America's School Shooting Shelters

Which is funnier?
The fact that the USA has special school shooting shelters in classrooms?
That instead of just banning guns, they build these instead?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ebin. After kids go through potty training, this is the next level: Cuck-shed training.

Looks like a late abortion device.

>Be American
>Be lucky enough to survive till your tenth birthday. Only two pre-schools in your area were completely executed as you grew up.
>One day, there is a knock at the door and your dad goes to answer it.
>It's the fucking police. Somebody has swatted him again. The police are losing patience.
>He is given a bizarre set of instructions to follow. They are screaming at him. "WE WILL SHOOT YOU WE WILL SHOOT YOU"
>He is doing the hokey pokey on the porch now whilst a gang of heavily armed men point fully automatic weapons at him.
>They demand that he sings "I'm a little teapot" and perform all of the actions in the style of the Elephant man. Your dad begs "PLEASE DON'T SHOOT I'LL DO ANYTHING"
>He starts to sing "I'm a Little Teapot" and as he says the line "Here is my handle" a torrent of gunfire tears him to pieces.
>Have to watch your dad bleed out and gurgle in agony right in front of you. As he twitches a death spasm they open fire again and turn him into a paste.
>Wake up and find that you have been sent a letter from the federal government denying you any aid and/or assistance due to your father saying he was going to boycott Israeli products on the internet.
>Go to school, on the way there you have to run from cover to cover as another lunatic has ascended the nearby radio mast and is now taking pot shots at passers by. Several people lay face down in the street. Eventually you're lucky enough to get out of line of sight.
>Once in school you wander down the hallways. Your fellow students are giving you strange looks.
>It's the monthly school shooting and you forgot to bring your backpack shield. Oh fuck.
>Nobody hit the Active Shooter Alarm button in time...
>The door to the Shelter won't open
>Unable to properly form Testudo as the gunman barrels down the halls.
>You cause the defense formation to break and you and all of your classmates are shot dead.
>A new family of Mexicans move into your empty house the next day.

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>lmao why don't they just ban the guns

the price you gotta pay to keep your cutlery

WTF I hate the 2A now

That's the dumbest invention ever. I'd love to meet the snake oil salesman who made this and is charging every school district millions of dollars.

they are storm shelters as well. In oklahoma we get pretty serious tornados


Attached: Sharpen Your Machete, Guvnor?.jpg (352x640, 51K)

>white kids
>1 asian

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To be fair, that's in Oklahoma:

The bible belt is a very backwards.

Why do Brits still feel the need to comment on our weapons ownership? I don't rip on you guys for letting your children get groomed and fucked by Muslims. Mind your own gahdamn business.

IDK graveyard mouthed bongs getting stabbed by goat fuckers on vespas is pretty fucking funny. why isn't that an option?

i could barely understand you fuckers with that thick accent, its even harder to understand what you're saying with all that mudslime dick in your mouth

They're still upset we shoved bayonets up the assess of their great great great great grandfathers

>It's another "Europoors prove how susceptible they are to media propaganda" episode
lmfao eurocucks just turn in your cutlery and nobody has to get hurt ay gov ROFLMAO

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irrelevant muslim island

You hit the School Shooter Alarm recently?

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Okay, I thought something was up. I saw zero benefit to those as shooter shelters when you can just lock the doors.

>posting a seedy, ghetto tier sign offering to SHARPEN any blade as if this is a unique skill as evidence bongs have knives

fuckin lel

>Why don't we just ban murder?
we did, society seems to function better, keep up chucklefuck kek

I wanna be in that room mmmmm

>Be American colonial scum.
>Get increasingly butthurt you have to pay taxes (literally the money that paid the soldiers that protected them from marauding natives)
>Taxes that native Englishmen had to pay were vastly greater compared to colonial taxes
>Mob public officials and threaten to kill them, throw a massive tantrum when soldiers arrive and shoot back
>Have a massive chimp out
>Burn ships, throw perfectly good food into the sea, murder and kill anyone you suspect of being loyal and true.
>Ally with the mortal enemy of the nation you are descended from
>Decide to attack and murder other British living in Canada in pirate ships
>Betray your own kith and kin to the French
>Murder tens of thousands of your own brothers in a pointless war that alienated you from your own people.
>Americans are proud of this and celebrate it every year
>There was already huge pressure for colonial representation in the UK anyway
>Eventually betray the French.
>Muttify yourself with increasing fervour approaching fanaticism.

