We got a weapon

Spread these articles everywhere on the internet.





Put our future out there for everyone else to see. Slap it on subreddits, Facebook comment sections, wherever. The more people know about it the better.

>"why should i do that?"


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Other urls found in this thread:


And nvm my username is wayne. I was using that last night to piss that fuck off

Aaannnnd of course you fuckers slide it. I will bump a few more times. If it gets archived i'll just repost this at a later time where more burgers are awake


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Explain more about why people should invest time into this don't just post a bunch of links you lazy nigger

We all already know this.

Spamming it is possibly the worst way to raise conscientiousness, the majority of normalfags will have been socialized to see this as a "dogwhistle" for Nazis, no more, no less and will dismiss it as propaganda (which to be fair, it is).
Do you want to know why "fuck off back to Jow Forums" is still a common saying on other boards despite little to no genuine Jow Forums crossposting occurring, just as an example?
It's because retards like you kept spamming shit and tiring the apolitical of it.

>But she did, together with a colleague, Maureen Craig, a social psychologist at New York University, and they have been talking about the results ever since. Their findings, first published in 2014, showed that white Americans who were randomly assigned to read about the racial shift were more likely to report negative feelings toward racial minorities than those who were not. They were also more likely to support restrictive immigration policies and to say that whites would likely lose status and face discrimination in the future.

Majority white America seemed pretty confy. R.I.P. in piece white America

Yeah thats why were going have a civil war soon. Just stock up on guns ammo and food and try to enjoy life until it kicks off. Make no mistake that its coming.

Your correct in it not being effective in terms of spam but what if it was dropped casually on a conservative page / subreddit. You cant get banned for just dropping a liberal leaning news site and if you obviously post using your personal facebook/twitter your doing something wrong

You literally waited 6 minutes before calling the thread off you stupid nigger

If you present it to conservatives SOME, not all, but some i imagine will start leaning more and more to the right

Stary posting an info graph everywhere online and irl. White % by decade from 1800 to present.

>6 minutes go by
>no response
>its still early est

Of course i figured the thread would die. Quit physco analyzing everything and fuck off

it's because white men are the only ones that pay taxes.

they have painted themselves into a corner.

embrace the kara boga wars that are to come when they can't bleed us enough to make up for the deficit and these niggers and spics get real uppity like never before.

the writing has been on the wall for quite some time.

As a Eastern Europe immigrant to the US, I cannot understand this mentality at all. If my people were threatened to become minority by large Turkish immigration, we'd be calling for the politicians heads. They already are pissed off about immigration over there and we barely have any people coming in.

Imagine any other country in the world besides a Western one with this mentality, like Saudi Arabia. Imagine the Christian European population in Saudi Arabia exploded from 0% of the country to 10-20% in the span of a few decades, with the capital city becoming majority Christian rapidly, the Christians out breeding the population, and mosques being torn down for churches. What do you think they'd do about that?

Fuck look at China and what they're doing to the Uyghurs, straight up concentration camps and ethnic cleansing in the Xinjiang region.

the white minority has to keep working to make the state function or it will fall into chaos like any other hispanic or african dominated country. The US is doomed.

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How long can they take glee in our demise and continue to call us the oppressors at the same time?

Whites seem to be the only race that has a strong contingent of self-flagellating losers who think their race is uniquely evil.

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By the way, that second paragraph is what's happening to the UK, France, Canada, and Sweden. Look up London, Paris (they hide the stats in France and Sweden I think but you can find the estimates), Stockholm, Birmingham, Toronto's demography.

White children are already a minority in the US. What do you think can be done? Realistically nothing, the US is already lost. Best to move to a European country.

It’s because the indoctrination that the US is “a nation of immigrants” and a “melting pot” is complete. Nobody sees this as a “white country” anymore, and if you do you’re a nazi. Just how it is. I’ve given up.


France is estimated to be 20% Arab and Black.

They're the only people on the planet that have been, and are still being, brainwashed intensely for 50+ years to hate and work to oppress and ruin their own racial group(s) and cultures. It's not natural.

Its the propaganda machine. From elementary school to adulthood in movies news and tv, we are a nation of immigrants bullshit. Fuck shitskins, kill em all in minecraft.

>20% Arab and black
Just lol. Maybe Rome.

>le uneducated white men
>all whites are privileged

I wish these cocksuckers would make up their minds, ar at least just come out and say they want rid of blue collar white men.


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This, spamming is not the answer. We need to get tucker to do a series on this, not just a segment he needs to do a series like his tech tyranny series.

I kinda like my ID sempai.

This chick looks gross. Wtf is wrong with her legs?

She's incredibly malnourished cause she has anorexia. She also has a YT or twitch channel, I forget which, where she's basically a camwhore. I think I saw her vag here the other day.

She looks gross and unattractive.

She's severely malnourished user

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And painted like a clown. It wasnt just her lack of healthy weight.

do us all a favor then and kys

why is it making demographers nervous?

>For instance, the 2008 report considered biracial people to be part of the coming “minority majority.” If the census redefines what it means to be “white,” then the possibility of a minority majority may go away.
>Redefing whites to count mulattos and quadroons 'n shit
>That'll help keep the lid on it a little while longer
Because that totally won't backfire when people find out.

why is this?
cause white folks are the Lord's genetic creations, aka Adam/Eve aka the real chosen people.
Baddies are trying to keep the psychological warfare going hard so people don't wake up and realize that jews are basically impersonators and are working directly for the guy opposite of our Creator.

>we wuz God's creation and shieet

Eat shit Wayne

White people are afriad the brown hoards will treat America the same way they treated their home counties.

Bittersweet to know that the architects of white displacement with drown in a sea of shitskins like everyone else.

