teacher should have shot the magatard kid and done the world a favor. not like the kid had a future anyway.
cringe and leafpilled
to be honest if the dress code says "no hats" it doesn't matter what kind of hat he wears. I understand it's a MAGA hat but it's kind of the same argument as if the student showed up in a banana hammock and then threw a fit. if the rule is never actually enforced except in this exact case, however, then the teacher is just being a cunt.
is a teacher allowed to call a student an asshole?
That teacher is a limp wrist faggot holy shit
dumb nigger. No hats means no hats. following rules is what separates us from the apes.
As a teacher all I have to say is
Take that fucking hat off
Obey the dress code fool
If it's true that they aren't allowed to wear hats at all, the kid is in the wrong.
Quickly, Children! into the bulletproof school shooting bunker!
>"OMG He's vlogging!"
The kids streaming right now
>Wearing hats indoors
That smartass punk kid woke that morning and decided that he wanted to start a fight with his teacher and pretend to be a victim on the internet. It's disrespectful to to wear a hat in the classroom and he should have been sent to the office.
>if the rule is never actually enforced except in this exact case, however, then the teacher is just being a cunt.
I'm sure that's the case. That is how society is set up now, they make everything illegal and only enforce it on people they don't like or who are a thorn in their side.
Total arbitrary tyranny
Teacher sounds like a limp wristed faggot. The right answer is just to say "Hats off inside take it off or wait in the hall" none of that crap rambling on about rules and persecution.
>following rules is what separates us from the apes.
Apes have rules. I think you meant niggers.
Security at my high school would have taken that hat away real quick. This kid is a dumbass and was clearly looking for someone to start some shit
They're giving these kids a lot of power, these faggy soiboy teachers have no idea how badly this is blowing up in their faces.
>not wearing spiffy uniforms
Utter plebs.
yeah im guessing the teacher hasnt been enforcing that rule until someone wore a maga hat. if i would have been him and didnt want him to wear it i would have said no political campaigning in my class and then i would have taken the hat and told him he can have it back after class.
teacher should walked up to the civic cuck leaned over and whispered "you're a zionist kike faggot" into his ear and sat back down and just stared at him in pure silence..
You don't wear hats indoors. That's always been a thing.
LMAO this could turn into a gas chamber if the shooker brings a gas mask and some sort of deadly gas with him
so, can anyone explain why evacuate the classroom is an appropriate procedure when someone is wearing a hat ?
I mean, I can see why you are all talking about if the kid should be wearing that hat in class or not... but really ? evacuating the whole class ?
and everyone acts like this is a normal thing ?
when did the world got this fucked up
imagine they all evacuated into the hallway just as a school shooter was entering it. that would be ironic like rain on your wedding day.
if it was a girl who violated the dress code wearing a skirt that was too short or a shirt that was too tight i’m sure the teacher would also stop class for half an hour singling her out to shame her and call her an asshole and then force everyone to evacuate the room. this is standard procedure for someone not following a dress code and not at all targeted harassment.
Can we find this teacher?
No violence. No threats but he needs to be notified that he's on watch.
Fellow teacher, 100% agree. I wonder what his IAP says.
So I guess this would vary if a dress code existed.
Things that make me wonder that this isnt the case is the extended convo on " bending the rules". I also wonder if the magatard is / was being disruptive on purpose .
Moral of the story is the teacher could possibly be fired because of the asshole insult. Good on them though. I hate shit teachers who cant hang.
Its just like if a kid came to class wearing a nazi uniform or a KKK hood.
The kid shouldn't wear the hat if the rule is no hats in school. With that said however, the faggot teacher going on about "bending rules" in school seems to imply the rule may or may not be enforce all the time, so he shouldn't have to follow the rules this time if others are getting away it.
And that retarded bitch who made the "racist!" remark should get raped by niggers that she probably loves so much.
Hopefully, he has a union. If so, most require 1st a verbal warning, 2nd a written warning, 3rd discipline up to and including suspension, and 4th termination. I love union due process.
Also, I'm ready to fight for this country.
What if it was a yarmulke
Honestly he probably doesn't . He did the wrong thing by letting the class get out of control like that. WHY THE FUCK would you physically remove the entire class instead of one troublemaker. I went to a shitty inner city highschool and I remember countless times where trouble kids would not leave and would wait for police to come get them out of the room. One time there was thing HUGE brawl in the middle of class...lol fuck the city.
He isn't even white. Looks like a a spic and a jew with that nose.
this teacher sounds ghey and his shit is all fucked up.
honestly who the fuck wears shit like that anyways. Fuck politics but especially when you turn it into some lame ass hat that looks like doodoo anyways.
that teacher was such a faggot
I'll pray for you. You're damaged goods. Inner city schools are daycare centers and prisons. Glad I left. The only perk you have working in an innercity public school is the strong teacher unions, that's it.
> What if it was a yarmulke
Still here B.
Yeah nothing beats almost getting murked on the way to Algebra 1. Bro I used to sit on the fucking radiator because the classes had like 40 kids in them sometimes.
There is a real reason "teachers" are paid like shit.
Because they are and do shit.
if it was a nigger, do you think they would make him take the hat off?
Zoomer faggots wearing hats in schools wear theres no hat rule.
