Being black

I made a post awhile back about how I truly hate myself for being black, people gave advice like"stop thinking about it" but its hard for me. How can you forget about being black when its basically mentioned everywhere. I deluded myself into thinking that the only option left is to kms. Can someone please help me before I go through with this ?

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Why do you hate yourself for being black? It is out of your control and there is nothing wrong with being black

to be fair, I believe it is entirely just to hate yourself for being black

However I do say you're quite intelligent for noting such a debilitation. It is your choice whether or not to do so, you won't see me trying to stop ridding the world of one more pest.

Good luck

Bro if you have the self awareness to hate nigger culture you're already wholly distinct from them.

There's a difference between being black and being a nigga, imo. Being black doesn't really matter, just don't be a nigga. A nigga comes in all colours, they is thugz. you get what I'm saying.


I read a few Wikipedia articles about the differences within race and I believe blacks really are the lowest in everything

Oddly enough your comment made me feel slightly better because I don't really see myself as very intelligent

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You're at least a step above the rest.

Perhaps your feelings of inferiority root predominantly from a laziness/refusal to act?
If you're depressed, chances are you retreat within yourself moreso than to a desire to work/socialize and the like.

Just remember race is a construct and that the only thing that matters is your culture and your ethnicity. Your skin color is not black, it's a dark brown. You are only a nigger if you act like one. White people can be niggers too. If you start to define every aspect of yourself based on the color of your skin, you will only be able to see your short comings because that is what stereotyping and racism does. Just live your life the way you want to and fuck what anyone else says, statistics and all. If you hate it that much, break the standard.

Just learn to think of yourself as an individual, rather than a member of a group. And do the best you can with what you've got. I've met plenty of dumbass white people, and I have black friends and co-workers who are smart, capable and nice to be around. Your race/skin color is a part of you but it doesn't have to dictate your whole identity. I guess I'll never understand what it's like to be black, but don't you think you're obsessing over this too much?

It might sound like cliched advice, but it's helped me with my own insecurities - Don't stress over the things about you that you can't change or control. Focus on the parts of yourself & your life that you CAN improve, and become a better version of yourself. If I had to guess, it's likely that you're dissatisfied with other parts of your life and you're just blaming it all on your race. You don't have to do that

If it helps, try not to think of yourself as a member of a closed group all the time. Think of yourself more as an individual, with your own individual strengths and weaknesses and everything.

It sounds like hippie-dippy bullshit, but you really shouldn't let labels define you. Sorry if this sounds similar to the advice you got before.

I do have depression and I've been trying to work on it

I still won't be spared once the race war/day of the rope comes

>I still won't be spared once the race war/day of the rope comes

Can you have a bit of good faith in us white honkies? Not all of us are Jow Forums troglodytes.

>I still won't be spared once the race war/day of the rope comes
Jow Forums probably isn't a healthy place for you, m8. This place is not real life, this is a home for people who have disconnected from real life

Surivial of the fittest. I wouldn't worry about a race war anytime soon, just gather skills and become educated as possible.

You won't be spared, that is correct. But in reality, none of us will be spared, for in the end when the universe dies of a brilliant heat death, and all existence comes to an end, I suppose you might say that it all wasn't worth it.
But I don't
Because any good philosopher would teach that even in the face of such a proposition, stagnating is a fate worse than death. You should stare into the abyss, stuffed like a soldier undaunted. We are humans, and to accept is existence is to not only accept that everything that we know is controlled by chemicals in our brain, but that it is our brain that aids us in this conclusion. Carpe diem. Seize the day, and if that means making yourself a better person in spite of a grim future, so be it.
A self hating white man.
I believe you're the troglodyte

Forgive me my Dude, I'm not obsessed with my skin color being the sole positive thing that's ever happened in my life.

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If there should be any prime advice given to you my friend, it should be: look at the world in the eyes of a white man.

Stare adversity in the face. Come up with a solution, and see to the end that you will fight to be on top. Conquer your weaknesses, and turn them into strengths. Become a better man for your own sake, not another's

Yeah man like people said above you need to see yourself as an individual. Who cares what race you are? You be you and just work on improving your life.

>he actually fell for the "Race War" meme.

Holy shit get off Jow Forums, this shit is not real life, and your psyche is altered because of it.