She died recently of heart failure.

why is it making them nervous

Its far worse than they say.

Those demographics include the older age groups whom are not having kids anymore and are 100% white.

So all that matters are people under 40 which means whites are already minorities in their own countries and are super minorities in children under 5.

Theyve genocided us.

Spics are already white*

Checked and pissed

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How will america become majority non-white when it is currently majority? Even with mixing dna as a whole will be Majority white.

How to mobilize the normie whites?

Oh but I thought there was no demographic change.

checked and F'ed

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You dont get it.

Theyve been so brainwashed for so long they see nothing wrong with it.

Just like they see nothing wrong with handing the chinese hegemonic power.

Theyve lost all probative thought. Theyve been eracidated.

is pic related being scrubbed from the catalogue?

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>US will become white minority by 2045

Looks like the communist, anti-American, subversive kikes in the USA got their wish for white genocide.

Hopefully I will be living in nice, lilly-white Poland when that day comes.

Brown skin is akin to low class. They're not white and I'm not going to get caught up in Mr. Goldburgsteins white genocide in America.

>Spics are already white*

No, no they are not you stupid kike.

Polands gonna go black pretty soon, they are getting monies and jacking up welfare there, and they were never exactly white.

tfw there's no place to escape the horror

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>Polands gonna go black pretty soon, they are getting monies and jacking up welfare there, and they were never exactly white.

No they're not, Rabbi.

The Polish people are "racist" (I'm using that word because it's part of your kike lexicon and you can clearly understand it).

The Polish people don't suffer from the same white guilt that tens of millions of gullible, dumb-shit Americans do.

Do you think the Poles would stand for one minute the kikes flooding one of their cities with a brown-skinned violent horde of 3rd world degenerates?

>It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

Fuck no!

Poland will be nice and white and the stupid gullible Americans that remain in this country past 2020 will be half-breeds themselves or have ugly half-brown skinned children or grandchildren.

Fuck off, Shlomo. I'm not participating in your white genocide.

Aren't most """""lantinos""""" of European descent ?
It's not like all of them are those weird looking Aztec Potato people


Why would they? Ever met someone that moved and now has a cleaner place? Did the stop their old habits? Nah. People straight up dont hange

How to meme girls getting white sperm? Old boys can still donate

>Aren't most """""lantinos""""" of European descent ?

No, no they are not.

One drop rule applies.

That brown skin cannot produce blond hair, blue eyes, and a high IQ.

>white people
LoL .

It's actually a skeleton pretending to be a human.

Don't forget this.

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Or this.

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Agreed. We need to spread it to the right people who can preach it to a large audience. Like tucker Carlson or something. Good post aussie

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It's still alive? But how?

It's not over yet user. There is still hope.

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They are nervous because whites only put up with mass immigration cheap labor while the country was vastly majority white, also the money was good. Now that many whites have had life long close encounters with diversity, they are getting restless about it. And poor due to competition for work. The Jew Masters and White Good Goyim can't hide the truth due to peer to peer communication and many more whites experiencing diversity. These facts are the same reason they are morbid over Unite The Right 2017. Their narrative of White Man Bad isn't sticking like it used to and things could get a lot worse. The less white a country is, the more racist it becomes.

We don't accept japs.. you can hang out on the public boards if you want

It's a self - correcting problem then. The worst things get the easier it is to redpill the normies and 2039 will be like 1939 ex wot this time we'll get it right.

Its actually not as bad in the US as most Jow Forumsacks say and that makes some people upset

Say the Lorax end quote to yourself and think about white displacement. This doesn't get better as long as whites still cheer on every color except their own. If we don't push back hard while making the terrible sacrifice of our own comfort, this does not get a single bit better. It turns into New Brazil. Start saving money and eating healthy. You won't have the necessary endurance any other way.

Wont chang. They still need a minority to keep the machine going. They'll turn on "Hispanic-whites" once whites aren't a majority.

We will be swamped by German immigrants in the next 20 years.

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DID YOU KNOW... that if a mexican attacks a white it's not a hate crime BUT if that same mexican attacks a black it's a hate crime and the mexican hate-criminal is recorded as white?

They can only be mobilized in accordance with their programming.
We have millions of conservative whites with supplies who have been waiting for decades. They are ready.
The challenge will be herding the cats towards the right objective, as the standard normie conservative does not understand that their ideas are what got us here.

No. We mostly get the bottom of the barrel Indios.

In 2015 rome was 10 immigrant with the largest minority being romanians.

No... the pot will boil slowly... there will be no one left who could remember a better time and it will be just a novelty of history like the Roman Empire...

OP can't bump own thread on first posts, the software doesn't allow it, newfag

this will spread and grow as long as the (((oligarchs))) continue to live lavishly over the chaos beneath them

Thanks Mr. Skeletal

Something to look out for going forward is if some of the few white spaces left start acting in openly pro white ways. That could happen as many non whites start being so vicious that everyone talks about it on non main stream forums. Only white enforcers and Jew Masters keep whites in line. When oppression comes with dark faces, even the most self hating white will have an identity crisis.

you guys know that regular white people who aren't white supremacists really don't care about there being less pure white people right?

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And what are we going to de when the largest tax base starts going on welfare? That's right, destabilization and totalitarianism.

jesus, I hope they don't make the White kids angry

Pol talks about that a lot. You should look up the crime rates in low IQ countries. Also the racism rates. If crime and racism are things that give you a case of scary tingles, you should worry about mass immigration. You won't be able to ignore either one once a businessman imports a bunch of cheap darkie labor to your city.

more like white people are afraid the brown hordes will treat America the way they treated their own home countries

>you will never have a spooky skelington gf

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