WW3 gets started by Russian Aggression

"Just fuck my shit up, senpai"
Earth in a call to Russia, colorized 2018.

Attached: ww3.png (978x578, 140K)

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drumpftards will defend this

Yeah well have fun dealing with that in the Ukraine. No more brother wars. We will not be fighting to help you




>International waters
Nobody owns international waters lmao
Hugo de Groot ftw
Hohols btfo

Okay since Russia is going to overtake countries, can we start to invade Canada and Mexico?

I stand with Russia. I hate ukraine and ukrainians and I dont like russians either but ukrainians are stupid and should give their territory back to people who really own it.


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They've been bullying and slowly absorbing old Soviet territories for years now. Even land invaded with help from Russian Loyalists in the Ukraine not that long ago around Crimea.

Those emojis and hashtags look so fucking dumb. Degenerate times we live in.

Ask me how I know you're not American.

Russia is doing this because this is the only time they have enough manpower to exert on maintaining their national interests.


He has predicted the future.

Tell me wise one.

>And beyond
Trying to drag everyone else into it

>Ukraine challenged
>whole world challenged
Is it wishful thinking or is Ukraine protected by the entire globe?

What's a drumpftard?

WW3 has been happening since the Arab spring.

He's counting on help from the Juden.

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Good. The west needs to be purged.

This was less aggressive than the USS Liberty incident. Ukraine should send Russia billions of dollars a year now and they can be like ZOG USA.

>Ukraine sends ships off the coast of Crimea
>get BTFO
>hurr muh Russian aggression

We need to stay out of this, this is the exact sort of clusterfuck like WW1 that America should have avoided.

>launching a flotilla to the Kerch Bridge after making threats to bomb it
>getting shot
Xoxol's at it again

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please do i hate it here

well, technically, You and Great Britain signed a paper that said "Russia will fuck off from the rest of ukraine, and ukraine will leave crimea alone. If russia doesn't apply, we will step in to protect Ukraine" So, yeah. there you go.

this mutt woke

Ask me how you know I'm not American

We rip up deals and turn on our allies all the time.

THIS. FUCK Zogkraine.

is this real? I don't mean the message itself, I mean does the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine seriously uses emojis? that is pathetic

What happens when Ukraine ignores that, puts its ships near the Crimea coast and there cries and declares war on Russia anyway?

Do you have any actual allies besides us?
actual allies meaning those willing to do shit for you, becouse the fact that you're going to break the deal when its convinient is quite obvious. Im just curious if someone else is stupid enough like us.

Nah, Poland America has your back

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Has Ukrain paid it;s nato dues?

what a gay fucking picture

How can the volunteer corps care so much about defeating russia when they are wielding israeli weapons and their government is ruled by puppets with gayer-than-two-gay-cowboys-eating-pudding twitter profiles. I had to click twice to make sure there wasn't any snapchat dog filter or duck face going on in that selfie

SMMFHFAL u don goofed bruh
maintain it at one hundred my nigger

Good question

Want almost everyone and everything to fucking die. WWIII NOW

Mexico would be an amazing country if whites colonized it. Just imagine the possibilities. It's too bad we lost our moxy.

Since the CIA (and their friend George Soros) installed a puppet government in Ukraine in 2014, this is just Russia going to war against the CIA. Whether the US starts WWIII or not reveals whether Trump has control of the CIA or not.

You're a retard

No one cares about holols. Sorry holols.

brilliant response!

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Why would it? Its not in NATO

Wasnt this preceeded by hohols detaining a bunch of our cargo ships that went to port in Crimea and arresting their crews, us telling them to quit it or we ll lock down the strait, and EU and bongs'n'burgers telling us to lay down and not act out on it? Seems to me like everybody knew exactly what they were heading towards. Also i heard Donbass residentials started getting shelled at the same time - did that really happen?

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West being cocky and attacking Russia is how wars get started.

Literally get rid of Putin.

I hope Russia rapes the EU. That's what they get for not spending on defense but for massive welfare shit. Gonna be interesting what Mohameds do if the EU is a war zone. They won't fight for Europe.


>we must stand united!
what did he mean by this?

Our greatest ally bombs us and we send them 38 billion. Guess maybe if you bombed us we'd of stuck by you cuz our government is full of back stabbing ZOG cucks. Anyone who relied on backstabbing ZOG U.S. deserves to back stabbed by U.S. at this point.

And no, I don't give any fucks about ZOG Ukraine. Crimea river.

Why are Russians always such eternal shits? They are the worst cancer of humanity. This is why in America we always we're glad we have niggers rather than Russians.

based leaf

The Russians are not our greatest threat, the Chinese are. The Chinese are stealing our technology through our universities and companies and taking it all back to China. Take for example Carnegie Mellon University, it is a leader in robotics, yet most of its students are Chinese. Trump is correct, China is our biggest threat.

>cross water border
>do not respond when border patrol tell you to go back
>get arrested

Alsp, Poroshenko enabled martial law. This is the main purpose of all this. His ratings are extremely low, and people kinda looking back to good old Yanukovich times.
During martial law, no elections could be held, very convenient.
Needless to say, ukrainians people are freezing right now because their government fuck up all agreements on natural gas (even with all those euro loans), so another maidan is coming. This is desperate con to hold the power.
Ukrain will crumble, it is only a matter of time now. No action needed.

Finally. Kremlin will get tomahawked that faggot city of Moscow will burn once again.

>be russia
>sink your own carrier
>steal a ship from ukraine to make up for it
nigger tier.

Asians have filed a federal lawsuit against Ivy League schools discriminating against them. I call upon the Supreme Court to rule against them, as they are spies attempting to undermine and destroy our country. They are emotionless, tireless drones.

have you ever seen an asian irl though, they are universally languid, listless, dead-eyed

Because I forgot to mention they also lack a soul. They are not Christian.