I'm also black too m8, don't think of yourself just as a race, but an individual who happens to be that race.

Thanks I'll try my best and accept my lynching when the time comes

I would have faith but I don't expect for the "White honkies" to help considering how bad blacks treat them


I understand how you feel, having to identify with my ingroup is painful. I'm a gypsy, this means I'm part of a denomination that is low iq, low class, high criminality, etc. Really incabale of civilized society. It's alot like being black.

Like everyone already said, you have to think of yourself as an indevidual. This can be difficult, people will always have opinions pre formed about you. They might imidiatly assume that you are dumb and violent. Having to prove to every new person you meet that you aren't like the rest of your kind is hard. Proving it to yourself, however, is the most important.

Im mixed so nobody has ever guessed that I'm a gypsys so I've only had to prove it to myself. You're in a bit of a harder situation. Start with the man in the mirror, if your a capable human being you'll change people's minds about you and the rest of your ingroup.

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pol wouldn't respond kindly to such a thread

OP, killing yourself won't solve anything
so... don't do that?

if you believe there are problems with black culture
then you should life your life in a way that defies those problems
(imo there are problems with every culture,
to varying degrees depending on your viewpoint, but that's another topic)

if you succeed in life, (whether it's individual success, or success in giving back to your communities)
not only will you find yourself being happier
but you're also reducing the credibility of people who speak less of blacks

>but I don't expect for the "White honkies" to help considering how bad blacks treat them

some whites treat blacks badly
some blacks treat whites badly

if you'd like to improve race relations between whites / blacks
just be kind to whites, and that'll chip away at their prejudices if they have any

this will encourage many of them to be kind in return to other blacks,
which will then in turn reduce black prejudice against whites, etc etc


>A self hating white man.
>I believe you're the troglodyte

we don't hate ourselves user
we hate people like you that focus on non-issues
and hold society back for the rest of us

whether it's white, black, etc supremacists,
you should all kill yourselves


include the h where the star is

I meant asterisk

>we don't hate ourselves user
>we hate people like you that focus on non-issues
>and hold society back for the rest of us
>whether it's white, black, etc supremacists,
>you should all kill yourselves

What's a non-issue? The prevalence of crime among African americans in the US despite them making up less then 14% of the population? Do you mean to tell me that, according to all facts, that the Bell curve is incorrect in graphing African IQs at lower than Whites? And you mean to tell me that Africa is in the deplorable state it is in for the sole reason of white suppression?
I don't very well think so. I used to believe for so long the trite I was told in school about us being equal. But for so long I was a fool, gripped by the propaganda that the liberals spread. I was awoken by nothing but the truth when I realized that we aren't just one race. I was awoken when I realized that perhaps a mammal can evolve differently if it is separated for thousands of years and adapt to that environment, in some cases, to either accommodate higher intelligence or suppress it. If you know anything of Darwin or have read merely about him, this shouldn't seem farfetched to you. I was awoken when I realized that it was a complete lie all I was told about equality. We are nothing alike, and there are blatantly inferior races that exist, nay I must refer to these people as a species. There is truth, and to find it you must seek it out on your own, friend. Let it be known it has been in front of you the whole time.

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Agree with all of this. However, the general message of the thread is to rise above despite your disposition. OP dosnt have to be like the rest, he can be more than a statistic.

Also nobody said that we're all equal. It's blatantly obvious that when people are different their not the same, and when their not the same, their not equal. It seems that people like to pretend that genetics affect everything about a person except the parts that make them uncomfortable.
Iits really good that you're self aware, don't kill yourself, your worth more alive.

It might take a pretty sophisticated understanding of statistics to get why this is, but if you worked hard at being a decent and well-rounded person, you would be a superior person to almost everyone in the world even despite being in a race with below average qualities.

There's more of a difference between outliers and the mean then there is between two groups' means.

>whites force blacks into severe poverty,
>with shit education, lead poisoning, and few opportunities
>l-look at how high the crime rates are!

africans never were forced into poverty then, and aren't now, yet the crime rate still perpetuates. We treat black people more than equally, in fact offering them various advantages over whites (not even to mention affirmative action) which may give them boosts to test scores, free education, etc.

