Just two days ago there were threads about a coup, 50 people assassinated in 48 hours, and government troops killing peaceful protestors in Haiti. US troops had secured the Port Au Prince Airport, and nobody in the media was talking about it. Here we are, two days later, and everything is scrubbed. Is Jow Forums now having a blackout on this story imposed? Why are there no more threads on this? I can't imagine it cleared up overnight.
twitter.com/BreakingNLive/status/1064529273028034560 >>BREAKING: Massive anti-government protests continue in Haiti. Reporters on the ground say there’s a lot of chaos. US Troops are reportedly on the ground and are currently guarding at Port-au-Prince Airport. Several protesters were shot and killed by police
This was the main Twitter feed reporting on the shit, and pic related is one of their latest tweets. They are literally (((shutting it down))). I think it's clearly Clinton Foundation related, and could blow open bullshit for world leaders worldwide. It's no coincidence that the news is suddenly saying the House GOP is going to talk to the DOJ about CF investigation.
>inb4 nobody cares about niggers
If you want to "lock her up", you better be paying fucking attention, cucks.
No one cares because chaos in Haiti is not a happening. It's the norm.
Parker Young
Entirely possible that it’s human trafficking/Clinton related. What is the US military involvement? Trump is in control of the military is he installing a puppet or kicking out swamp rats? Any Q tards wanna say how this fits into the plan?
Aiden Bailey
who cares, nigs live on a small island and can't make it a nice place for everyone.. how fucking hard can that be? Saudi Arabia can make life great for anyone born there and allow even the poorest of them have a nigger slave in the apartment to do as they wish, Native Indians have better perks and they occupy most of USA land and widely spread.
Owen Powell
> who’s ape King of the hill of garbage island?
Haiti does not matter.
Lincoln Parker
Doesnt fit the zog narrative Cant really “” donate”” for a coup, like you can for a flood. So there is no real reason to advertise, um I mean “news report” about it
Jose Lewis
Like about 99.9% of the shit Jews tell me to care about I simply couldn’t give a fuck. I have to provide for my family.
>haiti Aren't they all niggers? Didn't bother reading the rest, shouldn't have killed whitey if they wanted to be taken care of
Henry Jenkins
Meh I was tracking the embassy staff; they just got told to shelter.. then it got lifted was odd. I didn't really care either way
Jason Price
Coups happen all the time in Haiti, could be why nobody gives a fuck
Joshua Jenkins
WTF does Haiti have we'd want to influence and control anyway? AIDS, voodoo and rum aren't that rare in the West you know
Gabriel Peterson
Who knows maybe this time they can install a better leader that puts an end to the rampant niggotry endemic to Haiti.
Levi Harris
Human trafficking, specifically kids. It's most of them go there. Conan's little trip also happened to be on a beach directly across from a known trafficking location.
Justin Gutierrez
AYFSM? I'll play devil's advocate and ponder this but what in TF would human traffickers want with dirt poor nigger children? Wouldn't those people that want kids want kids from a better place? Also fuck your Pizzagate nonsense Hillary is a crooked cunt but for more obvious reasons than being in with some international kid smuggling ring for starters
Hunter King
>Wouldn't those people that want kids want kids from a better place? They're not for raising, fool
Angel Martin
>Coups happen all the time in Haiti, could be why nobody gives a fuck You won't be saying that when the price of dirt cookies spikes.
Who gives a shit about them ? They are some dumb that in their perverted french language, the word abyss is translated to big hole without bottom
Ayden Martinez
I kek'd
True story though: My buddy went there with some church group he was part of to bring relief and whatnot after that earthquake and he said it was poor AF even before all the devastation occurred. He walked past a roadside food vendor that was literally a guy selling slabs of BBQ'ed meat on a chunk of rubble that had a open fire under it straddling 2 cinder blocks.
Joshua Moore
so what DO they want them for , leaf? They fucking them or eating them or sacrificing them in them saytahnik rich-oo-uls?
Cooper Long
The way I see it, overthrowing your people was the last notable thing Haiti has done to date, besides being first place AIDS started showing up
Brayden Allen
Kids are kids, and the poorer they are, the easier it is to bribe the parents. Hell, they might not even need to if they get rid of the whole family. Who do you think is gonna miss em?
Zachary Sullivan
Wouldn't buying some all black French speaking little kids be the toughest kind to explain away to their friends and neighbors? Put a Haitian next to an Uruguayan, tell me the little black kid would definitely look like they weren't from Uruguay all along
Blake Mitchell
Didn't they invade the dominican republic at some point ?
Hudson Murphy
Clinton Cover-up
Easton Torres
Yes, briefly. Then the DR massacred a shitload of them in the mid 30s for typical nigger stuff like stealing livestock and whatnot
I think it's the old analogy, if you see a shit in the toilet you don't think anything of it, but if you walk into your kitchen and there is a shit on the floor then you notice it.
Blake Williams
They're not bought to be raised, do you have some sort of mental disability?
Eli Cox
They have no birth certificates or other records, a large number can vanish off the face of the earth and no one would ever know
Lincoln Hall
I'll bet you could open a Haitian restaurant in a progressive city in the US and do quite well. The usual overly-decorated brick bistro, but cooking up your dirtcookies and rubblemeat out in the alley behind.
Robert Mitchell
No shit, but sometimes kids help captive escape whether people bought them for sex slave purposes or cannibal rituals and sacrifice purposes
Camden Hernandez
I hope Haitians form a militia and slaughter all american invaders.
Michael Kelly
True, but wouldn't one or two escape at some point and some busybody social worker, cop or other official get a hint of what's actually going on? Presuming this happens on a rampant scale hundreds of not thousands of times a year annually
Brody Howard
God those fuckers deserved it Their language is so much of a laughing stock, they changed To french word for beam to big piece of wood
Adrian Williams
So then a kid who cant speak English and tell people what happened to them would be a bonus?
That's just about all you'd need to do it. For bonus points you could just hire some American blacks to pose as cooks and servers just give them all name tags with frenchy names and teach them to talk like Pepe Le Pew
Zachary King
You'd think so but not really. The fact they are black and Francophone alone would make them stand out most places in the West.
Parker Myers
How is a low IQ nigger police force butchering politically irrelevant civilians assassination? It wasn’t news days ago and it isn’t news now.
How do you feel about Quebecois? Are they your bros or are they some faggot leafs LARPing as actual Frenchmen?
Ethan Thomas
So, you're suggesting that a supposedly huge pedo ring is careless enough to let that happen instead of just dispose of the kids the very moment they become a liability? It's not like there is a shortage of niglets.
Ayden Thomas
That's what Jow Forums is implying the coup is about, so yes
Chase Roberts
The coup is about the dems getting arrogant, not children being rescued.
Ayden Perez
I think they are cool, they are a bit weird but they never abandoned their french heritage, despite living surrounded with anglos and depsite the fact that the Crown abandonned them in 1763
I heard they really ghettoed up your language though.
Jeremiah Lee
It is changed of course, but in some ways, their french is closer to the pre-Revolution french Thing is I can't be angry at them, they were on their one to find a way to translate new english words from the 19th century It's different from the haitans who are just too dumb to understand the meaning of basic words