Hey, mexican fag here. So, here is the REAL situation here And, yes I'm gonna write it in spanish >b-b-but you are in an english board a-a-and fuck you latin Fuck off, use google translate if you are retard -Hay 30 detenidos por lo de hoy -Hubo golpes entre comerciantes mexicanos y hondureños -La patrulla fronteriza detuvo a unos 15? hondureños(thks 4 that murica) -El 80% de la poblaciòn los odia -Si quieren saber que tan tenso està el ambiente busquen "Comandante cobra tijuana Ivan"
So what do you think will happen? Apparently a bunch more people coming, it looks like they want this to turn into some kind of human tragedy to have on the news 24/7 so tijuana will likely get way worse
Nicholas Wilson
>no one cares >literally the guy who is paranoic about this
Matthew Morris
Hoy cerraron la garia (San Ysidro) oir unas 5 horas >tiendas de campaña doonaciones por parte de asociaciones humanitarias
Landon Allen
>thinks you need google translate to translate "there are a bunch of spics waiting here to illegally cross the border"
Christian Young
Yo no bullshit. Media says its families. Autists on here say its %100 young men. Which is it?
Christopher Taylor
There might be 10 latinos in all of central and south america
Jose Ross
Watch videos of it. It’s a mixture, but it’s about 80% young men
Matthew Rivera
Its majority men hands down, the kids and women are being put to the front allegedly, the msms reporting, not my own
David King
Yep, more people is coming, and I think that: -The border is gonna close (this tame for days/weeks) -The economy is going to be shit -Anarquism , there are literally people and gangs who are killing the migrants so it's just a matter of time
Landon Johnson
Nop the 90% of the migrants are men
Samuel Morris
Posibilidad de Mexican chimp out / masacre? Qué opinan los cárteles de todo este asunto de "la caravana"
the kids are being used as human shield It doesn't matter if you are racist or not, that is just being a shit of people
Blake Walker
Media say it's families Most of them women and children And most of them skilled labourers, with a high number of collage educated people amongst them. So it's mostly children engineers and female neuroscientists.
Bentley Mitchell
Si, hay grupos armados y ya han empezado los "levantones" Hasta el momento, un càrtel (banda criminal) ha matado a un hondureño que dijo que nos acribillarìa En la tercera y cuarta caravana se presume que hay grupos criminales, y ya està el llamado a los criminales locales a que: "defendan su plaza (zona,territorio) porque tambièn son mexicanos"
Ethan Nguyen
Nop :P
La mayorpia son hombres (90%) y estan entre 20-32 años las mujeres (la mayorìa) sonmadres de unos 30-35 años con unos dos hijos aprox
Daniel Lopez
If it closes for weeks TJ will unironically collapse and the cartels are going to explode with fury.
Caleb Roberts
this I0m actually afraid because there WILL be a civil war
Blake Edwards
Sounds like the typical mix of "refugees" coming to Europe.
Mason Russell
Sage report niggershit op
Aaron Richardson
Joshua Perry
Welp, sounds like this is gonna be interesting. Hope Soros is ready to pay for the funerals.
Carter Perry
youtube.com/watch?v=Jcs3AzTvVs0 Based Mexican man Calling for young men ready to defend their country and family "Join the self defense groups" Asking bikers to join "We'll set up at the beaches and crossing points" Asking to arrest and immediately deport illegal immigrants Ask the Fed Mex government to block the borders Ask the Cartels to make citizens arrests "for their own interest" Bosses of sicarios "do what you have to do" A mass of 30K immigrants want to gather together at the border and we must stop them before they do that. "This calling is for the young that want to defend their country" God bless you all
Isaiah Martinez
this is what OP said -There are 30 arrested by Today - There were blows between Mexican and Honduran merchants - The border patrol stopped at about 15? Hondurans (thks 4 that murica) -80% of the population hates them -If they want to know how tense the environment is look for "Comandante cobra tijuana Ivan
Asher Martinez
no, YOU use google translate. this is an english language board and you are breaking the rules. this kind of shit is why we are gonna beat you all back south of the border.
Sadly yes His followers are all over Mexcio and in Tijuana has over 2,000
Nathan Perry
is this cobra real or just a meme?
Xavier Kelly
-There are 30 detainees today -There were blows between Mexican and Honduran merchants -The border patrol stopped at about 15? Hondurans (thks 4 that murica) -80% of the population hates them -If you want to know how tense the environment is look for "Comandante cobra tijuana Ivan"
Because OP is a bean eater
Gavin Sanchez
sadly real >194679111 has the video
Connor King
I don't see the sad part desu. it is what it is. I assume Mexico is barely keeping its head above water and can't afford to just import and take care of millions of super poor immigrants. Primero los de casa.