What you seem to miss is that in spite of this, they laze and they degrade into their common state of inferiority which is common of their race. Do you think you can defend this? Because I don't.

Hmmmm, so Jews, Hispanics, Asians, Italians, Irish, Nativs, Indians, and middle easterners all faced prejudice and discrimination in the United States. Yet they all out earn the native white population that built the country.

And you want to say that the failures of Africans are somehow the fault of white people. The most privileged group in the United States and the rest of the western world are the non white minorities who have the privilege of living in a white built society rather than one built by their own hands.

Black people arent inherently bad. You just have to act like a white person and you'll be more or less accepted in society.

>africans never were forced into poverty then, and aren't now, yet the crime rate still perpetuates

if you're interested in hearing opposing viewpoints,
this is a good video

>Jews, Hispanics, Asians, Italians, Irish, Nativs, Indians, and middle easterners
do you have any evidence that Native Americans or Middle Easterners are outperforming whites?
the other demographics may have faced some prejudice, but not comparable to blacks

>native white population
who exactly are the native whites in the USA? kek

Wow.. That just happens in the states.
Move to another country. But probably you have other problems than just your skin color.

I'll try to skim through that shit but it's a 21 minute video nigger, and if I had a dollar for every time I've had to listen to my liberal professor tell me about why we iz racist and we're inequal because we oppressed them poor blacks then I'd be a millionaire.

if you can keep up, watch it at 1.5x speed
plus you can skip everything after the 18 minute mark

bringing the total duration to 13 minutes

You see, the point of the comparison was to show that race was a non issue, It is however, an IQ issue.

When you measure criminality and poverty by IQ instead of race you notice that people with the simular IQ commit nearly the same quantity and severity of crime and are relative in poverty. There are plenty of rich Africans who don't commit crime because they are high IQ. Prejudice and discrimination didn't stop an African president, nor will it stop a capable human being.

The underperformance of Africans is the fault of their predisposition to having lower IQ's compared to the rest of the population. (IQ is genetic) we need to stop blaiming society for the failure of indeviduals.

you don't think there are numerous environmental impacts that contribute to a lower IQ among blacks?

IQ is another reason why I hate being black

Ofcourse there are, however even when you control for them, like say in higher education regardless of how prestigious it is the rankings will most often be East Asians (highest IQs) Europeans then roughly Africans.

Jew in Germany were treated much worse than Africans in the US. Yet Jews continue to strive for greatness in Germany. Long gone prejudice can only be blamed for so much of the problem.

Mind you you are born with genetic limits that determine how tall you can get and what your max IQ can be. If Africans are to do better it's their own bad culture they'll need to fix. That is if you want to max out the environmental factors.

who the fuck says shit like this

A rational man

>Jew in Germany were treated much worse than Africans in the US.
>Yet Jews continue to strive for greatness in Germany.
>Long gone prejudice can only be blamed for so much of the problem.

I think when your country kills 6 million of a particular group
you're likely to overcompensate by being extra inclusive
(the government definitely has)

it's a different situation to that in the US

Jesus christ.

Just. Abolish. Welfare.

Holy shit, is there a more inclusive country in the world than the United States. So inclusive that you'd rather blame yourselves than allow Africans to face the consequences of their own actions.

A country so inclusive and delusional that it has forced a future white minority in their own boarders (mind you Germany has done similar). Racism is so few and far between in the western world. White people are fucking pussies who would rather kill themselves than be racists.

You know you can't live African lives for them right? You can't just throw mountains of taxpayer money at them and pretend it helps. The African community in the US and Europe face deep rooted cultural problems that are their own to deal with.

Realize that hating yourself for something that is out of your control is irrational as said.

Realize that feelings like hate are passing emotions that are fickle, easily manipulated, and can be transcended if you take a step back and observe yourself as minute part of the larger universe.

According to a quick google search, a quarter of the world's population will be black by 2050.

In the end the greatest enemy is yourself. It is an ongoing battle.

As an aside I'm Chinese but I'm really happy with it. If I had the chance to be reincarnated I would definitely pick this race again.

I bet you fucking would. You've taken Vancouver, what's the next step in your master plan. My heart perhaps?

