Will this exist in 100 years from now?
Will this exist in 100 years from now?
In Europe? yes
In america? not so much
Jesus christ what absolute PRIME FUCKMEAT. She needs bred with a black bull immediately, the resulting mutt will no doubt have all the best qualities of both parents. Get a white man to raise it obviously, we don't want it going feral and the black guy probably won't stick around anyway.
No, she will very likely be dead.
there are more natural blondes in America than in Europe
Oh so Bongs are the mentally ill cuck posters on other boards. Good to know
she has nice features but her face/eyebrows creep me out. She genuinely has the face of a little boy wtf
no, she will probably be dead
if you means somebody who looks like her then yes
make it 10 years
people like you need to be executed
Yes, 100 years isn't that long.
1000 years? It very well may not exist.
Shut it please.
Oh yeah, where in Europe? In eastern countries? I doubt it. You won't remain poor shitholes forever, your economy will eventually increase, your state will eventually start giving out more and more gibs, shitskins will invariably begin to be attracted like flies on shit, your politicians and women will welcome them with open arms, and you won't be able to do anything about it.
Not unless we stop the demonic threat the jews pose to white civilisation
I already said that.
Do you believe in God?
nah she will be dead by then
trains shouldn't exist now if you think about it. theyve been around like 200 years. You'd think cars would've killed em but no.
>best qualities of both parents.
niggers dont have any good qualities brainlet.
Thots are eternal, brah.
>everyone in Europe is as cucked as me: the post
Especially a country with a tiny population like Slovenia.
That's up to Whites. No one itt can make a guess because it's not ascertainable yet. Anyone making guesses are dumb fucks and know it themselves.
Top leaf post. Like father like son
based and bullpilled
>dark eyebrows
disgusting shitskin whore
Would she be allowed to marry a northern Spaniard user? Asking politely for your daughter's hand.
Probably not. Diversity is our greatest strength, so her genes must die.
You need murdered
I can't fucking wait
to slaughter people
like you.
HAHAHAHAHA "demonic" shut the fuck up froggot, like you're fucking angels.
Beest poem
They're very clearly drawn on. Look at the sharp edges on the inner crease. She probably has very light brows, which admittedly, look worse than dark brows. I'm a guy who has light brows himself because I'm blond, and when I'm going out sometimes I use my sisters eyebrow pencil to color them in darker, and I look WAY better.
Is that a no?
Most people don’t live past 100, so I can’t image she will be around in 2118
No only a central one.
girl in pic is not even natural blonde
HAHA, why though?
Please give me her instagram
Heard of make-up you incel?
>Europe will be cucked forever
People will want change soon retard thats what I meant, in America there's a much lower chance of that ever happening. Europe is still 90% white, america is 60%.
Uruguay range ban when?
Oh look a rare Uruguayan kike
The eternal leaf faggot.
What's this filthy cunt's name?
fuck off white knight nigger lover
She will be like 112, so probly not.
No. I will enslave and breed them all.
She's definitely a natural blonde. Might have further lightened her hair, but it 100 % was blonde to begin with.
Just rangeban that jew
I'm not Jewish but i look basically like a Jew.
I have blond hair and brown eyebrows.
Unironically based. Even niggers hate them everyone does
Some acid on her face would improve her whore look.
Con 7UZE
Basically a jew
have you read the talmud, it's pretty demonic if you ask me
>Europe is still 90% white
That's some serious delusions here
Only in Finland.
Everyone hate everyone.
Not my fault your country is 80% white kek
then you aren't white
Go eat dog shit off the floor, goy.
Die you Paki fuck.
No, I understand you perfectly. Are you a ladyboy?
In northern and eastern europe yes, maybe not in western europe..
100% pure anglo post, seal of approval given.
>two letter answer
Nice arguement
Thank God it will not the era of whites must come to an end.
Have a steady well-paid job, I am in my late 20s and come from a stable family with happily married parents who have taught me the value of a strong family. I am looking forward to become a father and provide for my family. No genetic diseases in my family, whose members are naturally slender and fit.
Still prefer playing chances by picking "a central one".
Think again, user. Or else I'll look somewhere else.
Another reason why you won't go to the kingdom of God.
No, humanity will cease to exist by that time. And it will be humanity's fault.
mmh them some fine thighs
Imagine being such a loser that you cant find yourself a girl so you want to take her by force
What a cuck
Kingdom of god is supposed to come to Earth. You do not go to it It comes here.
FSB agent
looking for rogue
Finland needs to be ranged banned, it is a moral imperative. It's the right thing to do. Shame on you for not having addressed this earlier.
tfw you want a natural blonde girl but you live in southern europe
Based Taiwan, please tell me how Taiwanese feel about race.
I could find a girl I would not be here Pooland.
Well lucky fucking you, uh?
There is no god.
And with it, the fall of civilization. Shitskins would revert back to their natural monkey savagery
The Road minus the survivors comes to mind.
>I am looking forward to become a father and provide for my family.
This. But no gf.
Sorry, still only central ones accepted.
There is no such thing as civilization.
Yeah, in eastern Europeand in Amish and Mormon communities in North America and in German communities in South America. There'll also be tiny amounts dotted all over western Europe.
Awwww, poor fucking you.
Born lucky but worked hard to keep being lucky.
I see you come from a wrong mindset. Must be hard to be stopped that hard by envy from progressing in life, user. Change your views, focus and work on yourself, and things will become better. Trust me.
And what are you going to do about it? Nothing now stfu and accept you dying already.
Very well, then, Sir. I wish your daughter the best of luck.
Is this a haiku?
You should trust me goy.
I think we're just going to have to live with uncomfortable ugly patterned public transport seating for the foreseeable future. They used to be all soft and bouncy, but kids would graffiti them and tear the vinyl like fucking savages.
You've been spending too much time on /b/ and /hc/.
>things will become better
>He doesn't know how bad things truly are.