>The Boston Massacre, known as the Incident on King Street by the British, was an incident on March 5, 1770, in which British Army soldiers shot and killed several people while under attack by a mob. The incident was heavily publicized by leading Patriots, such as Paul Revere and Samuel Adams, to encourage rebellion against the British authorities

>As the evening progressed, the crowd around Private White grew larger and more boisterous. Church bells were rung, which usually signified a fire, bringing more people out. Over fifty Bostonians pressed around White, led by a mixed-race former slave named Crispus Attucks, throwing objects at the sentry and challenging him to fire his weapon. White, who had taken up a somewhat safer position on the steps of the Custom House, sought assistance.

>Be whipped up by separatists and a literal 56% face into murdering and betraying your own kith and kin.

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That's actually not a bad idea. You can save lives and freedom.

Other than the mexicans moving in, this sounds pretty great.

>banning guns

fuck off shlomo and take your cower in place in shelter with ya

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dumb ass bong you cant get guns illegally easily in your country because your a fucking island, the us isnt and shares a border with fucking mexico

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god I wish that were me in there

Imagine trying this hard and still failing to bait.

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>Yes goyim, we'll built special cuck sheds for you! Such build quality and safety. We've got thousands we need to sell, such a great deal - it's dangerous in America's schools!

Attached: americucks.webm (574x382, 1.24M)

>be Mohammed in the UK
>throw acid in people’s faces
>laugh because they didn’t have an acid recipient license

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Gun bans only disarm those that obey the law.

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Name one thing he said that's wrong.

looks comfy

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Eurocucks honestly believe they can photoshop reality.

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Solve Brexit and your current 3rd world status before you look down your nose at us bong!Unlike you Britcucks we’ll find ways to keep our guns and still be the world’s leading power!

sounds like a great idea, I'd have loved getting into a cramped space with my fellow students in middle school
might as well let a few mad lads have some fun while they're being indoctrinated to fear and obey

yeah pretty much this

fake some school shootings
let the " victims" commit unprecedented donations fraud to the tune of hundreds of millions ans give them millions on top of it and free houses and a ride on AF one 2 days later , the goyim will be scared and kick up more(((taxes))) to pay for israeli made shelters

was going to post some vids but they have all been removed down the memory hole

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>Has no clue what 'third world' actually means

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>that protected them from marauding natives

The "Loyalists" were the worst race-traitor scum imaginable. They supplied, and even joined, Indian raids into frontier settlements that resulted in mass rape and mass murder of white women and children.

Meanwhile, the British government forbade white settlement west of the Appalachian mountains (see the Royal Proclamation of 1763). The British were also notoriously reluctant to provide more troops to protect white colonists from some of the most sadistic savages this planet has ever seen. They viewed the American colonies as a pump-and-dump mercantilist creampie trading post, to be exploited for monetary gain at the expense of the rights of Englishmen.

It's a terrible state of affairs.

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>Yeah! FUCK England and the King!
>Hey France! You wanna kill them too?
>*starts murdering other Englishmen who want to stay with the crown in the most underhanded ways possible with French weapons and assistance*

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Definitely not strya tier.

So many anti-gun kikes liberals today and here I was thinking israel was too busy tending their own shit-storm.

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Still not.straya tier. And you can't have our.resources.

>Americans sucking off Australians but any visit to Aus/pol/ will reveal they hate Yanks more than anyone else

>already waiting in murderbox

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>The fact that the USA has special school shooting shelters in classrooms?
>That instead of just banning guns, they build these instead?
Nah... For mine, the funniest part about that glorified prison state is that it inironically calls itself "free", while being unable to walk their doggies without the real, statistical risk of being shot!

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>learn more about our sponsors

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you forgot the best part, that if the security guard who stops a mass shooting is black, the police show up and kill him instead. It's happened twice in the last 2 weeks.

