Attached: burger.jpg (953x927, 104K)
How do we fix burgers?
Christopher King
Isaac Myers
Read the story. The dumb spic fixed herself.
Ryder Adams
I'm sorry but this story makes no sense.
Jonathan Gomez
Cooper Hill
Thomas Fisher
Good riddance.
Jacob Murphy
It never does on Jow Forums.
Alexander Brown
Serves her right.
Isaiah Clark
By stop letting niggers work at McDonalds
Nicholas Nguyen
wasted kys
Sebastian White
Jackson Bailey
Not with nose jobs, apparently.
Thomas White
Was she jewish?
Wyatt Nelson
Did you mean
>nose nce
Hunter Hall
Waste quintuplets again, Paco. I fucking dare you. Shit like this is why everyone hates you.
William Brooks
John Anderson
imagine being so unqualified that your best shot at getting a job is mcdonalds and that somehow inferior black people still manage to get the spot over you. pretty impressive uh?
Justin Cooper
Peek reddit my friend. Slice your throat open in front of your whore mother :)
Nathan Hill
hispanics pushed blacks out of low wage jobs
Logan Hill
and nothing of value was lost.
Jonathan Watson
Off by one, faggot.