Dow futures down over 200
Oil at 50 bucks a barrel
WW3 started

Get in the happening bunker RIGHT FUCKIN NOW

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off

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Jow Forums predicts regarding economic crashes are always wrong.

I only invest in pot stocks so I'm good

Jow Forums isn't actually always right. Heh


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i'm all out of weed :( fuck!

get ready to eat fuckin shit tomorrow richie rich

glow in the dark cat posters

futures aren't even down for dow and s&p mini

you wish kike

get in the bunker, fag

Uh huh.


To be fair, futures weren't down when lehman brother's collapsed.

lucky trip 7s affirms it

>bloomberg must be lying about the current state of Asian markets!
Are you retarded? You can get this data from any number of websites.

copy that
standing by for further instructions.

Too bad I live in California and the economy is already fucked here.

>living in california
for what purpose?

What exactly does this mean for my bitcuoins?

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bitcoin and gold will see gains

>implying the jews didn't regulate crypto in the beginning 2017


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We did not do that. I mean they. They did not do that. Come on now.


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>larping as a larp of a larping jew
for what purpose?

CME set up something where you could short bitcoin specifically.
That's when I knew indefinitely it was over.

What makes you think the stock market will crash tomorrow nigger?

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Fuck off, you cunt.
Taking profits on ALL my short positions.

::::laughs in wall st.::::::

t. no understanding of the stock market or economics.

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Buttcoin shits the bed

its only getting worse from here
i need another drink

Futures are way up dumbass.

>t. professional day trader

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Hope so faggot.

I liquidated all my assets this year.

Bought up some precious metals. Rented a suite condo for the short term.

Patiently awaiting the housing market to bottom out so I can buy back in again.

Bring on the pain (((banksters)))

My financials are ready!

Can it wait one more year?

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today's events have real niggers spooked

>t. boomer who owns meme stocks like amazon

so black monday huh.

might as well buy shares in tesla

part black

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the blackest

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the face of a generation

>Conveniently ignores the schmita incident

thank god this year is almost over
im sure next year will be much worse

shemitah doesn't always mean crash. it means restructure. and what would have been the point if they knew the whole thing would crash within this 7 year period

I've had less attempts on my life in the odd years than the even, so I'm feeling optimistic.

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>off by 1

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reported for being a faggot

jej ikr?

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>oil at 50 a barrel
>gas is cheap as shit right now
>I have a lot in cash because I'm planning on buying a house soon
>rest of my investments are either exceptionally long-term or tied to the S&P500 which is mostly fine thus far
explain why this is bad for me

>22 y/o zoomer who bought tech at the top of the bubble

Its late bro, keep your glow to a nightlight.

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Thanks bud

Possible runaway inflation?
S&P collapse wiping out most of your investment?
But yeah, a market correction where houses drop 10% overnight would be super, i'm preparing to buy a house right now too.

technology is over.

Market rally tomorrow. Don't believe the Jews.

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>proceeds to act like a neo-cohen

the fuck is wrong with him?

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i am short i like when it goes down.

Put that Mutt back in it's cage.

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so far I've lost $2k from my peak portfolio value. That's a 0.5% drop. I'm fine with it. Major S&P correction would be annoying but not end of the world.

Hey look i am from Hong Kong

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Comey testifying is going to accelerate things. He's going to be questioned about page 294 of the IG Report.

yeah ok kid

assange on tuesday
>implying he's alive

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Like you wouldn't...

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I don't find her particularly attractive tbqh

you tomorrow

that's because you're a sane man of european descent

She looks like a tranny


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I'd still probably fuck her, but I wouldn't go out of my way to do so and if there was a better option I'd take it

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kek saved

redheads, amirite?

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down 200 isnt crashing, wake me up when its down fucking thousands

>Nikkei already up over 100 points


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>he doesnt watch the liberty report
Cringe and bluepilled

My 17 year old cousin just got a pizza boy job pulling almost 25 dollars an hour with his tips.

I think cali is doing much better than here in BOOMING Boise with our average wage of 12 peanuts an hour.

>sold while down
>bought into metals, a terrible performer
>losing money on a short term rental
>still waiting for that 10%, at most, lurch downward

Ouch lad, shoudve bought a couple years back. Sitting on 50k equity gain already.

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Fuck its gonna take a lot more than Ukraine to start WW3 cut the bullshit.

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they helped start WWII you uneducated hick.

No doubt brexit will be blamed
Inevitable crash due to QE and cycles

Bitcoin will plummet

except dow futures aren't down?

until the one time that Jow Forums is always right

Also, oil going down is a good thing, it means cheaper gas, cheaper energy, and less coal plants online which is even good for the environment... Oil production has been going up for YEARS but only now the price is coming down, thanks to shale. Only Venezuela, the Saudis, and Russia is crying about it. Fuck all those guys, cheap oil is good.

the futures aren't even down but whatever I'm eating some big loses currently
just to name a few of my laggards but I sold Amazon at it's peak and got lucky with Red Hat recently.

I'd be buying aggressively If I wasn't already all in.

The last time I remember Jow Forums successfully predicted an economic crash was the housing bust in 2008/2009. It was predicted approximately 1 hour before the market opened and the DOW crashed like 900 points (which was much more severe since it was like from 14,000 DOW). A bunch of Wallstreet guys were in a thread panicking the world was ending. Then the Fed announced they were curb stomping the prime rate and the DOW instantly recovered. I made 8 grand that day off a single shitty bond insurer stock that halved in value in an instant, then doubled back to normal during the recovery over a few hours. Good times!

So even when Jow Forums was right, Jow Forums was wrong and BTFO'd by helicopter Ben in the span of 30 minutes.

Nigga what are you doing, you're not allowed to say this because that in itself is a prediction and the opposite will come true.

Cheap oil lowers demand for American oilfield labor. The cheaper the oil, the less American oil is profitable to drill. Steep gas prices is good for American energy and American workers.

>t. Ex bakken oilfield welder employed in New Zealand

with ukraine in a cold war stance with russia, and nato probably pulling their nuts to start a war with poland protecting them. I wouldnt doubt it.