Retarded stand off. The kid is a rebellious child, the teacher went in a roundabout way instead of just saying "no hats allowed" both parties are dumb as fuck
Basically this. I've seen literal police standoffs in school. This is just plain old fucking stupid
My high school banned all hats. If that's the case here, whatever.
If the teacher is singling out the MAGA hat but not others, that's retarded.
Kid should sue the teacher and school district. This type of targeted harassment is unacceptable. Did the teacher forget he works for taxpayers and is paid by government and taxpayers? If he takes the classroom else where and denies the student from education and thinks he has the right to do that, he's throwing the support for the funding of public education out the window. If leftists want to defend that position, all schools will no longer be funded by taxpayers and there would be no right to "free" public education.
>orange man baaaad
Just wear a MAGA Yamaka and they can't say shit.
mfw right wing people are now doing the exact same shit leftys and SJW's do, virtue signalling and playing victim over menial shit
>hats of in class please bucko
>b-but mah political expression
seriously this cunt is like 17 wtf does he comprehend about politics >:( theres just no escape from the retardation of both sides in society these days.
This is no different than a teacher saying I don't want you to wear that muslim hijab cause it makes people uncomfortable and taking the class to another room. Does he forget that this is a government job and not a private teaching lesson? The fact is, he has no basis to send him to the principals office or get him expelled. That's why he's trying to do a round about. If this hits the news, he will be fired for targeted discrimination and harassment.
it's just a PR stunt for a dumb Joe Rogan knockoff podcast.
Why exactly do people get so uppity about wearing hats in class anyway?
It's truly embarrassing
I would like the exact same thing to happen. But only to you. Fuckin' retarded leaf.
No firearms seperate us from the animals, rules are for government cucks
I always like take the pros and cons of a given situation. What I think I have against the kid is that, hats indoors are gay, and there is a rule. What I support him on though is if there was someone wearing a FUCK TRUMP shirt, the teacher would not give a shit about the speech. He is hiding behind the hat rule to stop a conservative from expressing himself. the teacher is a faggot.
Why hasnt someone grinded the Democrat part off yet?
Niggers do stupid crime shit in schools and conceal themselves in hoods and hats and the schools just ban all headwear.
What a fucking fruit cake.....
The kid was technically in the wrong, but this push-back is desperately needed. Colleges will start to fill with these types very soon, and the administration is going to be shitting themselves. The teacher also acted like a fag.
so a teacher can call a student an asshole? lol
Lolz maga conservative faggots
the teacher said it wasn't about him wearing hat indoors, but that it was a maga hat.
If a male teacher calls out a female student for wearing a skirt that's too short or a dress code violation like that he'll be accused of being a pervert and asked why he was looking. To enforce the dress code in a situation like that, the only safe course is to have a female colleague do it. It's either that or let it slide.
as a fellow teacher, i 100% disagree.
the teacher should have used this as an opportunity to show how adults handle situations where they disagree with people politically, and yet can still work together to get the job done.
instead, the teacher is teaching the students that throwing mass tantrums OVER A HAT is okay in the real, adult world.
Since when, boomer? Kids wear hats to school all the fucking time.
Good on the kid.
I hate public schools.
God I can't stand the smug bitches in the background
That teacher should be fired for such nonsense
And that's why children should be homeschooled. For every one good teacher there are nine bad ones that do that shit.
A. Fucking. Leaf.
Figures as much.
Don't make me fucking laugh!
what if he wore an obama t shirt?
>"The color pink isn't racist."
Did some bitch in the classroom actually say that?
Most of you are missing the point here. If hats are against the rules then that's that, but that's not the actual conflict going on. The real issue is the teacher's psychotic reasoning. He doesn't try to get him to take off the hat out of technicality, he tries to rationalize it to him on a moral level. He basically tells the kid that wearing a hat that shows support for the current President of the United States in an American classroom is immature, needlessly provocative, and makes it an unsafe learning environment. His logic applies to shirts, bags, and literally anything else, because he's making it all about the symbol. He's not even trying to play the game. He's being completely direct about it. I just wish the kid was old/smart enough to have really given it to him like he deserved.
the interpretation of the constitution will allow a blanket "no hats" rule, but I'm sure this is selectively enforced. kid should have put away the hat and then waited a couple days and worn a PC message hat
teacher is definitely a faggot
Jews are white, Jews are Gods Chosen people, if you don't accept that you are an Anti-Semite and are everything the Goy Emperor hates, Trumps America has no place for people like you.
>holding your opponents to their own standards
hello kike
Let me guess you're red for ed
You teachers should get a pay CUT from what I've been seeunf you grind out in the past 10 years.
Dude should wear a Trump shirt tomorrow.
>being able to wear your hat in class
they made us take all hats off the instant we entered the school building
That’s what the magafag pointed out. He says at one point that 30 adults being unable to learn because of a hat is massively under preparing them for the real world where they’ll have to deal with people who have different opinions
The kud should have told the teacher he's with her... therefor cannot be held accountable.
Why is he wearing his sister's jacket? Is that cheap Chinese dog fur??
>mfw right wing people are now doing the exact same shit leftys and SJW's do, virtue signalling and playing victim over menial shit
Haha yeah thisx1000. We shouldn't make them play by their own rules. That would be dumb.
Let's take the high ground. Trump is racist anyway, amirite fellow huwhites?
Very good question.
Goddamn revisionism.
He's be in handcuffs getting a 5 year sentence.