for some fucking reason you mongs keep using the word "socialism/socialist" wrong.
so here's a little explanation for you:
Capitalism and Socialism are not compatible, they're opposites, Communism IS Socialism (they're not synonyms, Communism just falls under the definition of Socialism).
this is why the USSR was called the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics, and not "Communist" republics.
Capitalism: private property of the means of production (the owner of the means of production can keep money generated by the workers who used these means of production to produce things)
Socialism: collective ownership of the means of production, in other words abolition of private property (there's no private owner that keeps money generated by a worker, the worker gets the full value generated by their own labour)
Communism: end stage of socialism, there are no social classes, there's no money, and there's no state.
Social Democracy: social justice within Capitalism through state funded services, most notably: universal healthcare, all levels of education (yes, incluiding university), welfare in general for the non able bodied, partially funded services like transport and utilities in general.
Socialism is not "gibs", it's not "for the lazy", it's the absolute opposite, everyone is equally liable to work, when you think of "gibs" that is Social Democracy.
when you think of Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, you're not thinking of socialists, they are social democrats which is a Capitalist ideology and literally the opposite of socialism.
why they call themselves "democratic socialists" is beyond me, maybe they are actual socialists lying to you and portraying themselves as social democrats to lure people in to the left, I don't know, I don't care, the ideology they espouse is Social Democracy.
now that you've been educated try and not use these terms wrong again.