As you frantically masturbate to anime, Wingloo is foraging the immolated forest for fragments of food. As you screech your babylike demands for fried food and electronic entertainment, Wingloo is patching the corrugated tin on a shack perforated by shrapnel. As your chubby, semen-moistened hands type out an enraged comment on the newest Harry Potter trailer, my scarred, sinewy and coarsened hands dig a grave for my youngest daughter, felled by cholera.
But you can still absolve yourself. Wingloo is coming soon to your country. Wingloo needs food, care and comfortable housing. Wingloo needs your politeness and courteous manners – to show that you are not just helping him because you feel you must, but because you are truly sorry for your fire of cruelty that has lacerated the world.
More and more, you will see me. I am your new neighbor. I am the policeman making sure you behave. I am the friend and neighbor you see every day as you walk through your neighborhood. Each day, more and more, you will grow to accept that I am the new face of your country.
Holy shit OP you must have the IQ of 1000 to make this thread. I am proud of you
Henry Brooks
if da nigga name wingloo he shud go win himself a igloo and lib in it stupid nigga
Landon Myers
Carson Hill
Oliver Brown
I'm proud of you, Wingloo. Bump, it's not like UK police even fucking do shit anymore
Christian Baker
Landon Bennett
Based Wingloo, pls come fuck my daughter. BUT only if you put on a MAGA hat.
Andrew Foster
Dominic King
As long as you come here and get lit and flip burgers we cool. Leave Islam at the door because obviously your god is either cruel or does not exist. We have our own god here, its called money.
Wingloo hopes in his humble way to improve your country.
Countries like United Kingdom are like children learning to grow: for centuries they start wars and colonize, like a disobedient child who hits his parents and spills his food. Now the adult world can help them learn to live in peace, helping themselves and others.
Carter Phillips
the genetics on this monkey lmao, da poopoo should go back fix his AIDS infested shithole.
Sounds like your ancestors did a shit job at developing your country. Whites enjoy those comforts because our ancestors built a successful society for us.
Isaiah Roberts
>you will grow to accept that I am the new face of your country Jumped the shark here, otherwise 6.5/10
Say friend, this option field is looking a might empty. Don't mind if I fill it for you do ya? >Wingloo can fuck right off. Not my problem.
Zachary Thomas
Yeah this is pretty accurate. Most of these morons on Jow Forums are too pussy to go get a real job despite how shitty it may be. I work with alot of folks who somewhat fit the description and they are pretty based people looking to gain footing in a shitty shitty place to start from nothing.
Carson Carter
Jack Ward
Bitch I got all I need. Few bills, rent gets paid, and no debt. I work two jobs from 40-50 hours a week, I tap ladies on the side, but no commitments. I take one to two classes a term and will graduate in 5 years and get a better job. slow and steady wins the race dawg.
Nolan Sullivan
So basically you want me to be homeless.
Parker Foster
your name is Schlomo you hide your flag because you come from a country of privilege
Caleb Edwards
Hi niglooo
Adrian Hill
Get out Dingpoo.
Jaxson Hill
Nigger, who the FUCK cares about some nigger cunt? I look after me and my own, spare me the altruistic suicide.
My brother, I want to help you put your home in order. I know that Western nations have many problems: racist cataclysms that spread out in colonialism across the world. With Wingloo’s assistance, you can learn how to behave better and enjoy greater peace and prosperity. Racism is a vile poison, but even evil is not invincible.