It seems like my entire generation is incapable of moving ahead in society. Everyone is either stuck in dead end jobs, thousands in debt, living with their parents/relatives, or some combination of these.
I love these threads. Always reminding me that I'm on top of my generation. I graduated from high school in 2010, by the skin of my teeth really, and have been working full time as a CNC machinist making $18/hr and I don't even have a degree or student loan debt. In fact I have no debt at all. I paid off a $13,000 car and am currently on the path to purchasing my first house.
Luis White
>my generation nice try, boomer
Chase Allen
God I fucking hate my generation... Just fucking kill me please.
Andrew Powell
Gets a BA in Biochemistry? A Bachelors of Arts in Biochemistry? With a 3.4 GPA. Surprised when she is the bottom of the barrel? What kind of tech job pays min wage? I had a BS in Micro and worked at a University in the US and made 37,000 a year as a tech and that is considered the lowest paid position possible. What fucking job requires a BS in Biochem that pays min wage?
Dominic Taylor
Why is the Federal Reserve privately owned by children of their father the Devil?
15 grand to relocate, and for a job that pays $375 a week? Looks like you can teach biochem but you can't teach common sense.
Joshua Hernandez
Soooo... what's her porn name? I want to see who I'm laughing at.
Kayden Johnson
>$1,500 a month at biochem job
I gross almost 20% more than that as a foundry grunt.
Easton Anderson
I doubt it
Evan Wright
I love shitting on millenials. They really, honestly believe that just because they followed some arbitrary checklist, the world owes them something. Maybe they should flip some burgers and learn humility for a change.
Kevin Miller
Millennials and zoomers earn the LEAST in terms of purchasing power and spend the MOST in terms of purchasing power. This is what happens after trillion dollar bank bailouts - the currency loses value because adding so much currency dilutes its value, so you have to work more hours to get the same AND spend more for the same items
these threads are shill threads to shame you int earning boomer debt - DON'T.
Joseph Watson
The only millenials I know with middle class lifestyles (homeowners, married, children) work in STEM. Out generation got fed "follow your dreams" BS our whole lives and the only people who made it out okay are people who love computers lol.
Gabriel Collins
>Pushing the STEM meme >fix my shit, goy!
This is a shill thread. Anyone advocating getting involved in the system in any way is a shill
Oliver Morris
The only people to blame for loser millennials are their loser parents. So many of them wanted their perfect little angels to grow up with no adversity in life and taught them that if they just do whatever they say then they'll grow up and be successful. Life doesn't work that way though.
Besides, boomers are the most entitled fucks on the planet. Have you ever had to deal with them in customer service? They throw an absolute shitfit over nothing if you tell them "no."
Jonathan Hughes
> Gets a 3.4GPA > Expects a job with a bachelors
Yeah, no
Eli Reyes
First, who gets a BA in a STEM field? Second, I don't believe any of those claims except for becoming a whore.
John Lewis
Typical Britbong reply.
William Adams
One you make up on the internet because the IRS is about to do the helicopter dance in your face.
Bitch probably makes 30/hr 18hrs a week, her "making ends meet" camwhore job is probably 80% of her income and she doesn't report it.
I'm guessing whatever school she went to has the BA as a "lesser" version of the associated BS. Probably fucked around and didn't pass enough classes to get a real degree.
>I didn't ask for this You sure did ask for these loans, sweatheart.
Brody Miller
>tfw sign up for an apprenticeship in IT >wait a year >get an email finally >CNC operator apprenticeship >$4 less an hour than I'm making now >community college and job is 2 hours away >briskly send an excoriating email asking them if they're out of their asshole minds
Oh well. Isn't CNC manufacturing anyways?
Mason Johnson
A generation doesn’t grow up fucked up. Look at their parents and ask what lessons their parents missed, that are causing their children to lose sight of everything that is good.
Jace Allen
> Does internet porn > Wonders why no one will hire her
lol, my friend's sister makes $140,000 a year. She got her biochem degree 4 years ago.
Mason Ortiz
I have a English degree and a Master’s in Business and make well over 6 figures in a low cost of living city, been out of college and working for 4 years now and do not understand this “woe is me” bullshit. Most of these idiot roasties are leaving out how they spend 200 bucks a week out at bars and clubs being fucking stupid. I have 2 worthless degree but didn’t let the degeneracy of this excess society eat away at my livelihood
>Why is this? Participation trophies and lenient parenting.
Nicholas Gray
This post is fake as hell. No actual biology job pays under minimum wage.
Leo Price
I fell for it
Sebastian Wright
How happy are you though? Are you alone? Is pride alone enough to sustain your spiritual and mental health?
Carter Roberts
You should. Doing what you’re told and having a Good life is what every healthy society provides. If you follow most of the rules and end up in a shitty situation it’s bad luck. When an entire generation does it, it’s a systemic failure. That has become obvious to the generation below millennials.
