What does Jow Forums consider white?

>Nords aren't white because they're mongols
>Slavs aren't white because they're mongols
>meds, balkanoids and southern europeans aren't white because they're mixed with gypsy and ottoman blood
>Germans aren't white because they're slav and turk rape babies
>Amerimutts aren't white

Who is white, Jow Forums?

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Attached: European Races.jpg (4500x3705, 3.32M)

This while "you're not white!!" "no U!!!" thing is just jewish subversion to turn us against each other.
Remember who the real enemy is; jews, niggers, muslims and chinks.

the only one who isnt white is OP

nah, its just jews

Jews are white

you're not


Basically this. All of European decent are white

big brain: nordics, slavs, germanics, etc. are CULTURALLY white. There are only very few historic ethnic whites left. Being culturally white is more important than ethnically white, because most whites are not historically ethnically white.

If they are white and have white culture, they're white. Now the burden becomes defining white culture. White culture is culture where based on genetic empathy towards other family units which are genetically close to one another. To outsiders, empathetic behavior is NOT white, but behavior consistent with a non-aggression pact IS white.

Fuck you OP.

a society that prefers sparkling water is white

fuck off poofter sparkling water is for gay cunts

I'm the only white person here.

"white" people is a jewish creation to inspire conflict amongst the native germanic tribes


blue or green eyes = white

all else are mutts


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thats a retarded word, and you are a retard for having used it

based and redpilled

what about a jew with blue or green eyes? I know both. Pale as fuck but jews.

Yeah alright poofter

Slavs who think they're white make me kek the most.

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Basque people have brown eyes

The basque meme has to stop. They're shitskins.

The only Nords who are mongols are Finns. All the other Nords are white. Plus, you didn’t mention Anglos in your list, they’re white too, for the most part.

What a beautiful Aryan child!

>Who is white


The historical definition of white has always been Europeans and their relatives.

So this baby is white then according to you?

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Back to the mosque Sven.

The eternal Anglo is the only white man


Good manners, good morals.