Race traitors die first.

you are a nigger and will always be a nigger. ppl saying race is not real etc are degenerates. you can clearly see the differences. is there only one dog race too - the dog race? wtf is going on in these retarded heads.
if it would be ''allowed'' to say niggers are different and not closing the eyes before the obvisous, imo it would help them to become socialy worth something.. but so?

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You need some Afro-futurism in your life lad.

listen to the group Underground Resistance and Drexciya. read interviews with them, look up and learn about awesome black people, man. dont give in to racism and racist bullshit.


I'm sorry to read that, but there's always a solution.

If you really hate your life so much, then why continue living it? In death, race doesn't matter. No one will call you a nigger in the afterlife.

where do slaves come from, genius

Statistics pertaining to race are more indicators of the respective culture of that race in the area the research took place.

It’s kind of why niggers and rednecks are a thing in N. America, they’re both populations with a really shitty culture that gets them looked down upon by every other person.

Just because your skin is black as coal, doesn’t mean you have to act like a nigger. The stigma may exist, but if you exhibit good, responsible behavior the amount of melanin on your skin shouldn’t matter at all quickly enough.

You shouldn't hate yourself for being black, you should hate niggers for giving black skin a bad name

I'm black and I hate niggers and brown people with a passion because they have ruined actually good brown people's names. Black skin is ugly because black culture is ugly. There are handsome black people everywhere. probably close to the same amount of handsome people of any race. but because of culture people associate black with ugly. turn your hate outward onto niggers and other brown races. They are the scum of the earth. Hitler did nothing wrong. Race and culture are completely related for some reason. People of subpar genes have shitty culture. The browner you are the worse your culture is. Japs and whites have the best culture. aryans. Jews are white i guess but they are infectious to culture. They ruin cultures with their culture

>just be kind to whites, and that'll chip away at their prejudices if they have any
This is absolutely not true. Prejudiced whites will pretty much never let go of their prejudices. At most, they'll think of OP as a good nigger instead of a bad nigger, and they'll use the excuse of "having a black friend" to validate their prejudiced worldview and keep taking every chance they can to make nigger jokes that they say are just jokes, but they mean as truths. Trust me, I've been there. Not that I'm saying "be mean to whites" or anything like that, but no decent black person should want anything to do with white people. The only way to deal with them is to be courteous but distant. Unless you have money, then everyone will love you anyway.
And shit like this gets twisted because people avoid doing the most basic logical analysis that might break their worldview. They'll take the fact that most crimes are committed by blacks and assume this means that most blacks commit crimes. A implies B does not necessarily give you B implies A. Then, they refuse to look at the difference in crime between blacks of higher economic status and blacks of lower economic status. And if you point this out, they'll come out with some poor white Apalachian community with low crime rates, as if the rural poor environment that poor whites are usually in is anything like the urban poor environment most poor blacks are in. You can't change a racist, there's no point in trying.

OP black man here too

>Live in suburban neighborhood
>Love to wear my hoodie because it's like a du-rag and makes my hair look good when I take it off
>Every time I walk around neighborhood I get the 'is he lost' stares
>tfw even my neighbors avoid me

If they spoke to me they would realize I'm just your average joe

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German here. I lived in Ecorse when i was 13/14 wtf is an average black joe?

>predejuiced whites will never let go of their predejuices

to be honest this thread and my high school teacher are the two things that keep me from mauling every black I come across here in central Europe, so no.

user you have a huge self confidence issue and you could be blaming it on your race. As cliche and normie as it sounds, you have to muster up confidence and faith in yourself. Idk how tho, thats up to you to figure out

Makes me think of @work OP. We have 3 black dudes. 2 of them are straight up nig-nack-patty-whacks. The other third one is basically a white. His truck is paid off, hes engaged, and he shows up to work every day on time. Hes pretty close to running his own crew actually. I always wonder what his personal thoughts about the other 2 are...

Hey op I was in your situation but I'm Mexican.

Get inspiration about people that went beyond their race standards, feel proud of your achievements and set yourself some goals, workout a plan and stick to it.

After that you'll be beyond niggerness.

