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This thread is bad and you should feel bad.

Melbourne is lost

Where's the collage of tonight's episode?

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>tfw missed this episode

Don't worry, it was pretty boring.

what was the go with the sex clown?

>compress and resize image so people struggle to read the text
good job retard

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Been trying all year to get a wife's son up there. Finally tonight.

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Top stuff m8.

so proud mate

noice work

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You've been grinding away each Monday and we're all proud of you

All right aus/pol/ any of you cunts seen this on shelves anywhere?

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It was shit I wish I stuck with my vidya.

>peanut butter fascism

Was still better then last week's snoozefest

Big W.

Based. Posting your tweet in qanda thread got me so many undeserved (You)s
Whittakers is long gone lad, aside from the relatively average 'slabs'. Some user told me they sell the blocks in IGAs but I don't live near an IGA so cannot online?

Who will be the first person from aus/pol/ to call in through Skype?

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Big W has all of them. I haven't bought any from there but I noticed they had a wall of chocolate with all the gold blocks and out of curiosity I went over and checked to see if they had the Peanut Butter because I liked it but woolies and coles stopped stocking it. They did.
You can get it online from them too.

No point, unless to surprise them with something really gross like what you get here with webms.

the new game

Don't tell me you've all gone to bed

my local post office sells Whittakers chocolate

Their range sucks ass, literally dark rum&raisin and milk almond are the only blocks they sell. Woolies at least had a decent range to choose from. pic related would be ideal.

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Chocolate is degenerate, you should be eating gruel as a fun snack.

Cadbury fruit and nut is all you need. It’s halal.

That wall looks like the one I saw at Big W.

Chocolate is fucking great. I'd love some right now but I'm fasting so no food at all for me at least until Saturday.

Yasir Shah is about to break the record for most wickets taken in a single day, he's on ten at the moment
get hype

Fuck off how do you survive that. Is it Ramadan?


>shovels another mouthful of fun

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I’m sick of Trioli and her tits, should be replaced with chink.

Fuck that. I'm not a Muslim.

>how do you survive that
Excess body fat. I'm cutting down with Summer almost here. Plus I'll eat a shitload at Christmas. I've done 10 days before just fine, just need to make sure you're getting your electrolytes. Planned to do that again but caved after 6 days last night so I'm just doing 5/6 days no food, then re-feed.

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Why do you prefer living in our societies then?

They're just parasites. They fucked up their country now they're coming to the paradise we built and making it into theirs. They don't want to live in our society, they want to take it. I was in Melbourne two weekends ago and fuck me, I might as well have been in Shanghai. I didn't realise just how bad it had gotten.

So you need a whole heap of vitamin pills. Yeah eating is a bit of a pain at times.

Oi cunts. Will the inevitable shoah of the Libs in the next Federal and NSW election be enough to wreck all the kikes and shabbos in the party and give rise to an Australia first party?

Dingo goy lol

>So you need a whole heap of vitamin pills.
Nah. I just take magnesium pills. The other electrolytes your body needs and can't produce independently are potassium and sodium so you gotta add those to your water.

>not eating for a week
Not eating is for the weak

I don't give a shit. I don't do it regularly, just when I want to cut body fat.

I'm curious now. What do you eat when you're not fasting? Do you go back to eating unhealthily?

I lost a bit of weight a while ago, went back to eating like a pig and haven't put the weight back on.

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Ideally you should go back to eating healthy. Fasting kills the bacteria in your gut so you need to replace it and if you eat healthy after you can actually build up good bacteria and block urges to eat garbage. That's the ideal thing to do but doesn't always work out. If it did I would never need to fast because for me it's only when I've got fat to burn. Fasting when you're at a low BMI is dangerous and can kill you.

So fasting is supposed to ween you off your cravings for junk food? Sounds like I'm gonna go for 383 days fasting.

fasting is just the newest fucking faggot diet trend

This is the dude that did that so you'd wanna be fat as fuck before even attempting that.

It's not much of a trend. Most people don't have the fortitude for it or think it's dangerous. Plus no one is ever gonna try and market a diet plan that involves you eating nothing because there's no money to be made off that.

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most people don't have to fortitude to stick of any fad diet. but they sure love telling other people all about it

>but they sure love telling other people all about it
Yeah, if I'm doing that I'll shut up about it then.

