Calling it now:

Calling it now:

Some brown baby is going to get shot and a photographer is going to take some "iconic" photograph of a grieving mother holding her dead child in her arms.

Then the picture will be plastered over every news outlet in the country, shared by every twitter user, Time magazine will have some solemn cover page about it saying how we've failed as a country. Hashtags like "#remember[baby]" will trend across the world.

The left will push this so hard and use it as a call to action to open the borders to these invaders. And the whole thing will be done on purpose. They'll purposely provoke the US soldier into shooting at them so that they can get a child shot.

They've learned from the drowned refugee baby in Europe that all you need is a dead child to get what you want.

Attached: trash.jpg (800x450, 88K)

Other urls found in this thread:"gassing babies"&src=typd

Calling it now:
We will meme the fuck out of that photo and make fun of it.
My sides are ready.

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You know it.

All the screenshots will be women and children while most of them are male. Propaganda 101.

It will happen. Our response will be to blame the parent.

>Time magazine will have some solemn cover page about it
Understand what happened to the West

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They love using kids for their agenda and Liberal women fall for the stupid pics every time.

why did that fat turd bring her small turds into danger?

They should take those poor kids away.
Their mother willingly exposed them to danger.

Let's give this thread some attention just in case OP is right
>pic related

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Trump should just pay some Mexicans to shoot at them. Brown on brown crime is okay according to the left

If you don't reply to this post a migrant will die from a tear gas canister getting lodged in his anus and exploding

WTF gwey

Attached: asdfkom.png (751x936, 1.19M)

Back into the tear gas she goes.

They mercilessly kill children to push their agenda. Its like the only trick they have. School shootings, fake gassings in syria, drowning children in europe... who is fucking behind this sociopathic, globally homogenous campaign

who indeed

Should the murder of a defenseless child not be documented and shared?"gassing babies"&src=typd

Mine the salt!

Israel does this all the time and nobody [that matters] says anything about it...

The difference is Merkel isn't President of the US. Just imagine how fucked we'd be with a Clinton presidency if thousands of savages were at our border

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The American people won't care because no one wants these people here except kikes.

Here's your salt!

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Didn’t Bill Clinton gas (and burn) a bunch of kids in Waco Texas.

At least it wasn't giftgas.

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Bingo Bongo Bango.

Just shoot everyone with a camera.

flood their twitter threads with pictures of aborted babies

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Then we need to mobilise, print pictures of the dead children killed by Islamic state sympathetic refugees such as Ebba and first thing in the morning cover each newspaper with her picture with the quote “Why didn’t you print this?” Or “It’s okay to kill whites?” on it, THAT is how we win this

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Shit the caravan can just drown a kid, pull it out of a back pack and hold it up to the closest photographers at this point.

its really ironic they didnt complain when obama was shooting missiles from drones at babies

>Kids who arrived are suffering in detention camps and cutting their wrists and shit
>You have to let them in so they can suffer these terrible conditions
How can one side be running both these stories at the same time?

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Nice pic, meme the hell out of this

Hillary was mostly responsible.

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That never happened. CNN never said so therefore it’s not true. Our lord & savior Obama could do no wrong

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This shill shit is crazy
Those two white girls (by american standards) are being dragged by a mongrel shitskin.
Why would the conversation on this pic be anything besides human trafficking??????????????????????????????????????????

By American standards literally nobody in picture is white. Also those kids shouldn't be wearing diapers at that age, what is up with spics?
Why do they always do this?

Works every time.

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less spics to deal with, shoot all who dare cross the border illegally

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