Jow Forums BTFO once again

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Why are nazis so retarded?

Man I can't wait to walk into some white guys house and rape his wife in front of him and have the excuse that its for the dirty mexicans

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That's a funny way of spelling "liberal cocksucking faggot piece of shit motherfucker".

It would be funny to meme celebrities who advocate for open borders houses

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private property is oppressive. Poor people cannot live in nice homes. Stop the discrimination and open your doors.

living in a mansion and keeping everyone else out is no different from apartheid.


i see what you did there

The home of every politician, celebrity, media personality, and everyone else advocating for open borders must comply with open doors policy. All of the walls and gates surrounding the multi million dollar mansion of celebrities must be torn down and their doors removed from their hinges.

You’re going to get murdered


Usually when you ask how many spare rooms they have, they shut the fuck up

Sounds like the local homeless shelter needs a list of politicians that accept Boarders.

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only hateful bigots lock their doors and deprive the homeless masses of their couch and toaster

It was a sexual emergency.

Joe “my wife’s black child” Rogan needs to learn this lesson too

I hope people do this shit and act as a reminder as to why people close their doors

Central heating adds up though

Confucious say: house full of gassy beaners does not require heat.

Pretty sure this is a right wing psyop to con lefties into leaving their houses open which will inevitably get looted by naggas which will red pill them on race
And if it isn’t let’s make it

Isn’t he a midget beener? Hard to tell with Americans

You don t get nigger? This is a Jow Forums operation

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>leave your doors open
With 2 degrees out and sandniggers in the neighbourhood?

Curiously, today I will leave my door open. I'm getting a new one, they're putting it in today.

Now there’s an idea.

wow really how did you figure that one out?

just leave the door unlocked and put up a cardboard reading "open, welcome"