The Mask at the bottom

also someone out there has found a way to make money out of getting people to fast

I'm half his weight lol.


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Really? How? You literally don't do anything. I don't spend a dime. All the shit I read was free and there's tons of it online.

Yeah, you can definitely fast at 103kg.

I dunno selling dumb cunts books about fasting techniques. supplements. telling people to go on juice fasts so they can sell juicers to people

is there a discord server?

>Checked my BMI
Not sure if I'll fast or if I'll just start CICO again. I am concerned that I will just put the weight back on again once I reach my goal weight though

I'm actually Australian but I have a GB flag somehow it is a blessing and a curse for shitposting


Does Australia need free speech rights?

Make an iphone app that reminds them to stop being a disgusting fattie and get away from that doughnut..
There's an app for everything.
Instead of a fitbit have a don't be fatbit.

CICO better for the long term because any diet should be something you can do sustainably for the rest of your life. Fasting is just a short cut for cutting calories. Read up on both and decide. It's not for everyone though.

>free speech


them existing or not, is it going to impact on what you say at all?

Does australia have rights?
We only have the right to pay tax and welcome refugees so any new and useful rights would be nice.

I imagine there are people who buy doughnuts. then take a selfie saying how they didn't eat them because they are fasting

well done sir

we also have the right to vote or be fined

I think so. No idea how we'd get them. Best bet would be to become a constitutional republic and have freedom of speech included in our constitution but I could envisage our current piece of shit government putting in a little asterisk with hate speech is not free speech beside it.

Assuming you are on the electoral roll.

Mandatory voting is unironically the best kind of voting.

It would allow me to say ((right wing)) things without getting arrested or fined for it

Some people legitimately shouldn't vote. Their opinion is so ill-informed it'd be better if it was only limited to the motivated or those that cared.

People who don't have a family or land shouldnt be able to votel

Being forced to choose which prick you will let sell your country out is awesome.
Except the head prick is not even voted in by the citizens.
Best type of voting.

you should never self censor, always so whatever consequences be damned

yeah our political system is really fucking great

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With the set up we have now that would mean the vote would be limited to boomers and the Chinese. The result would probably be no difference to now.

I'm going to get part of australia to Secede. Ama

Which part?
What's your plan?

Which part? WA

Yeah didn't think of that, who should be allowed to vote then

Barely any Americans in this thread cause who gives a shit about non us states. Flipside you emu cunts can't keep your hands off our shit. Really makes you think..

Also we don't have "us/pol/" because pol is us. Gg faggots, stay blisteringly hot.

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Stay 56%.

Mount Gambier, Port McDonnell and some regional south Australian towns. They are fed up with the Australian government and fairly right-wing. Also they are very small so easy to infiltrate politically. It's vital to take Port McDonnell because a new nation needs access to the coast and a functioning port.

That electorate is that fed up they almost voted in a candidate who was up on corruption charges in the SA state election

There's that self implied legendary emu bantz. Very nice, what a credit you are to your race.

Ideally I'd limit it to men over 18 who desire to vote but realistically it should be everyone over 18 yet not compulsory. I suppose you could make it one vote per household which might get families to think more about how their vote impacts them all and by extension the whole country?

who do i have to vote for to get the chinks and the gooks to fuck off

I've done fasting since mid last year and have dropped 18kg. From borderline obese to into the healthy range according to the BMI. It's surprisingly easy compared to sticking to a meme diet. You get pretty hooked to the feeling when you're that hungry. Though your brain function goes pretty downhill when you get to the 60 hour mark.

The party doesn't exist. Yet. Whoever makes it though will need to act fast. They're already apparently 5.6% of the population and I believe that census data is wildly low. It will only get worse and soon.

Cant we get just get it added to our amendments through a referendum? I think we should have worded identically to the US 1st amendment.

okay i'll give you a gold star billy

There's that whine of a come back we expect from a school shooter.
What a credit to the me too movement you are.

What happened?

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user, our census goes by nationality. Chinese people who are born here identify as Australian :)

The only way out now is for some Jow Forumsack to start their own nation

No politician wants that.
That data will not include students or 457s that are here and not going to leave.