Is gambling a white man's vice?
Is gambling a white man's vice?
Nope i managed whites and blacks and the blacks bet 10x more than whites. They would even roll dice on breaks throwing money down on the floor. I've seen some stupid shit.
no only idiots throw money away and get a thrill out of it
Betting bigger doesn't = addiction.
There is a tendency for people with mathematical brains to be lured to games of chance. It's mostly a dopamine issue though.
Asians seem to like to gamble. There is a reservation casino near me and it's probably like 40% Asian, 60% white people.
Yeah. White man's device..
Fucking faggot..
Are you implying I would push my personal theories on an anonymous board in the hope that people will swallow them without questioning my sources?
Kill yourself.
No, Niggers love dice and the numbers
no its the degenerate godless poor lower class loser's vice