/GIOYC/ - Adding numbers was silly

Whoever you are, whatever you're going through Anons we'll be here for you.
Just remember these six words
>Get It Off Your Chest user

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My ex got someone else pregnant and now I'm not sure if I want to live through this.

Don't message me or my friends again, F.


Message me or else

I think this website has broken me Anons, I honestly don't know what I can do with my life anymore.

I thought I could do something about the state of this country I got the right connections and made a few speeches and had a lot of grassroots support, and I got it all robbed from me, I got my head bashed in and it's more than likely brain damage to which I'll find out on the 20th.

It just saddens me to see the world degenerate and I know it's the overused Jow Forums meme but I can't think of any other word for it and knowing I no longer have "the smarts" to be able to make any impact

Even if I didn't properly make it into politics I think I could have continued with my life however with this curveball coming in I don't know how I'll continue to live knowing my worst fear of being retarded has finally come to light.

I think the only question for me left is whether I'll hide away and die in peace or if I'll lose my sanity and go full Britbong Jow Forums.


Jow Forums doesn't break people. People break themselves.

or else what user? are you going "American Lampoon" someone? and why do you want them to message you?
mind if you tell me more user? just because my English is a bit janky

Or else I'll message them aaaand I want them to msg me cus I want to chat with them

Fair enough user, I know it's the sleep deprivation kicking in but it sounded fairly ominous.
for the actual advice what's stopping you from starting the conversation? surely if you want something you go and get it to the best of ones ability.

Thanks for the laughs, it makes my imminent death more funny.