>cross border
Crimea is a territory of Ukraine which you illegally occupied.

Can agree although there are rare individuals with a capacity to stumble on and adhere to Christianity/morality. I knew a Japanese/Phillipino family who were Catholics and they acted more like white people than other asians although many of the major behavioral traits were still present. It is true that East-Asian immigrant populations are a subversive force, though. They are not particularly intelligent but their cognitive phenotype matches the pegs-in-holes monotony of the modern format of global academe. They are highly conformist and materialistic allowing them to climb social ranks relatively quickly, however, of the many, many adult asians I've known in my life I've yet to meet any who have even a passing interest in literature, philosophy, higher purpose etc

Fuck off. Remember to always sage and ignore these jidf shills.

There were referendum in Crimea with presence of foreign observers.
If we talking about legality here, toppling of legally elected Ukrainian president under supervision of foreign agents (Nuland, for example) already asks question about legitimacy of current Ukraine as a state.

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Their purpose here is to acquire knowledge and technology and send it back to China. That's why they are storming the education sector and attend math camps all summer and have mastered the SAT. Their financial donations to democratic parties is also telling.

This isn't exactly true, though. You can't even ascribe that much agency to them nor Machiavelian future planning to Chinese social architects. Asians aren't capable of this kind of shit, they are extremely myopic and practical to a fault

Study the art of war and Chinese history, then get back to me.

If 88, nuclear holocaust, and America's first reich begins in Germany and trump quite literally picks up where hitler left off

>thinking that 21st century asians can see past their noses

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>break away from russia less than 100 years ago
>use the JEW N in a silly attempt to protect yourself
>wonder why russia starts shit when JEW N starts looking weak

Poor babies

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America is by no means sinless. We have had slaves, invaded and killed millions of innocents through invasions, regime changes, and the so called war on terror. Our cultural decline is what will kill us, and the Chinese are awaiting their opportunity to attack.

Grab your deer rifle and go take it back, boomer. The Ukrainians will in all seriousness accept your help.

why the fuck are you here bitching at us?

If 1488 Your wish is granted.

what the fuck is that cancer of replacing works with emojis. It hurt my brain to read

Twitter used to have a smaller character limit in tweets, which made that a viable method of saying longer messages, but now is superfluous.

Referendum was unconstitutional and presence of some random people with foreign passports doesn't make it legit. Ukrainian president was still in Ukraine when maidan took place, he escaped to Russia because he was Putin's puppet all along.

>using emojis to refer to your country in a time of possible war
yeah Ukraine deserves it

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cant wait to kill some slavniggers in ww3. hopefully some of you russian troll farm faggots are among them. i guess /ptg/ will cease after that

>act like an aggressive retard and don't submit needed documents
>get handcuffed and put in jail
>"oy vey such very aggressive actions we must declare martial law now and shut down elections!"
>[USA/EU money and military support intensifies]


So is using violence to eject the legally elected president

>Ukrainian president was still in Ukraine

He was chased out using force in a violent coup. The entirety of the Maiden Coup was unconstitutional and the result of western foreign meddling and intervention in Ukraine. The presidents position was entirely reasonable as he rejected a EU deal that demanded the end of any trade deals with Russia, an idiotic idea considering they are a neighbor.

God damn it, man, the US is going to fuck us up, isn't it. How do I join the caravan? Is being a quarter jewish going to help me in some way to get in?

Everyone knows its been Ukraine provoking Russia for the last 4 years ....

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Gets BTFO, cries for his buddies to bail him out. Fuck off Ukraine.

Crimea is inhabited by Russians. It was part of Russia until the (((Soviets))) assigned it to Ukraine. When the USSR broke up, it got lumped in with Ukraine even though the people living there were Russian.

America can't afford to take part in some grand across the pond war. If the draft was a thing again there would be riots and it would escalate into a full blown race war. Niggers and spics want gibs and whitey is getting tired of paying for everybody else. The only thing holding our country together is apathy and being pacified by whatever the jews feed us

Obviously, look at gdp and population of China and look at ru. Ru had same population as it did in 1994. You won't see the jews saying this

>Send ships to Crimea
>Russia reacts
>Oy vey, how could this happen

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Win Win situation for Poroshenko.

1) Stages an international incident.
2) Gets rid of Ukraine "fleet" to not waste money on it
3) Envokes "War state" in Ukraine, suspends elections and arrests Timoshenko
4) Dumb west cries again about "russian aggression" when it was Ukrainian military that staged the incident, all while they perfectly knew the rules for passing the kerch and other ukrainian military ships actually passed under Krimean bridge before peacefully, getting the permission.

Its nice test to monitor mass media and to see which even had shred of objectivity looking on how they will report on it and events happening within Ukraine (though most likely to ignore the later entirely as they did all those years)

Ukr ships passed under Crimean bridge before, legally getting a permission. Peacefully and without problems

This time they choose not. Be nig, get shot.

They knew perfectly well what they were doing, and this provocation clearly was ordered from higher up, sacraficing their "fleet" to envoke war state and suspend elections.

I wonder how they will blame us this time


>implying we're not going to stab you in the back for no reason at all
you're not israel or saudi arabia, you get no protection from ZOG's whims

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>4 months until election
>cockhole in chief ratings are low as shit
>send your ships to Russian shore
>they get shot trying to cross border
>issue state of emergency
>state of emergency means no election can take place
The funny part is Western public actually IS stupid enough to eat this shit up LMAO

Except those were military boats trying to cross the strait. Oy vey

Funny thing, those same ships already crossed the Bridge legally in september, not causing any trouble and getting border control permission.

This time it was intentional border violation and incident.

Are Ukrainians just the niggers of slavs?