My six year relationship is dying and i dont know if i should save it.. Rundown >meet at 14 >nothing happens, friend of a friend >meet back up at 18 >head over heels wow this is it man >stays the same for 5 years >not amazing, not bad, just comfy and nice >this year we moved >he got a new job >doesnt come home some nights, shady >im starting to be sneaky because he wont talk to me >snoop through a phone for the first time in my fucking life >nothing. Allot of stuff about going to bars but no girls >leave it alone, let him have his guy time i guess >he starts waking me up by yelling at me for not being awake when he gets home at 3 in the morning >im late for work several timea because he will not let me fall asleep, practically shakes me awake >nothing i consider abusive yet >this goes on for a long time >fights become more and more violent >he spat on me >shut my fingers in a door once >i stay because we have been together so long and the fights always happen after i bring up him being gone so much >he always changes for the better for like, a week >today he asked me for 60 dollars >he got paid four days ago >i ask him why he needed 60 and he told me it wasnt my business, to just do it ect >i tell him to meet me somewhere because i was intown and he calls me retarded, a bitch, ect because i couldn't meet him at home >i panic and meet him, toss the money in his window >he has his family with him,i dont want to argue in public >i speed off >get flooded with apologies through text >i dont know what the fick to do
Ive been ignoring his texts for about 32 hours now.. he hasnt texted me again for about 12. Im lost....things have been good for 5 fucking years...i love him. I dont know anything but him, even now id do anything for him. If he just showed up at my house it would mean so much but he hasnt come back since he got the money....his last text said he wanted to fix things but i cant believe that, but i want to... I dont know if i can start over.. im a monster now..
Stop talking about the previous years if the person you are with now is making you unhappy. Sit down and confront them, ask about the money, where it's all going, and that you're seriously considering leaving. Be calm but concerned.
Daniel Roberts
There was probably red flags all over the place you just choose to ignore it because of your feels. It sounds like this guy doesn't give a fuck about you. If love is violence and abuse then you have plenty of it.
Hunter Hughes
To elaborate on this fight cuz i ran out of room >im in a store having a panic attack as he screams at me about being out when he needs me >i leave everything in the cart and go to the car, drive to a local church ten minutes away >he calls me a retarded bitch because he has no idea what church >"pick a place i know goddamn you are the dumbest bitch iver ever fucking been with" >im weeping and trying to drive somewhere else, walmart was my plan >FEMANON WTF IM ON MY WAY TO THE CHURCH YOU ARE FUCKING WITH ME, BRING ME THE FUCKING MONEY >also i have NO idea why he needed the money. He said he owed it to somone. Thats all he would tell me >finally meet him at a gas station >he has some same age male family members >they sneer and laugh as he starts to shout at me >im shaking and cryinf, i toss the money and run, tell him to fuck off >he calls me a fucking birch and speeds off >immidatly sends me long apologies >doesnt call tho >havnt heard anything from him since he said "look, call me. I wanna fix this" 12 hours ago. Havnt said anything TO him way longer... i just dont know what to say...
John Hill
he's an addict retard
ditch him
Christian Bell
It was so good for so long tho. It was so comfortable and it felt like..idk how its supposed to fucking feel? What can i do ? To move on? Im afraid...ive been out the game...if we cant fix this i have to start over and im terrified..
Adam Edwards
Sounds manipulative. Sorry to say it’s best for you to just walk away from the relationship. He won’t ever change unless he has real reason to. Confront him. Give him a week to see how he reacts. Confront again and leave if he doenst change/or keep the changes. My ex did the same stuff, spouted off “this is who I am” when she wasn’t that way for the past few years. Broke it off and a year later she came back
Juan Adams
just to be clear I meant this as "he's an addict, retard," not "he's an addict (and a) retard," but I guess either way works lol
Jack Adams
As far as i know he isnt on drugs! I thought this too!! But hes never been fucked up at home, ive never found any shred of evidence of it.... no tracks, no bloodshot eyes...nothing..its like he just hates me so suddenly and i feel like my ribcage is expanding to its breaking point and its gonna collapse any minute...i was thinking of baby names with this guys last name and for what? I feel fucking robbed...
Cameron Collins
Yes move on please. For your safety and your sanity you desperately need it. Youre still young luckily. Move in with family and stay the fuck away from someone like that. Name calling abusing your spouse soulmate whatever is not acceptable in any way. How can he say he loves and he calls you a fucking bitch around other people? What's next? He chokes or slaps you in public? Have some love for yourself, you don't deserve that.