ts that time again boys
>aussie neets hit hardest as gf shortage grips nation
>south Australian feels hit all time low when tfwngf
/Aus/ pol
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all Aussies are inbred stains on the underwear of the world
>Drinking carbonated water in outback heat
That Kangaroo Pepe looks like he is dying of a heat stroke.
the feels bar is open, how you lads holding up?
No links?
Adapt or die faggot.
Met a girl at a football game on saturday, took her home that night, fucked, made her breakfast on sunday morning, and still got ghosted.
Also hello from a rhodesian friend, my parents almost moved us to australia before we moved to the states
lol I got the original comment on that
Drinking a beer in the outback heat with my laptop sitting on a wood stool in front of me right now.
congratulations. i am still a virgin at 21 and get anxious whenever i see a female
>tfw laying next to the pillow and caressing it gently like it's a girl laying next to me
>tfw getting up in the night to pee quietly so as not to disturb the pillow
> GF shortage
> Live within 30 minutes of The Gold Coast and Brisbane CBD.
Top fucking kek Adecucks, come to Sunny old Qld and you'll be swimming in it.
>off by 2
Who was ?
Scomo gave a nice speech in Parliament about that old bloke who got killed by the terrorist. Shorten then gives his own speech about dead guy and managed to make it all about himself. Prize cunt
I was in the same boat until last year user. Since then I've lost 100+ pounds and look a hell of a lot better, so girls, at least some, actually want to talk to me, so they'll forgive a bit of awkardness. It's difficult but once you figure it out you'll get it. Obviously I haven't.
Oh, and they fucking love accents. Growing up in zim I picked up the (almost extinct) rhodie accent which sounds like a weird cross of aussie and south african, and whenever I'm talking to a girl I really embellish it to try and distinguish myself.
You'll get there user, don't worry
>Oh, and they fucking love accents
unfortunately the woman here have the same accent as me so i cant use it to my advantage
Molan backed out of Q&A yesty. Wonder who will replace him. Gonna be a cracker regardless, the pajeet greens senator is on.
whatre you boys listening to?
Tom Switzer is pretty smart I've seen him on there before.
unbelievably based
i love you user
> tfw no comfy log cabin in 2 meters of snow with qt asleep in chair
bit warm today tbqh lads
i fucking love all you aus bros, everyone has such cool taste in music
for me its youtube.com
aye that's not very nice dude
Remember that NEETs are the least-desirable “men” (and I use that term lightly) in the world. Turns out women aren’t interested in going on “dates” to your mothers basement
>have my own apartment
What else you got wagie?
Might be another Libspill happening boys.
Swimming in a sea of whores. The thots of the nation congregate around the gold coast.
>not being an open minded progressive and going to Bunnings to build your own cuckshed
the commies won the state election in Victoria
We can go skipping together some time.
>>Drinking carbonated water in outback heat
But user all I drink is beer?
A girlfriend.
Go be a nigger somewhere else
Bro Gold Coast is the Chad capital of Australia it’s impossible for people to even get a lil coochie unless they are famous, lift big boy weights or are a BASED tradie. Don’t go telling NEETS they can even compete here.
>met girl
>fucked that night
>got ghosted
You weren't really expecting a whore to stick around were you?
Doubt it, that would be stupid af. Best they can do is ride it out until May or accept their fate and call an election for over summer sometime that people will be too distracted to pay attention to. Either way they’re doomed.
aye you in Florida brother? Welcome to the greatest state on God's green Earth.
Sure bud, but she goes to a different school, right. Don’t worry about it man I know it can be rough out there
Had a Ginger beer after a long day at work for the dole lads
For some reason I love Aussie accents and people, should I move to Australia? Are there any good software jobs there, and how hard is it to work in Australia for someone who has a bachelor's degree and 5 years experience in software?
did you stuff your dick in the bottle, get hard from doing it then slap the bottle back and forth from your arse to your stomach violently for 15 minutes before posting too?
I thought everyone did that
met a girl out drinking saturday night, kinda like her but her shit's pretty fuckin JUST'd compared to me and she's a few years older than me.
Going out for a date sometime this week, havent talked to her today and cant figure out what to say without coming off as talking for the sake of talking.
Never stick any part of yer body in unknown holes here mate. something could give ya a nasty nip.
just because the girl likes it
This guy is pretty onto it, bottle trap spiders will get ya.
They look just like a real bottle too.
this, got a good deal on timber slats and a nice mat so my gf's knees are comfortable!
>fuck off we're fu--
how to avoid being ghosted?
Looks pretty full to me.
>frank stoneatra
This is well worth a read, lads.
It's a pretty huge piece of the puzzle in regards to how the chink invasion is progressing at such a fast rate.
Tassie is pretty empty...
There's literally a man shortage in Adelaide at the moment. Although the women are plentiful I can't find a good one that can cook and doesn't have tattoos. They're all fucking ruined.
wait nvm
What beers we drinkin bois?
none, i have work in the morning
>hasnt seen the old fart tradie drinking a longneck VB for breakfast webm on /wsg
why not both?
jesus christ, I went to Uni for a year and I know how bad it was. I got hd's for every course and I never even rocked up. More than half of my course were chinese. Out of roughly 130 people in my course there were only 20-30 whites. Here's what pissed me off most, the chinese cheated in any way they could and most of them failed, yet they still always get bumped up to a pass after contesting their failures. University has lost all integrity.
why cant you auspolers just submit to neetdom
M8 get yourself a great northern tinny
shut up boomer or young liberal fag no one cares both parties are commies
Swilling orange gin and sucking on Zooper Doopers
Those Damn Australians and their scorching heat and backward almost inhuman customs.
This was way better than the '94 release one. As much as i love John Goodman, Mark Addy was a superior Fred.
like toad racing?
Derryn Hinch party got 4 people into the upper house.
>Independent senator Derryn Hinch said he had never smoked marijuana but supported its legalisation in Australia.
>“I think it’s ridiculous watching big burly cops with guns on their hips arresting plants,” he said.
>He said opponents should consider potential economic benefits.
>“Look at the tax money being brought into California and Colorado,” he said.
>“We could get rid of the budget deficit in two minutes by legalising marijuana.”
1 shot Jameson or any whiskey that doesn't taste like shit
1tblspoons of peach syrup
1tblspoon bitter to start then throw in more gradually if you want more of it I REALLY LIKE BITTERS IN MY DRINK
fill the rest up with ginger beer
stir do not shake
Our country is rich with culture.
>pic related
Don't forget the other traditional cultural dish.
No one gives a shit. If chinks were to give Aussies a million or two each, they'd be happy to sell the country outright. Almost all Aussies are Jews.
I have never ever eaten that... where can you even get it?
Just found out I'm getting a $15000.00 tax return, how bad are we at doing our books?
Other countries don't even have party pies.
Outback Steakhouse bro
>cops with guns
cops jew
just over 1.5k for me
Tom Switzer does a show on RN, pretty decent content though the cunt does this fa-ha-hake laughter to make his scripted sections seem impromptu, gets on my nerves
>dig artificial lake from ocean to central Australia
>put nuclear plant at end
>steam from plant irrigates the outback
You would need a lot more than one, but yes the lack of nuclear utilisation in this country is fucking criminal given we have so much fucking uranium.
you might find work but the US pays better
the ideal is to do what i am - live here, work for cunts there and enjoy both higher pay and a very favourable exchange rate