So this just happened

>Be me
>Little brother (15) sitting with me at kitchen table
>Kid is glued to his phone
>Keep trying to talk to him
>"Yeah, uh-huh, oh yeah"
>No eye contact
>Look over at his screen
>Some vapid fucking Logan Paul-tier vlogthot sucking some guy's toe
>"You're filling your head with garbage man, why do you watch this shit?"
>"I dunno."
>Continues staring, mouth agape

How did we ever allow society to get here? Why is nobody else disgusted? How can anyone just shamelessly consume like this?
I see this every day. Little human souls getting raped by these fucking dopamine dispensers. How does anyone stand it? I feel like the only one who sees this consumerist dystopia for what it is.
Please Jow Forums tell me it will end. Will we ever have our dignity back? When will the addicts wake up? When will humans be human again?

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We’re are fucked
It is getting bad

The reduction in value of labor. There is little to no effort of value your brother could provide in the modern world to achieve any amount of property or wealth.

The outcome of WW2 has your answers.

It will get worse before it gets better. You just gotta talk to people and tell them what you think, and have kids and raise them right. I see this every day and it is perhaps themost depressing thing out there. Especially when I see some parent give their 3 year old a fucking tablet to keep them busy sothey dont have to be a fucking parent. Fuck. But yeah dont get too blackpilled you cant live like that you gotta act against it

Teach your brother how to be a man, you are his big brother damn it.

Take him out fishing or hiking.

yes this was all the America's fault if you would have just given all your rights to hitler he would have saved the world, you fags are worse than degenerate leftists

I've been thinking about this, the question is how?
How do you keep your kids away from it? I don't mean shelter them but, what do you do to make sure they don't turn out this way? Because I can take all the measures I want, it doesn't change the fact that their peers will all have smartphones and shit parents.

Conflict makes men

A world devoid of conflict is a world devoid of men

Your parents feel the exact same way when they see their older son constantly on his ass in front of the screen as if hes disabled - "those pictures again". I promise.

But anyway, its a socially acceptable addiction. THE most acceptable and one of the biggest. I dont think theres much you can do except raise your kids with little exposure to the devices