So if it was the Mexicans that fired teargas, why do outlets like Huffington Post saying it was Americans that fired them?
So if it was the Mexicans that fired teargas...
>Huffington Post
found your problem right there, user...
it was both, sort of like a pincher move, getem from both sides you know
yeah but they are all saying it. why do they keep lying?
Because it's propaganda to get people who don't look into anything and get spoon fed everything riled up.
>why do outlets like Huffington Post...
literal leftist outlets like huff post and cnn will let this make the rounds on plebbit and we'll see normies tomorrow saying "HURR DURR LE TRUMP GASSED ALL LE CHILDREN!!!!" when it was mexican BP throwing the tear gas
and what said holds true
Orange man bad!!!1
Why would they stop lying? They're trying to control the thoughts of all the normies, and sadly, it still works.
The mexicans are in a precarious situation where if bloodshed happens they're just as responsible if not more then the Americans.
>Why do Jews do Jewish things
Gee user i dont know
Onigger made it legal to spread propaganda
>why do outlets like Huffington Post saying it was Americans that fired them?
No idea user, I just know that more money needs to go to Israel
>100K foreskin
ok what the fuck now I'm getting mad
because it's not illegal to lie to the american public
Dumb bitch jumps off wall with her 2 kids and impales herself a few hours ago.
>fuck now I'm getting mad
Get mad user, the synagogue of satan is not new
>So if it was the Mexicans that fired teargas, why do outlets like Huffington Post saying it was Americans that fired them?
Who nose?
The kikes never lie goy
Heil Horchata!
Obama made propaganda legal in the U.S. again
Invest in ForeCoin
Its funny you can actually read the title to be honest with just the addition of a comma;
>Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act of 2016
>Countering Foreign Propaganda, and Disinformation Act of 2016
There is none. Just a spic
trying not to take all the blame
Where is the gas in this picture?
Because the news media is actually classified as 'entertainment', and they are no longer under any obligation to be factually accurate about anything.
It's like pretending WWF is real fighting.
Honestly ruling that bloggers = journalists did more damage than that act.
>I'm trying to think of a interesting ethical discussion around the value of human bodies with my child
>But all I can think of is how much money his skin is worth
>All I can think of is how much money
Yep, pretty Jewish.
so um, do you have any sources for this aside from one random tweet?
Stupid faggots
Video for you retards
m. Cuck