May be bullet proof but sure as hell isn't Thermite proof.

That's pathetic. Give the children guns and mags loaded with alternating FMJ and HP I say.

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>You better buy these quality products, goyim.

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holy kek

>atleast we can keep muslims out of our planes and skyscrapers. America is full of muslims now.

Bee shelters would save more lives.

They can't keep them out of Congress either.

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Wow what the fuck. Why not just make the door to the class room bullet proof and magneticly seal when a red alert is active.

Which is funnier?
The fact that Britain once ruled over a third of the world?
That the third world now rules over Britain?

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>if the security guard who stops a mass shooting is black, the police show up and kill him instead
>happened twice in the last 2 weeks

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Cutting off girls clits and labia?
That's A-OK in the USA!

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>be British
>wake up
>it is before the registered wake up time
>My CCTV is looking away
>Quickly run into the corner away from its eyeshot
>Open a book, it has pictures of my family before they were taken off to war or to be comfort women for immigrants
>close it, cry a little
>It is the mandatory wake up time
>the mandatory BBC Diversity Show plays on my telewall
>Try to hide in my one room apartment from it, there are no nooks or crannies to hide in
>the CCTV camera on top of the telewall tells me to stop trying to hide from the show, that is racist
>Go get my breakfast
>A pneumatic tube delivers it
>It is a placenta breakfast from the Far East
>the Minister of Breakfast said our meals need to be more inclusive and diverse
>try to throw it out in my waste disposal unit
>it detects an uneaten foreign food and spits it out
>my CCTV camera declares if I do not eat it I will be arrested for treason and racism (the latter being punishable by death)
>go look for utensils to eat it with
>go to the eating utensil pneumatic tube
>press for a knife and fork
>an unsharpened stick and a spoon arrive
>barely rip off a piece
>forcefully put it in my mouth while the CCTV camera watches
>it tastes awful
>cough a little
>CCTV camera says that I am being unsupportive of new cultures and peoples and I need reeducation
>My microchip begins buzzing
>Armed guards open my door with their skeleton key
>Get handcuffed, get called a Nazi
>I don't know what a Nazi is, but someone who goes against the state
>they see my book hidden from them in the corner, just out of eyeshot of the CCTV camera
>"Private property is not allowed!" They declare
>they toss it into the waste disposal


just another day in the freest country on earth

>get thrown out into the hallway, handcuffed, while they search my apartment
>the CCTV camera at the end of the hallway demands me to say sorry for being a Nazi
>"What is a Nazi?" I ask
>The CCTV camera says that they cannot tell me what a Nazi is, but that I am one
>the guards reemerge, they have the spoon in their hand
>"What is this?" They ask
>"It is but a spoon I got from the pneumatic tube" I reply.
>"You may only have spoons during mealtime, mealtime was two minutes ago" they declare.
>"but when you arrested me it was still mealtime!" I eek.
>"Yes, but it is still your duty to get rid of said contraband, we're now also charging you for illegal possesion of spoon." They reply.
>get carried throughout the hall, the CCTV camera calls everyone out to watch
>See a sea of indifferent faces as I am carried to the televator, the only noise being the buzz of my microchip. Enter the televator, it already knows what floor we're heading to, get taken down to the ground floor
>Taken to the reeducation camp
>taken into a small little room
>see a little waiting room
>they take off my handcuffs, I sit down
>the chair wraps around me a seatbelt of sorts, but I hadn't remembered the last time I was in a car, they were banned for being used by the military and were ecophobic
>begin talking to the guy next to me
>Ask him what he was in here for
>He said he said the word "God"
>I was disgusted
>Christianity is a backwards religion, where they told me they raped children and ate their organs how dare he take part in it
>I refuse to talk to him
>My name is called
>Get taken to Room 102
>They plug something into my microchip
>I dooze off
>I wake up
>I realize the horrors of what I had done, I begin apologizing, they say it is enough, and that I am a model citizen
>I thank them
>I want to be taken back to my apartment
>I see the placenta sitting on the table
>I eat the entire thing
>I am an anti-Nazi citizen!
>I declare this to my CCTV camera, and it agrees

shit patter

Poor dudes.
Shameful kek.

