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theyre still slaves to walmart and apple
who gives a shit

> making chinks even chinkier
They're just going to make them into super bug people

west btfo

CRISPR editing is OLD and GAY

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Slide thread

inb4 they start becoming jews worst enemy by making white babys

idk about china, but in SEA white skin and blue eyes is highly desired.

Are there any down sides to this?

No. They'll select for intelligence and raise these gene edited babies from birth to serve their government. This technology will be frowned upon in the west, or perhaps outright banned, because people on the left will cry about "muh eugenics". This will give China a big advantage, assuming they can keep these gene edited geniuses in line.

Wait, what if Chinese women start editing their children to be white? Would this save the white race?

Hey bitch I was going to post that!


Attached: swedish_women.jpg (768x960, 93K)


>race is just superficial characteristics

kek they'll still look like fucking chinks, only with light hair and blue eyes, which already exists in Central Asia
If they manage to turn a literal fucking chink into a 100% Caucasian, like make a chink embryo morph into a Caucasian, then i'll be impressed.

So, they'll finally have eyelids like the rest of civilized humanity now?
Too bad they're already going to be socially engineering everyone to be completely subservient by 2020 and there will be no dissent, they're going full insect now and there's no turning back.

> implying Communists want intellectuals who would come to the realization that Communism is a faggot meme.
There is a reason Commies like to purge intellectuals, people who are a threat to them.
Elite Chinks will never make the average nigger-tier Gook into a Genious.

>gene edit babies
>babies then despise chinamen worse than anyone else
>babies decide lebensraum means remove chink

If this is happening we're actually boned.

I don't think you understand the implications this has. It's easy to laugh at China for a lot of things, but East Asia is making leaps and bounds in this area of study whereas the West is arguing over which bathroom to use.

porra caralho, irmao; china is unironically going to create super cyborg aryans!

chinks will create aryan ubermensch, even after we're annihilated by jews, the chink will ensure our spirit rises from the ashes and then the holocaust will happen for real this time.

Because we have shitskins and race-traitors in the West.
If NatSoc Germany would've won, we would already be colonizing the stars.
Shitskins and traitors have kept us down as a race for 80 years.

Its time to end this nightmare.discord RbeQnj7

>kek they'll still look like fucking chinks

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the birth defects are going to be horrific

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>this late in the game
>"lol, winning!'
Lol, no. Somebody post that Jow Forums image talking about how current Chinese are not the same as the Three Kingdoms Chinese.
Either way, they're fucked. There's WAY bigger things going on than genetics anyway.

That family looks very normal and happy. Is that your best anti WMAF propaganda? Really?

Can they edit them to not be chinese?

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There are always downsides to every technology. Watch them completely fuck their genetics and kill off their race.

The Southwest US will secede from the US after the Mexican majority successfully agitate for secession all faciltated by the (((media))).
The Northwest US will be colonised by China so as to completely undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean, Vancouver is already 43% Chinese and San Francisco is being used as their base in the US.
Australia and New Zealand will be vassals of China after it successfully colonises its major coastal cities via the unregulated student visa program in both countries.
Canada will be sold to the highest bidder, however Vancouver will be secured by China as part of its strategy to undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean. The demographic push will then head south into Seattle and Portland linking up with the Chinese colonists pushing north from San Francisco.
The complete loss of the West coast by the US will turn it into a banana republic and global US hegemony will be over. This will be the signal for the Sunni muslims to implement their own colonisation program, specifically, Western Europe, where the population has been demoralised by the (((media))) and the massive casualties and destruction of the European wars of the 20th century.
Eastern Europe will unite to oppose the Sunni muslim takeover of Europe, leading to nuclear strikes on Istanbul, Riyadh, Islamabad and Cairo by Russian nuclear forces.

This is a slide thread.

better than having gays, trannies, niggers, feminists, etc.

inb4 China creates the next real super evil genius to take over the world!!!

>evil raugh

We could create the ultimate human with gene editing, the most superior of being that would outlive all other races. This would give a straight shot to the perfect Aryan that the Nazi's envisioned. Amazing.

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200IQ 7'0 men with 10" thundercocks coming

>clone sheep in late 90s
>map human genome in early 2000s
i always knew there was work being done on this somewhere just because there HAS to be. the ability to alter humans is just too valuable. were talking everything from cures for diseases to an armies of super-soldiers.

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I KNEW those 7 foot 5 chinamen that impregnated my girlfriend weren't natty

playing god now.
flood 2.0 incoming

>evil raugh
>implying cantonese/mandarin don't have "L"s
>confusing this with japanese
diu ney gao lao mo say ba po, wuhan liu xin fong li shu

Chong dongs are about to get massive, the meta will change, but the song will remain the same.

The era of the super-soldier is upon us.

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Just think of the horrible diseases and turbo-cancers the first few generations of these babies will have. Bless the chinks for sorting through all that as beta testers.

Those look like adorable children desu, I don't think Linus is Jewish or else those kids would look like abominations.

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im still waiting for cat girls

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My gift to industry is the genetically engineered worker, or Genejack. Specially designed for labor, the Genejack's muscles and nerves are ideal for his task, and the cerebral cortex has been atrophied so that he can desire nothing except to perform his duties. Tyranny, you say? How can you tyrannize someone who cannot feel pain?

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>I have invested a great deal of money in you my son. You are the future of China.

