The only white race is slavic, celtic, basque, Germanic, Finnish
The med races are Caucasian, North African, and Arabic or.mixtures of such.
The only white race is slavic, celtic, basque, Germanic, Finnish
The med races are Caucasian, North African, and Arabic or.mixtures of such.
>pic related
divide and conquer. pay no attention
Define a caucasoid skull there is no such skull.
>The med races are Caucasian,
Slavs are the only caucasians. The fuck kind of crack are you smoking shlomo? Do you know where the Caucuses are?
Only the first 3 are white.
Divide and conquer?
Arabs nafris and caucasians if they happen to live in med arent "us" they are a different race
>who is white?
not you nigger