liberals are now going to destroy museums. Enjoy them while they last.

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I mean, British museum are just filled with shit they stole when they were all imperialistic. Doesn't mean it should be returned though.

Spoils of war, non-whites would gladly do the same in a heart beat but they're not white and retarded and got pwned

Not disagreeing that anyone else would do the same, but doesn't really justify imperialist theft. Our country is guilty of the same thing.

Whites are the only ones that will preserve the artifacts, the browns will just poo in it.

I don't see anything wrong with it.

I never liked museums much, or zoos. A statue goes with its surrounding landscape, as a Lion goes with its Savannah.
It's kind of boring, gathering them all up in a neat little cage that even the most corpulent and lazy wastes of bone and pus can visit.

If you want good will with their nation, returning shit like that seems like a good idea.

>white superiority and supremacy

All the artifacts that remained in their homelands guess what happened to them?
Destroyed and sold in blackmarkets.

Indonesia is majority Muslim, so put two and two together and you can predict what will happen to that artifact.

Guilt is internalized shame, and shame is for peasants.