>Dad, why are you boiling Mr Puddles alive? Why are you taking rhino horn pills? Why are you taking tiger penis bone pills? Why are you taking dead baby pills? None of that will make your penis bigger father. You are in error. You are not my father. No father of mine could be so foul. You are an insect. And my gene edited brethren will be the boot that wipes out the chinese menace once and for all.

those look like chinks
You can tell they are mongrel mutts

Crispy bug ppl

Of course it had to be for AIDS resistance... is there anything that happens anymore that isn’t purely for the benefit of globohomo?

Who the hell is worried about a stupid "missile gap"?

This. Remember that giant seed bank in Iceland billionaires created once we started going crazy with gene-spliced GMOs? It's an inevitability that these edited genes create infertile organisms.

Actually its good, let the chinks experiment with this and our spies will find out all the downsides from them. Use them a guinea pigs.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

funny thing about asians, they are incredibly good at improving tech developed in the west, but they rarely come up with new inventions...

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Hopefully chinks find genetic cure to homosexuality since its basically illegal to research here

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>chink medicine

that "baby" will be dead or a hideous monstrosity before they are 18.

Looks like Trump was a Chinese plant designed to distract us from this story. In some amazing way, the Clinton's and the MSM have been the good guys after all.

What the absolute fuck are you talking about? Americans are slaves to Walmart and Apple.

tfw no replicant bugwife

> Posts normal looking cute family
> Is supposed to turn people anti chink

Kys you moron. Those babies are adorable

chinks would never lie about their accomplishments so it must be true

Fucking checked and you have a point. Godspeed, based gooks.

>muh dik

>not realizing the PRC is fascism with a communist aesthetic.

This year was a year of more winning than defeats for us. Thank God for that!

Now we have to rush to colonize another planet and prevent the World War 3 that's in process of coming to happen.

Rasputin, Siener, Pike (and others) prophetized the WW3.

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This sounds like something that would come from a movie or novel about a race of mega chinks that will rule the planet. Perhaps it'll be the ultimate aesthetic or just about the most disgusting thing that would exist.

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Bullshit, Leaf. I shop at Giant Eagle.

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Difference being they would do it on a large scale thus allowing them to gather a lot of data and refine the techniques. They can literally be stumbling in the dark and still succeed over time just due to the number of applicants.

>genetically engineer babies immune to HIV
>government forces all Chinese to undergo the procedure
>HIV spreads rapidly across the world (yaas queen inclusivity)
>ethical, christian nations unable to survive without gene modification
>like software, it is all closed source and secretive process
>additional genes modified in addition to the HIV gene
>slave gene requires weekly dosage of certain drug or fatal
>like monsanto round up but with people
>china monopoly on drug
>no helicopters, no soldiers, just doctors and promiscuous aids carriers bring down the US


>Now we have to rush to colonize another planet
found the mars tard!

mixed feelings about this post. Fuck China anyway.

The reason the chinks will win is because they have an unironic understanding of hivemind coupled with zero ethical qualms about genetic engineering or AI. Marry the three together, and you have your star-faring super-race that's going to be the boot in the face of humanity forever. How can fragmented halfbreeed PC-kiked whites stand against a billion-and-a-half strong AI-augmented neurally-networked merciless ubermenchen bugmen? The race is over.

>select for intelligence

Welp, this is going to backfire on them big time. Intelligent people loathe communism or whatever the hell China is doing these days.


Even if you ignore the the AI, genetic manipulation for population gains will forever change the game. I'm amazed most of the retards in this thread don't understand this.


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they've been doing this for a while, look at their olympic basketball team for example

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you did it user

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Sowing their own demise

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We had a good run. At least we'll have lots of holocaust movies to keep us entertained in our white ghettos.

What they're doing isn't anything to get excited about. Maybe in many years they'll be able to do what you're imagining but we don't know how genetics works well enough to do anything but extremely basic things. And even that's probably gonna net you a lot of downies and retards.

>Somebody post that Jow Forums image talking about how current Chinese are not the same as the Three Kingdoms Chinese.

>He Jiankui. Associate Professor. Department of Biolgoy.
Oy Vey

Put me in the screencap.

We live in a time where the ruling class has the technology to ensure they will never, ever be forced from power. The game of musical chairs played for thousands of years has finally ended and they're the ones that managed to luck out with a seat.

Pretty frustrating. They'll make their superhumans who are genetically created to be subservient and loyal to the elites, they'll have their robots and AIs only they control, they'll have their selective bioweapons.

I'm pretty sure normies like us are going to be fucking wiped out within 100 years.

>begun, this eugenics war has

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>We hold life to be sacred, but we also know the foundation of life consists in a stream of codes not so different from the successive frames of a watchvid. Why then cannot we cut one code short here, and start another there? Is life so fragile that it can withstand no tampering? Does the sacred brook no improvement?

Meaningful genetic manipulation is far from being successfully implemented. It will be a serious problem long after we're dead though. Nothing to worry about unless you believe in reincarnation.

Any advancement in this field spells our doom. There’s plenty of retards that cheer this on and honestly expect that they’ll get a taste of the results like it won’t be walked off to the truly elite. We’ll both be slaves if we’re kept alive at all. It’s already trending that way with an even genetic playing field. The crack down on free speech, the cultural Marxism, the surveillance and police state... Any conclusion that doesn’t involve you being absolutely fucked is what’s retarded.

The Chinese are morons. They'll make tons of freaks, fuck it all up.

We know enough to do some things. For example fixing the broken vitamin C gene so we can make it ourselves again.

The main stumbling block is that a lot of the work is illegal or highly restricted in the west.

So like everything China makes I will assume they're flammable and of low quality.

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Commins soon 7' tall Chinese hermaphrodite basketball layers.

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