Would Trump have tear gassed his OWN mother?
Would Trump have tear gassed his OWN mother?
its almost like she came here legally
so you want a system that would give you another Trump?
She was white..
strange that one picture showed the mother dragged her kids uncared if they are getting hurts
if it were me i'll hug them tight while running
Based Ranjit.
>her son fired tear gas
So Trump himself stoop at the border, manning a grenade launcher? Amazing.
> Her kids
So what you're saying is, strict immigration control would have prevented Trump?
Really activates my almonds.
She probably kidnapped them oir bought them from the real parents who couldn't give two shits about them.
Ah yes the great poverty in 1930s Britain lol
She was scooped up by a millionaire real estate tycoon
>you cant make this stuff up.
You just did, you latex masturbating implement.
Would you look at that. It appears she went through official channels and acquired appropriate documentation and permission rather than just turning up, demanding entry and then trying to storm the gates.
Because they're totally the same situation.
>Be Ms. Trump coming from Ireland.
>Want to move to the United States where there's plenty of food and work.
>Buy a ticket and prepare a passport.
>Stay on boat and hope it doesn't hit iceberg.
>Reach an offical Port of Entry of the United States.
>Apply for citizenship.
>Wait for the legal process to finalize.
>Learn the national language and laws. Become a naturalized American.
>Contributes to the efforts of the nation or a husband.
To make it easy, I'm gonna mark with a row of these where it gets different:~~~
>Be Honduran woman with children.
>Want to move to the United States where there's plenty of food and work.
>Join a large group of people heading to the southern border, bringing your daughter along.
>Illegally push your way through the southern border of Mexico.
>Begin marching through Mexico leaving a trail of trash and your infants tears, because they're already homesick and being marched 5 miles a day sucks.
>get to the southern border of the United States.
>Charge at the southern border with your group as If you were trying to storm Normandy.
>Somehow make it into the United States and evade law enforcement.
>Never learn the language or laws of the nation you just broke into.
>Contribute nothing to anyone, and take money out of the tax payers pocket while paying non themselves.
So tell me, why should I feel bad for a wetback who dragged her children along with her to use as a human shield while she commits a felony?
Occupy Democrats and anyone who follows them should be gassed.
They should be renamed Occupy Strawman
I'm FUCKING pissed lead wasn't unleashed on them fucking worthless nigger babies.
She also came here legally.
We need that meme. He is truly a lead from the front type!
>legal immigration and illegal immigration are the same
Getting real sick of this shit.
white immigrants are good
spic immigrants from honduras are bad
I'm ok with white immigration
its almost like she came here legally, and didn't storm the border with her children
wow man, unironically imagine my shock
we should start making occupydemocrats hypocritical memes, less more so than gritty shit
why not make fake memes using Occupy Democrats? don't overdo it, but make it subtle - very extreme hypocrisy on them
honestly, we could just fuel the fire
the retards over there will buy anything and try anything
I have no problem with whites coming to my country.
We don't want more shitskins, they bring nothing good
We could meme this..