When did America cease to be a democratic republic and turn into a fascist oligarchy?

When did America cease to be a democratic republic and turn into a fascist oligarchy?

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When DRUMPF took 2 scoops

executive order 11110
jfk assasination
return to gold standard
should read the steven king book on it too, describes how in the 60s tech existed to spy on your neighbours
these days satelites can read your thoughts via remote subvocalisation monitoring/radar

and some mentally ill retarded schizophrenic can you shoot you in the ear cartilidge with electromagnetic frequency creating audible crackles a dozen times a minute for 5 years straight with zero meaning short its schizophrenic insanity and be institutionally backed by suck

can give u cancer, aneurisms, all sorts of health defects, covertly murder etc

going on at the very least in australia and america, probably britain too


the schizphrenic(s) cant leave me alone. need to be murdered

Attached: xEchelon-Bases.jpg.pagespeed.ic.BBEOZXWZzz.jpg (712x400, 86K)

at least fascist states have universal healthcare

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When Wilson’s region of terror began.

Attached: 064D8D02-F1FE-4146-A579-F078F423C990.gif (300x269, 45K)

Fascism would be efficient

>at least fascist states have universal healthcare

I don’t think u know your histor m8

USA is just following in hitlers footsteps.

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haha try google


When a*los exterminated natives

No we're not. Trump will gone in 2020.



All my troubles seemed so far away

t. self hating *nglo-*merican

This. The American Revolutionaries said they reflected the will of the people, but at max they were supported by only a third of the population. Thus, the people in the Republic were much like the crown in a monarchy: the legal fiction through which power is conferred on to those who hold it.

>t. self hating *nglo-*merican
okay paco


Yep. Wilson also saved racism from extinction

Cold War when they started ramping capitalist autism, while I don’t think America is ‘fascist’ it’s a pretty blatant oligarchy/plutocracy.


Fall 2016

> 4channel is a cross-timeline website.

Who wants to hear about my Stalinist American timeline?


Being a connoisseur of European history it's quite clear to me that none Anglo continental Europeans are prone to complete obedience when tyranny appears. Once our English population lost it's majority to the Ellis Island barbarians the decent into degeneracy was inevitable.

If he's up against Hillary again he might unironically win again.

what is Jow Forums's obsession with hating wilson?

The "third" you're quoting is from Edmund Burke's Reflections. You know, the one about France.

It was a gradual process caused by the federal government limiting the autonomy of states. Truly saddening to see the democratic ideals of the founding fathers fall into this.

He dragged us into WW1 for no good reason and he started all this globalist bullshit with his League of Nations faggotry.

Unironically 1865

That war was just the final death rattle of the articles of confederation. The real answer is 1787.

His re-election campaign was on the premise that he would not enter World War I, he entered World War I a month after his inauguration, and then jailed those that criticized the war effort.



god that entire election would be a nightmare

It started about the time leftist activist judges started over-ruling the public when the public voted on something the party didn't want.

It used to be politicians called themselves "public servants." Now they call themselves "leaders" and they (especially leftists) rule by what they call "implied social contract" where they claim the public consents to having all decision-making for all things handed over to a cabal of "leaders."

And it seems like I am picking on leftists, but when you look at the court cases involving challenging measures the people voted on, the over-whelming majority are democrats having judges over-rule acts of democracy to force their way. An example is the legalization of gay marriage where a handful of judges over-ruled 33 states that voted against it.


>leftist activist judges
the retardation levels are impressive.

damn, I fucking wish I lived in the alternate reality you believe we're in

What are dumbasses obsession with calling people Jow Forums? I've never looked at pol in my life. Wilson is a piece of shit.

t. Jow Forums

>Now they call themselves "leaders" and they (especially leftists)
>leftist leaders in American history
pic related is the closest you guys got, and even then the Democratic primaries rigged him out of candidacy

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The moment humans reached North America.


>hating wilson
>Jow Forums

you are aware that wilson was responsible for segregation and supported the ku klux klan, yes?

>When did America cease to be a democratic republic and turn into a fascist oligarchy?

The U.S. was essentially founded by oligarchs but the extent of their power swung back and forth over the decades, then in the post-WWII period, they began to get a lock on government and solidified it in the 1980s.

Nowadays they don’t even pretend and it’s obvious that both mainstream political parties are wholly in the pocket of the globalist corporate elite and we’re in a neo-feudalist society.

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>And it seems like I am picking on leftists, but when you look at the court cases involving challenging measures the people voted on, the over-whelming majority are democrats having judges over-rule acts of democracy to force their way.

This is true, but also missing half the story. """Conservative""" judges are just as prone to the same sort of politically-driven interpretation of the law, invariably in favor of cucking the american citizenry to help out massive banks and corporations.

If you go on Jow Forums you'll see people raising valid points about the problem of leftist judges. If you go on a left-wing space you'll see people raising valid points about the problem of right-wing judges. The issue here is how judges operate in the US period, i.e. the idea that our country has basically gotten to the point where judges have more power to de facto make legislation than elected officials. Think about how much more essential the Supreme Court has become than either Congress or the president? It's asinine. But I have no idea how to fix it.

>This is true, but also missing half the story. """Conservative""" judges are just as prone to the same sort of politically-driven interpretation of the law,

Indeed, we literally just saw this happen with the debate over Trump banning CNN’s Jim Acosta from the White House press pool, only to have one of _his own_ judicial appointees make the preposterous ruling that Acosta’s 5th Amendment rights were somehow violated...

Attached: trump_jim_acosta_1.png (780x400, 471K)


>america is FASHIST!!
fuck off chaponigger

Actually, John Adams' writing, which was about American opinions on the French Revolution. I'm also basing it on the fact that after the first year of the war, Washington had to entice men to join his army with cash and promises of land. Many "Patriots" were not fighting to support the revolution, but to get money and land, had the British made the same offer these same "Patriots" would have joined them. The historian consensus is around 40% joining the Patriots, given a significant portion of these "Patriots" were fighting for the promise of land and money rather than to overthrow the government, I think that 1/3 number is fairly accurate to America as well as France. Numbers aside, my point still stands: Revolutionary governments draw their support from a group they call "the people", an artificial construction no more legitimate than a crown. Washington's "people" is no different than Robespierre's Parisian mobs, Lenin's proletariat, and Hitler's volksgemeinschaft - a tool to achieve power.


When America was founded. The country has always been shit.

>An example is the legalization of gay marriage where a handful of judges over-ruled 33 states that voted against it.
This. The President, Supreme Court, and Congress are all supposed to be balanced, but it seems like the Supreme Court has the final say in everything.


Nobody thought Trump would win. He did. Nobody thought people would vote in favor of Brexit. They did.

Honestly, at this point I'm just not going to try to predict the future.

>domains are split
>nigger mods still sending shit here