Robbed by niggers

My college house got broken into over Thanksgiving. They stole a lot of expensive shit like TVs, jewelry, and video games. I always said I hated niggers Jow Forums mainly because of the meme but now I think I really hate them. Three reasons I know it was niggers:

1) Our college is near fucking Baltimore.
2) They unplugged the PS4 and took an iPad upstairs with them but fucking forgot to take them with them when they left.
3) Every room was trashed, most of what was gone was only money and medications so they were looking for drugs

After all this I think I can wholeheartedly say I despise niggers, and not even as a meme. Ironically they tried to steal a bunch of expensive stuff but didn't steal our $800 piano keyboard or my $1.5k desktop since they're too retarded to know the value of them.
Anyone else have experience with niggers like this?

Attached: break-in.jpg (2048x1536, 775K)

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UMBC, Towson or UMD? Fellow Marylander here


>living near niggers
>not having every doorway and window sill trapped with tripwires connected to sawed off shotguns, poison gas and explosives
You were asking for it.

Nothing that bad, but working in a major city, they try to scam me or run retarded games pretty much every day.
I'm amazed more urban whites aren't driven racist by their shines.

Fucking motherfucking niggers every fucking time.

I literally crack open a beer everytime a nigger gets stabbed in London.

Sorry about your loss user and for god's sake don't apologise for despising niggers they're not worth a piss.

I didn’t realize bong niggers were as bad as Ameri-niggers

it could just as easily be a white methead

We actually did block off the doors and locked the windows. They just broke our window down

This is a key component of racism: realizing they act the same everywhere.