Jack Reed
beans are delicius btw
also: Mexican merchants and Hondurans
Ethan King
claro lo màs triste es que el gobierno federal ha quitado todo el apoyo a tijuana y no mandan ayuda policial o en su caso humanitaria
James Parker
these hondurans sound like the drunk people that hanging in my alleyway sometimes i have to chase them off.
Tyler Miller
the best thing trump can do is just close the san ysidro border. All the mexicans that normally cross legally for work will chimp out and the problem will solve itself
Leo Sanders
Pues entonces se van a liar a tiros y listo. Es que desde aquí lo veo clarísimo Y más todavía si hay cárteles organizados que van a perder mucho dinero con toda esta situación. Se va a juntar el hartazgo de la gente, con la ausencia de policía y la presencia de los cárteles. Vamos, que acaba en massacre seguro.
Isnt tijuana and well who knows how much more of the country ran by cartels? Why would they send honest cops to get either killed or corrupted by them?
Bentley Martin
this could be a good options but is missing the fact that California economy depends mostly of the border
Almost all of the principal companies are in Tijuana and they are sending the finished product to California, example: The furniture is made here but is selling in your comfy market
Julian Jackson
Kinda, the cops are in the area of protect the people and deport the migrants (fun fact: they have no legal right to have them here)
Elijah Flores
De hecho :/ Seguirè publicando si apsa algo
Jayden Long
Escuché que la gente dice que estas son pandillas hondureñas que intentan establecer vías de drogas en la frontera.
Xavier Jones
En su mayor parte si pero serìan las de la tercera y cuarta caravana Los de aqui en su mayor parte vienen a ver como està el terreno
Ryder Richardson
>(fun fact: they have no legal right to have them here) Have what or whom where ?
Adam Evans
No hay algpun marco juridico que les permita estar aqui Solo estàn porque la agencica que se encarga colapso en febrero de este año (aqui = en mexico)
John Jenkins
exploradores antes de que llegue el producto, así es como suena
David Walker
que no tienen nada que los habale para estar aqui legalmente
Jack Rogers
O sea, que quieren establecer nuevas rutas: En una frontera que ahora está hiper vigilada Con los cárteles locales perdiendo dinero por esta situación Con la población local al borde de empezar linchamientos popular. Con milicias patriotas Mexicanas patrullando >Son listos estos hondureños, eh?
Isaiah Gonzalez
ooooooooooooh you were referring to the cops. well this shit went from mild annoyance to complete shitshow. who would have guessed Trump would actually not let them in.
GTFO with that shit. Your "language" sounds like a goblin coke head with tourettes syndrome.
Camden Campbell
>civil war Your pendejo, you're being invaded, is not civil war is just war unless Mexicans start kill Mexicans for some reason
Gavin Thomas
i think the best thing is most of these retarded goblins can never even learn english, so you can tell a mulatto from a mestizo from a centracas subhuman
Easton Rogers
que no ves que son blancos, cerdo gallego?
Robert Ramirez
Speak English or fuck off you goblin.
Cooper Powell
No. Hablaremos todos castellano hoy puto mutt.
Nathan Rogers
What is Google translate? You're a dumb fucking spic anyways, I don't expect you to know that
Henry Carter
Calls me a mutt when you're a literal mudperson.
Luis Reyes
>twitch thots declaring that they dont have to and wont pay taxes anymore >looking like my tax dollars are going to have housing/feeding/clothing thousand of honduran refugees soon >this whole migrant caravan are completely endorsed by these leftist extremist libtard twitchthots
is this parasitism at its finest lads ??
Daniel Price
Brandon Jones
>Vamos, que acaba en massacre seguro.
Tranquilo , que nosotros sabemos como tratar a nuestros inquilinos.
The US needs to develop a gigantic leaf blower to keep the Mexicans out
Brandon Barnes
Chase Lee
We Spaniards should have just wiped out the indians. Whoever had the bright idea of using them as labor should have been executed for stupidity and judaizing.
Ethan Cooper
>Díganos outra broma.
Somos la tercera nacion mas blanca cerdo gallego, que no os acordais como venias muerto de hambre a la 8va provincia? ya no te acordais, cerdo mal agradecido, os debimos dejar morir de hambre jajajajajjajajajajajjajajajajjajajjaj
We Must Secure The Border And Build The Wall To Make America Safe Again. Happy Holidays
Elijah Rivera
O mono non pode nin escribir o propio castelán. Os indios son repugnantes.
Sebastian Brooks
A túa nai chupa a miña galo cada día negro. Sen xenerosidade latinoamericana, a xente empobrecida deixaría de existir, díxome grazas e todo isto permanecerá no pasado árabe mal follado.
Camden Collins
Lol dont forget the cinnamon twists
Christian Lee
América Latina é máis branca que Galicia, deixa de succionar galiñas, cabras violas