Jews reaping what they sow

Jews reaping what they sow.

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judaism is matriarchal

Does she get half the sideburns too?

I live in Stamford hill it's a shithole. People will see this and think she is getting a nice home.
Pic is what she is getting.
Just a reminder England has a population density higher than India and in the SE it is much higher. We have the smallest homes in Europe. our roads and public services are congested and overused. No young people can afford to buy a home despite being more educated than ever before.
This is what 1.4 million gets you, a small terraced house with damp and your neighbors will probably be Indian or African council tenants.

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Literally shlomo

Shlomo looks like Adam Sandler

>judaism is matriarchal
Yes it is. I don't think a lot of people know that either. The women wear the pants in the family. Like everything with jews it's either backwards or a negative, inverted mirror image complete with degeneracy.

>mfw I just don't know who's jewing who anymore

>ultra orthodox
>extreme free speech

well the whole point of this orthodox cult is to supply a lot of females to unemployed ugly losers in arranged marriages.

Adam Sandler looks sad

But the women are uglier than the hairy jew men.

>Shlomo Kliers
Lmao, it's like calling your kid Hans or Wang

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Well they're both kikes soooooooooo

Why not just moving to the countryside? Looks comfy af

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English countryside is comfy. English countryside homes are expensive. That home probably costs a few million.

There are no synagogues out in the country.

That’s odd me and the Jew have a similar name.
>T. Shlomo kilers

Why it would cost much less to build that house, are the municipalities not giving out enough building permits? Or are there not enough lower class people that want/can work with their hands?

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pls explain because the old testament seemed pretty patriarchal to me

oy vey, my world control is slipping!

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Hahaha, it's always a good day when Shlomo gets Shekelsteined

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