(((Drained of all blood)))

(((Drained of all blood)))

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Watch at least 5 minutes.

imagine being on acid and participating in this

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Show proofs

Still wondering if this is all some 4d chessplay and Kashoggi is going to turn up alive so Trump and MBS know exactly whose all been lying to them intelligence-wise for the greatest purge since the Night of the Long Knives.

If it's shechita is it still murder?

So does that make him Halal?

Wtf I'm a muslim now.

Attached: Nodilson.gif (320x240, 490K)

So this is what it's like to program golems.

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>the msm is seriously still trying to make me give a fuck about this

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Those are Sufis, they aren't really Muslims. Muslims tend to kill them.

Initial stories said he was chopped up. Then the story was he was in a well or a vat of acid. Now he was bled out. CIA niggers keep making up scenarios in an attempt to keep this story in the news, why?

Post an anti Jew infographic, please.
Random check, honest.

Something like this would suffice, something that shows undeniable evidence of the evil of the Jew.

Attached: FBI_911_Documents_Israeli_Nationals.png (2944x3316, 2.73M)

That seems like the cleaner way to do it.

saudi family are crypto jews

Why should we be surprised by any of this?

Attached: jewsdrinkblood1.jpg (675x1200, 156K)

there just dancing you retard

Yes, yes they are.
Just a neat video I wanted to share.
Remember that they are Muslims.

Unironically sounds amazing

It's a good start

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But very Semiticly


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>“H-he was a journalist, goy! You should care about journalists, goy!!”

Best way to gas, how?

The HVAC room in the basement, most likely.
*This post is meant as a joke, fuck off alphabet soup*


Checked, and based double beast.

well yeah, they chopped his ass up.
if you don't drain the blood first it's pretty messy

There's something more sinister implied here you clearly aren't considering.

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Please this

>wanting post mortem blood
gross, it starts congealing right after the heart stops beating

Read the article, he wasn't dead.

>read a yahoo news article
pass, it's probably just being used as justification for a FISA anyway

/mu/ remix this

t. mohamed

Attached: moderate muslim.png (480x410, 594K)

Lame excuse to not be corrected.
Hey, post an anti-Jew infographic.
One like this, just for reasons.

Attached: 1542601060361.jpg (2832x3916, 1.75M)

Satanic Jews have ranb Turkey since Attaturk, see Sabbati Zevi and the Frankists in izmir where the Donmeh and Attaturk came from. They practicded blood draining, drinking and human sacrifice and worshipped evil, seeing evil as an act from the left hand of god and followed the belief of violating all the 10 commandments would create salvation through sin and make the messiah return sooner.

Attached: 1666.jpg (333x499, 39K)

Friendly reminder.
Those that cannot post anti-Jew infographics are JIDF, they cannot save those images to their computers.
Even the Jew doesn't trust the Jew enough to handle that information.

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>blood drained


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jesus it's like the special olympics of hiring practice

LOL I remember reading some journalist complaining about how everything being written today was misspelled and had poor grammar/syntax....this picture explains everything.

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fun fact:
if you turn Middle Earth into a map of Earth, Turkey equates to Mordor.

Of course he would be drained of all blood, how else would they effectively and cleanly dismember him? Same with animal slaughter. Blood is unnecessary and messy

The article is 3 paragraphs long and the first sentence is
>Jamal Khashoggi’s body was brought to a sink and drained of blood immediately after he was murdered so he could be more easily dismembered, a gruesome new report claims.

LMAO the white flag cowards

" France says that it has imposed travel bans, on 18 Saudi citizens linked to the murder of Jamal Khashoggi..."

HAHAHA keep those scaries out of fairyville

Lmao, I know.
That was supposed to be his response when he read it, but he didn't.

the deep state CIA had their Washington Post CIA "reporter" traitor in place - since they suck so badly - it leaked - and was dealt with
Now it's all crocodile tears and lies....

try to recall the current towelhead is a purger
now the whining is required to pretend its objectionable

Trump has been pushing hard to lower gas prices - the deep stated libturds need to attack Saudis to thwart Trump

Kek that appeared to work

I bet the Jew-Saudis did this.

It does, it really does.
They don't want them to save anti Jew facts like they did 9/11, because if one of them became convinced they were the bad guys...
If they do start saving the pictures, and start replying with them, they're effectively committing suicide.

Halal meat needs to be drained of all blood before cooking.

wtf why are semites so obsessed with draining blood?

Its called Halal slaughter dumbass. Not everything is the Jews fault.

Jews do the same it's called kosher.

All these sand nigger religions are warped.

And when Jews do it it's called Kosher

>Because of the biblical prohibition of eating blood (Gen 9:4, Lev 17:10–14, Deut 12:23–24), all blood must be promptly removed from the carcass. All large arteries and veins are removed, as well as any bruised meat or coagulated blood. Then the meat is kashered, a process of soaking and salting the meat to draw out all the blood. If this procedure is not performed promptly, the blood is considered to have “set” in the meat, and the meat is no longer salvageable to eat except when prepared through broiling with appropriate drainage.

It was an Old Testament commandment to Moses - not sure about Islam
Since blood was synonymous with life and its essence its consumption was forbidden

And then Jews turn around and straight drink it

>Middle Earth
fun fact
Mediterranean means

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