-Interesting-the-QI-cabinet-of-curiosity.html

its built upon a rocky island.

the enlightenment was one of the worst things to ever happen to europe
from it spawned republicanism and liberalism

thanks for your "language contributions" i guess.

>when a favela monkey makes more sense than an american
unironically based, people love to romanticize old times while leeching off of the accomplishments our modern world gives them. nigger-tier behaviour

Yes being at the level of modern day Arab Islamists was the high times of Europe.

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Hail my French brothers. Together for eternity.

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This is retarded. You're literally just picking a point and saying "dur did where liberalism came from" without any evidence. You could literally say that for any point, including and especially the renaissance, you gay faggot

The Middle Ages were primitive and miserable. You wouldn't actually prefer to live then.

wrong. might wanna look into history and why some people profit from everyone thinking the feudal system was somewhat worse than what we have today.

But the best period in history is the renaissance

Looks so fucking comfy m8.

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wait hold on why isnt this picture part of the public and Jow Forums's consciousness(i too haven't seen this picture before)

We can't return because people don't believe genuinely in God and Christ. Already Nietzsche pointed that out you turd

france explain yourself

>the french suck at war

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you have to keep this ID alive.

> shitskin says this since he enjoys white inventions that makes his life not a mega shithole
> implying we would not trade all of the modernity we have for a homogeneous nation

>live a life of whoring with dirty sluts at tavern
go on


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>french brothers
Kernow has no brothers. Kernow needs no brothers.

The middle ages spans almost 1000 years, which part of the middle ages are you referring to?

I apologize for extreme Burger ignorance. European history isn’t taught here, really. He probably thinks the pilgrims landed, the revolutionary war happened, and finally the 20th century happened.

They worked half the hours we do.

Imagine WANTING to be a serf... dumb niggas

Minas Tirith

I kinda wish I was a westerncuck but then I look how theyre doing now and im proud to be a slavshit

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for real: is this a real place? can I visit it?

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>As of 2015, the island has a population of 50.
Fuck how do I apply to be citizen number 51

Your ancestors probably died besieging it at one time Pierre. Or Peter.

Early Middle Ages were pretty comfy.

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This documentary gave me a huge appreciate for this shit. Imagine how much went into building these things back then, building one could literally span a couple generations...fucking insane:


they better pay their taxes

> we
t. retarded faggot who doesn't speak for the board at all

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Are it Gondor?

The middle

The crux of your question is, how do you define "high times"?

Based on cultural hegemony of Christianity, picturesque houses and living without hormone/chemical laced food.... than yes maybe the Middle Ages were a "high times"

If you value banal thinks like sanitation, running water, rule of law and not dying of the black plague or when a group of Landsknecht's is ransacking your village for food and supplies.

You choose...

t. completely impotent, weak little angloid Jew faggot bitch

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Read "The Middle Ages"
Then play Crusader Kings II

I doubt Zombies could get in there. Wanna see a zombie movie set in Europe where they all hole up in medeval castles and live of peanuts from the souvenir shops.

Not sure i wan a life of turnip farming, put the date forwards a few hundred years. Age of exploration, would rather die horribly sailing the seas, then horribly to wokibg my self to death in a muddy field

It was pretty bad

> the Black Death killed 50 million people in the 14th century, or 60 per cent of Europe’s entire population.

>The Great Famine started with bad weather in spring 1315. Crop failures lasted through 1316 until the summer harvest in 1317, and Europe did not fully recover until 1322. The period was marked by extreme levels of crime, disease, mass death, and even cannibalism and infanticide.

>Popular revolts in late medieval Europe were uprisings and rebellions by (typically) peasants in the countryside, or the bourgeois in towns, against nobles, abbots and kings during the upheavals of the 14th through early 16th centuries, part of a larger "Crisis of the Late Middle Ages". Although sometimes known as Peasant Revolts, the phenomenon of popular uprisings was of broad scope and not just restricted to peasants. In Central Europe and the Balkan region, these rebellions expressed, and helped cause, a political and social disunity paving the way for the expansion of the Ottoman Empire.

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Get your fuckin' gay little Jewish shit off the board you motherfuckin' fat ass Shart-Mart shopper.

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Well if you like the idea of never bathing, drinking shit water your whole life. Either being a member of ruling class, noble, or being a slave. Dying from a flu because you can never afford food... Then yes. The Middle Ages were the high time for Europe.

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>calls others bad at war
>can only win wars if they enter it at the end
>loses to rice farmers

Firstly, no one cares that English uses French words; it has no significance to anything.

Secondly, Corsica is rightful Sicilian clay, and ergo Napoleon is not French. Please subtract Napoleon's victories from the French count.

It literally took nearly 1000 years for it to reach that stage of construction. Slowly evolving into what it is today. Behold burgers... this single piece of architecture carries more history then your 300 year old experimental shopping mall.

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kek. Daily reminder that Canada has never lost a war.

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Also... that moment when you realise Minas Tirith is real.

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I'm surprised so many of you don't know Mont Saint Michel.

I wonder how the new "french" will care for it when they become majority and soon after start forgetting basic technologies.


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