Nicholas Green
> be me college drop out > making 6 figures salary in IT > Live in canada dont have to deall with amerimuts >live in quebec so rent is one of the cheapest in north america and quality of food is just simply amazing, Girls are way better looking than anywhere else in canada.
Damn it feels good to be quebecker.
Dylan Butler
It's called opening up housing and employment to the entire world.
Lucas Rodriguez
>Why are millennials such losers? >It seems like my entire generation is incapable of moving ahead in society. >Everyone is either stuck in dead end jobs, thousands in debt, living with their parents/relatives, or some combination of these.
Maybe she just sucks at Biochem and should go back to food service.
Seems she excelled at that.
Elijah Ross
When I was a teacher I told all my students how much more important it was to get a job instead of going to college.
Huge money-sink for hedonism.
Zachary Long
I doubt there is sauce. By "porn" she probably just means rubbing her pussy on chaturbate while spamming her patreon link or some shit.
Noah Jones
What's the alternative though, be a NEET forever either renting and paying as much as you would for a mortgage or never moving out of your parents house? Taking on a lifetime of unplayable debt and being resigned to a life of NEETdom are both unpleasant options, that's what's we've got though.
Thomas Smith
>applied to over 90 jobs Submiting a resume online takes 5 fucking minutes. It took me at least 500 for me to get my current job, fucking idiot roastie
Gavin Allen
>Seemingly attractive woman >Homeless on the streets
Anthony Wilson
I install video conference systems for 26$ an hour with no high school diploma, maybe she's just dumb?
Henry King
I still don't understand why every thread on Jow Forums isn't about the fed, why every tv show doesn't talk about the fed and why every activist and anti-oppresion movement isn't solely dedicated to cutting the heads off the fed
Jaxon Walker
As you can see by her timeline, it took about a year for her to finally realize her only value and turn to using her body for money.
Robert Lopez
we're proud of you, slave
Alexander Rodriguez
>woman lies imagine my shock
Liam Martinez
>BA in biochemistry
That’s the L senpai
Robert Peterson
take a look at the people who raised them
Jordan Walker
I gross that in a week
Jose Clark
Because humanity got to a point, in which it must be completely destroyed and restarted from scratch.
I cant believe the retards in the 40s fought against Hitler for this shit. They doomed this whole country . Sold us out . I hope the 1950s where worth it
Hunter Campbell
Why didn’t she stay with her parents in 2009? Why didn’t she make contacts in College to call in a favor for her first job?
Jacob Wright
> oh noooo > that poor girl > she has more Franklins debt than hairs on her head > she has to do porn for filthy incels in internet otherwise this poor and honest girl will starve > now you nigger faggots want that she pays taxes like everyone
She is so bad in biochemistry that even her porno butt didn't help her to find a proper paid job. If she unfolds her porn goddess wings and moves from one place to another, she needs only 15k USD (debt of course). What for frugal girl.
who finds sarcasm in my comment can keep it
Easton Morgan
Freelance tutoring
Aaron Bell
its really bad mane, some co-worker (btw also cnc machine operations here) just told me to "follow his twitch" and I heard of this twitch thing for long time now here on the 4chins but never really looked into it there are actually people in the hundreds of thousands watching people play video games or just babble stupid shit into high definition cameras that is being highspeed streamed into the internet its so weird, I feel no connection to this whatsoever
Its like we're using the newest rocket technology to power a washing machine
Evan Brown
What I LOVE about millennials and their constant bitching about income stagnation : there’s a very clear correlation between all those wonderful immigrants that they want to welcome and the fact that they are working their ass off to compete against these same immigrants (who are prepared to work for below market rate )...where’s the self awareness ???
Matthew Walker
1. The economy 2. Inadequate curriculum in public schools 3. High media saturation enabling kids to live a life of entertainment without regard for their future 4. Left-flavored MSM propaganda
In that order.
Julian Edwards
Lincoln Gomez
No offence man but 8 years after graduating HS you should be making more than 18$/hr.
Jaxon Barnes
>Wasted money on a biochem degree at a private college >Wound up on the streets >Friend gets her a biochem job >No mention of internship Why doesn't she shuffle around for a job while working at her job now? The best time to look for a job is when you have a job. Also, she deserved it for not being able to afford private colleges. Those things are debt traps to the max.
I dunno user, X + Y doesn’t equal Z in this economy. My guess is you’re either a boomer or a teenager if you still think >muh stem = >muh jobs These days there’s nothing you can do with just a college degree. You either need connections, or further education to succeed.
Landon Foster
Yea, where I work we make a lot for military contracts as well as private customers. When I started out I was a glorified button pusher for sure but now I'm training people, setting up lathes or mills. I've had my hands on dozens of unique machines, being on the job has taught me far more than I ever did in the couple classes I took before realizing what a waste of time and money a degree was going to be.
