Help me not dying

There's this cunt at uni that decided that bullying kids at hs wasn't enough, so he decided to keep at it.
He tried to fuck with me, and even though i'm skinny, i was the only one who stood up to him.

A fight will break out soon, and i need to know how to survive and maybe, but just maybe, hurt him a lil bit

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What are you asking?

Just hit him in the fucking mouth.

Just hitting him in the fucking mouth is indeed a smart thing to do, but i also need to not get hit in the fucking mouth.
He's taller than me.
It's a relatively simple question, i just didn't worded it that well, my bad.
How do i not get my ass handed to me?

If you really want to fuck him over in a significant way get him to hit you first then press assault charges

This. Youre not a fucking kid anymore.

If you can't win in a physical fight, go for the moral victory.
Protect your face and genitals the best you can, but don't take a swing unless you can knock him out.
If he beats you up and you don't hit back, he can go to jail for assault.
Get a friend to film it and focus on not looking too much like a bitch and keep speaking to him in a neutral tone.

Lawyers are expensive. I wouldn't recommend punching him on the throat.

I legit can't afford it. The only reason i'm at uni is that some relatives from idek where just decided that they'd fund me.
But they won't fund my fights, y'know.
Also, i'll be treated like a bitch by his chad friends, since they'll unironically believe that backing off and acting smart was a pussy move, so i'm just gonna get beaten even more, which is also why i didn't told any """""responsible adults""""".

also applies to
, even though that's pretty good advice, thanks fren

If he hits u hit him back as fast as you can in the nose, mouth, or throat, as hard as you fucking can. If u use your fist you risk breaking your hands, so i would hit him in the nose with an open palm if you can. Dont just hit with your arms, put your whole body into it to generate the most force. Kick him in the balls, take any cheap shot you can to bring him down. This is a fight, not some sparring session, no rules, and he's the asshole who started it so you have a right to use any means necessary to get him to fuck off. Only do this if you have to, tell him you don't want to fight, and if he doesn't give you a choice, then hit his weak spots. And if he attscks, putyour hands up and try to block .

If it comes down to a fight and if youre able to bring him down, run lol. Tell someone of authority that he attacked you. But like I said, avoid the fight at all costs. Fighting is stupid, and you can get seriously hurt.

Fighting is never ok OP. In fact it is illegal in the us. Being an initiator or participant in a fight is assault, or battery depending on the circumstances and will ruin your life.

The only way to win is to not fight. Let yourself be hit if needed, make sure there's a witness. Sue his ass, profit.

By sue his ass I mean alert the authorities. It helps if you have evidence (pictures of injury, witness, etc.). His life will be over if he gets an assault charge.

that's what i was looking for, thank you guys
actually, thanks to everyone, in a way, all of you helped.

Yeah, that was my plan B.
But how do i get his friends to fuck off me after they find out i fucked him over?

Get a really big crowd gathered. Then, give grab him by the cheeks and give him a big kiss. Afterwards look to the crowd, stick your arms up while making peace signs with both hands, then say, “Love always wins.” The crowd will likely cheer and the bullying will end.

Top fucking kek


Bullshit. I've had plenty of cops tell me straight up to always defend yourself against an attacker. If the aggressor gives you no choice, fucking defend yourself. Op do not listen to these pussies saying to let him hit you, if this guy is threatening your physical well being you have every right to defend yourself AND press charges. Dont take more damage than you have to.


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Has he threatened you with physical violence? Report him to campus security.

You would think the uni would have something to say about that.

Learn how to kick. Front kicks are all you need so look it up and practice before the fight.

Not quite yet, just verbal agression and threats.

But then his friends will think i'm pussying out, and then they'll decide to square up.

My main fear is fucking up a kick because then he'll fuck my shit up. I'd use one of he's stunned or something.

Tell the dean and get him kicked off campus. You. Are. An. Adult. Jesus fucking Christ grow up

A fight is a thing of the moment, don't overthink it.

Chances are you're not going to die from it. You're in uni.

what the fuck man are you at university or juvenile prison?

If you do punch back remember keep your thumb outside of the fist, don't tuck it in beneath your fingers, you could break it and try and stay on your feet, there's only so many things they can hit you with if your moving but kicks to the head on the floor will knock you the fuck out

What you need:
-2 hour paralytic
-gloves (remove fingerprints)
-buckets of water
-hypodermic syringe

Try and get you and him in a quiet place and then hit him with the paralytic.
Drag his body to a secluded location, cuff him and place the flanel over his face.
Elevate his lower body and pour the buckets slowly onto the flanel. Do this to your content and then hit him with the poison, flee the scene

What the fuck is wrong with you...

Record this kid and press charges for assault.

This is the real world, not highschool. Adults face consequences.

If you get charges pressed against him, his friends will not fuck with you.