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Real talk now Brit. I see you often, what tormented you to elicit such emotional reactions and anger towards Americans?

I live in America and this is an accurate portrayal of our daily lives.

>Be me
>Decide to go on outer/pol/
>Make a post about fucking anything
>Suddenly six dozen American flags emerge to call me a cuckold and to ask me for my "loicence"
>Am personally blamed for letting paki grooming gangs happen.
>Told I am going to be raped and murdered by Pakis/niggers within the year
>Then told if they don't kill me, an American will.
>Pajeets and Indian flags join in to spam news clippings from the dates 2006-2018 at me

>It's been like this for almost nine months

Attached: norfpunch.png (482x454, 32K)

Because these people are actually retarded and capitalism is inherently predatory.

Finally, they put all the little shits in one spot so i can just wallbang them. Then I can do a reach around on the teacher.

So you got butthurt over internet banter?

Nope, I roll with it. But sometimes all the anglo hate get makes me disinterested in Jow Forums so there'll always be returning banter

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Wait until those little fuckers run in and splash some gas or lighter fluid under the door and light them on fire.

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why not a bulletproof classroom door + frame and a strong lock?

>that many white kids
No way this is US.

Listen dude, a lot of people get stuck in the rut you're in. You're mentally tormented by the banter, just admit it, I can bet most of us were there, now you're just trying to brush it off. It is fine to admit that, just try to limit Jow Forums in your internet diet for a while and slowly go back, you'll grow an immunity to it, I can assure you.

>not sliding your dick under the door

>These shelters have been specially designed and made by a high intelligent and skilled group of engineers, goyim. You want your kids to be safe don't you? Well you won't have them anywhere safer than in Schlomo's Safe Houses. Only thirty-five thousand dollars each and guaranteed protection against small arms! We've built hundreds, and what with the rising tide of school shootings you'd be a fool not to get one at such low, low prices.

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nah I just like a bit of confrontation and internet arguments and Jow Forums is lovely for it, but been utterly swamped out recently.

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Did you post this without a loicence?

I've got mine.

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I think I've seen you before, considering I've seen the same copypastas and cookiecutter responses in previous posts. Say, you didn't fall victim to that guy with the "britmutt (insert number" reposts, have you?

I don't know what you're talking about lad, I normally only leave Brit/pol/ for short intervals to read through and leave some bait.

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This was a while back, see, there is this guy who no-one really knows his nationality and he goes through and bants down a nationality then moves onto the next. He's probably an Aussie tbqh. One of his things was to post stuff alike pic related repeatedly and it got a lot of brits upset if I do recall. I believe his latest endeavor has been posting those dumb anti-Europe, anti-America psyop threads.

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OP, title that pic correctly

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Are their many school shootings in grade 1?
Actually never mind I am sure there will be when we have gender confused 6 year olds who want to end the cis-het capitalist patriarchy.




I remember.
I think it pissed off Brits because most of them were just recoloured Amerimutts already. It did make the rivalry and trolling more intense however.

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Yeah, it did, which was why they became so widely used and whatnot. The best way to avoid banter from spreading is to just ignore it, that's how the amerimutt meme spread like wildfire, because people were upset by them. Same with this.

Anyways, my point was was that do not take the banter seriously. It is not actual criticism, just jokes. You've seem to fall victim to that, and to be honest a lot of people have, and I'd say even the majority of people have. That's what banter is, for jokes, like this. Sure, sometimes they share truth, other times it is just to get you mad. Don't let it effect you, you seem like a very mentally tormented young man. Just laugh and move on, there is no war.

or instead of just giving every kid a gun. guns are a funny thing, either everyone gets one or no one gets one. you on your cute little island can control that type of shit, here we've got tunnels in from Mexico and Canada. Chicago is a gun free safe zone. Google their stats on gun murder lol.

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Nah I don't hate you lads and I appreciate that even though there is lots of "haha look how cucked you are" platitudes I know that most English and Americans would stick together if the shit hit the fan.

I don't take the banter seriously mate. Love most of you really.

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