Eli Davis
This too
Between (((The Fed))) & (((importing low wage workers))) we are fucked
Benjamin Nelson
Why are boomers so violent and angry all the time? I can't even buy some groceries without some obese 60 year old screaming about social security and high blood pressure pills.
because capitalism does not allow for the just, fair and hard working citizens to have a good life. neither does fascism/natsoc which aims to "keep the blood clean" and encourages genocide and inbreeding. The world is currently caught between these two. But it's just a matter of time when proletarians will realize who they really are.
Landon Carter
I can't for the FUCK understand why you pay 140k for an education that will never bring in that money. Never ever. I have friends who are fucking artists, can paint, draw, on everything. They know from the first minute what their lives will be and live accordingly. No gucci bags, no iPhones, no 4$ coffe mugs every morning. Not even vacation until both kids attended school to save up for tuituion costs. I know multiple young idiots who refuse to co-habitate, refuse to do the minimum required jobs in their fields (architecture, IT, law, whatever) and then go on all day how their 12h shifts for shitty jobs break them. You could the job in your field for double income, but sorry mate, hacking websites for corps is the entry level shit you have to do for 10 years until Greenpeace gives you 20 mil for social media shilling.
Christian Gray
>volunteered too Why would you volunteer? Your time is already strained.
Colton Sullivan
Grad students in biochem make twice that in Sweden. Is this what STEM is like in the US unless you're a code monkey?
Andrew Anderson
because they were never disciplined correctly as children
Brody Diaz
>born in 96 >realize college is a meme >learn a trade at 18 >gainfully employed with the government making a lot of money not hard
Connor Bailey
Yea believe me I know, I've been at the same place most of the time for personal reasons. I've only asked for a raise once and our shop wasn't doing too great during the Obama administration. It's pretty insane watching it take off right now. I've probably made 30% more in the past 2 years.
Gabriel Brooks
Is the roastie? You can spend all the money you want on booze and frivolities, it won't make you happy, just distracted from your misery. Happiness comes from within, not without.
Wyatt Scott
I agree it's not for everyone. It is actually very competitive to get the high paying jobs. You are competing with the mega nerds who programmed their calculators in high school without anyone teaching us. The only way they can keep up is muh diversity.
Connor Ross
It is if you dont get a practical degree. Dumbass millenials go to a $30k a year college for psychology or creative writing. I had a similar experience to OPs pic, but I have an Act Sci degree. It was 4 years working as a waiter paying off student loans, scrimping and saving, taking tests, etc. I now have a decently comfy financial analyst position in an MCO with the promise of escalation to an Actuarial position. Making $48k a year and am finally starting to have growing, stable savings. As a millenial, I can tell you the following: >Yes it's about who you know sometimes. >If you dont know anyone that can help you, it is annoying recruiters everyday. >It is applying for every job even if you arent fully qualified. >Most who apply will have the technical skills, but your communication and relatability will get you past that interview. Yes, boomers had it easy. We can whine about it or we can adjust. The ones who adjust are the ones who were intended to make it.
Thomas Lewis
Stem is pretty much sub 50k a year unless youre in a high demand field or get a Masters.
Brody Kelly
After failing to get a job because she sucks at life she could have married a man and been on her third child now, but of course western women are to narcissistic for that. They demand a job, a job that they like, even though they suck at that job and bring nothing of value to said job.
This bitch could have saved herself from inescapable debt and nearly a lifetime of heartbreak if she just filled out an application and worked at Walmart.
I agree and feel the same way. 14 years here and I only make $14/hr.... but the CNC guy probably has more room to grow (to what?I'm not certain, but there has to be at least something).
Or you could just go and work in a less competative environment.
Aiden Cooper
BA in biochemistry means she didn’t actually take any hard science classes or math. It’s just a meme stem degree that’s worthless just like BA Biology, Geology etc. I got a BS in Geo and had no trouble finding a job. The people that got the Bas in geo all teach like earth science classes in middle or high school. Just because she couldn’t pass calculus two doesn’t mean I should feel bad for her being retarded.
She has a BA, not a BS. If she has a BS but just doesn't know the distinction, I'm not surprised she doesn't have a job.
Samuel Brooks
>San Jose, CA >obviously picking a part of the county that is expensive to fit your point I live in the midwest. >Sr. Revenue Analyst Read my post. I'm an entry level financial analyst.
Christopher Ross
I hope she's keeping up on her taxes
Ayden Adams
I gross that in 0.002 seconds every day while I fuck my 10/10 wife in my master bedroom.
Jackson Jackson
She's okay with sucking dick on camera but she won't put her face to this?
Joseph Morgan
Good for you, sir. I do something similar.
Lucas Cooper
here first to items don't really go together. if she only graduated in the top 10% of her high school class, there's almost no way in hell that she got into a top private school. those schools (stanford, harvard, princeton, etc) are taking top 1%, and even some of those get rejected.
Jaxon Diaz
>started doing internet porn kek sellin them dirty panties yo
Logan Phillips
Also concerned with the no face. I really want to find her porn and whack it to her knowing the depression inside her is growing into a near-future suicide attempt.