So i'm at school and one of my lefty teacher asked to do an essay

(yes im 18, I'll be here for more one year and i repeated the first year of high school)I need to write about the importance of the Human Rights letter made by the UN that Brazil signed to and so did other countries.
So, i am here to ask if it really is important, if not, give me arguments as to why please? As long as the argument is good (doesn't need to be lengthy if you don't want to waste your time). If it is important give me arguments and try to convince me, and I'll put it in my essay and post it here later, okay? I'll later come back and say what my teacher told me about it as well if anybody wants to.

Attached: IMG_20181126_110234679.jpg (3264x2448, 1.63M)

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>i repeated the first year of high school
Jesus H. Christ. This is too much for me.

ITT we write OP's essay on human rights. You know the rules, one word each, posts with multiple words skipped.





no one cares about the human rights because they are not used as legal ground. The left casually uses the term as a buzzword when it fits their agenda and dismisses it if it doesn't - e.g. trials of ex-nazi guards which are against the declaration of human rights or rape laws, that undermine the"innocent-until-proven-guilty" - clause.

write how human rights is a western, colonizer concept and that it should not be applied to foreign cultures. Syria is not a western country, they dont need to keep human rights, same as NK etc. etc.

Human rights is a meme. Humankind try to fool themselves into thinking that there are rights in this world, when there is not. We are an animal like the rest, our only unique quality is cognitive thinking. And that quality is short lived depending upon the situation one finds them self in. When ever chaos arise, we constantly see people taking advantage of the situation to abuse others. And that is the point, everybody abuses one person or another no matter who they are. You go to school thinking that your government is good or only certain person is good, but never do they tell you about what went on in private. Everyone is out for themselves, remember that. Nobody gives a shit about who you are, and in the moment they will shit on you if it is for their benefit. Human rights is just something we declare to fool ourselves into thinking that we care for others, but the fuckers that came up with that shit are no different than the rest of humanity, if not worse. They are snakes in the grass.

Worry about you, your family, and the few that earned your trust user, fuck everybody else.