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You're one of those dummies who goes on Jow Forums and believes everything those idiots have to say about race. You need to stop coming to this site cause it's pretty clear your psyche is too weak and easily influenced by retards you've never seen.

this thread is disgusting

both of you are brainlets

Niggers have a low suicide rate so the fact you are considering it means you’re exceptional. I’d say don’t kys since we need more good nigs like you. It’s hard to be a nig but I’ve got a hunch you’re cut out to be a real darn good nig. Hang in there.

and you're on the wrong board.

There is no wrong board for me. You can try and shut me out as the hypocrite would. Or you can accept that people with different ideals and different opinions exist, and the world doesn't revolve around (you)

Dont think of people as groups in situations like this, think of the individual. Are you the lowest everything? Probably not.

You're an idiot. Trying to falsely characterize your toxic, inflammatory and patently false world view as a mere difference of opinion is just one of the reasons your brain is about as useful as a handful of wet cardboard. Child molesters and I also have different ideals but the silly mischaracterization that we just have "like, different opinions man" doesn't change the fact that they're pieces of human garbage. You suck. Your opinions suck. You're a waste of space. The world would be better without you. In summary, I genuinely think you would be a lot happier on the containment board. I'm sure you understand the concept of a garbage can. Garbage belongs in one place.

Just click on that link there I think you'll really enjoy it.

Sometimes truth is hard to swallow, and you have people like you who not only deny it for others, but for themselves. You've placed upon yourself a blindfold, and you try to justify it by classifying me so simply as to be comprehensible. Let me break this down for you: just because you disagree with me, doesn't make me objectively wrong. I speak not only in a polite manner, but in a reasonable, understanding way.

You approach this with hostility, and your confidence in your own view. You're no better than the character you make me out to be. You link me to Jow Forums but yet I don't think you've ever been there yourself. You shut out anything discerning and live life in your cozy little box.

I have sad news for you friend.
You're the one who's wrong. You, who tells me that I am worthless.
You who tells me that my opinions suck
You who tells me that, despite a common understanding of what fact is, an opinion may not equal an opinion simply because you disagree
You who compares me with a child molester

I think you're the one who's damaged, not me. Your worldview is dystopian. I have no place to cast judgement on you the way you have me, but if there's anything that can ring true is that you're a malevolent person, who seeks nothing to harm the very foundation of common discourse.
Be gone from here, demon.

Learn about African and African American history
>Ethiopia (contrary to Jow Forums it is black and was never conquered, has a rich history)
>The Zulu of South Africa are p dope lookin'
>Maya Angelou makes my heart sing whenever I hear or read her poems, especially when she performs them.
>Frederick Douglas fucking taught himself to read and write. Fucking taught himself, and he became so good at it that people at first thought his works could not have been written by an escaped slave because they were so premium
>Toussaint Louverture
>Bass Reeves
>Benjamin Banneker
>Dorie Motherfucking Miller, god rest his soul
>54th Massachusetts
>369th Infantry Regiment
>Tuskegee Airmen (duh)
>the Golden Thirteen
>Probably some Romans (some people say non-Roman/Carthaginian Hannibal was black. He was from Africa, but North Africa and his bust looks more middle eastern/Arab IMO, but do your own research and decide for yourself)
>the Moors
>Joe Louis kicked some Nazi butt in a boxing match, iirc Hitler had said that his countryman would win because of aryan superiority or something like that and he made him eat his words
>Crispus Attucks
>Paul Cuffe
>Medgar Evers
>Thurgood Marshall
>Matthew Henson
>Langston Hughes
>op let me stop writing
>Jesse Owens

Black people are superior to the white school shooters in every way, that’s why they keep their daughters away from us, nothing to be ashamed about

Oh, and I guess watch black panther. Haven't seen it yet but I've heard people liked it and it made them proud.

Yeah African Americans perform most violent crimes within their own communities but let me ask you to pull up the statistics of Caucasian school shooters, child molesters, rapists, and serial killers, let me know what you find, thanks!

>You're just a sheeple, dude! Blindfolds! I've got the truth! I'm correct because I speak politely!

Not only are you an idiot but your idiocy is entirely unoriginal and boring. A million other racists play the same weak ass hand you're trying to play right now and nobody buys it. You're worthless. Do the world a favor and jump in front of a train tonight.

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>Ethiopia (contrary to Jow Forums it is black and was never conquered, has a rich history)
Typical leftist, ignoring the facts, and misconstruing them to fit your narrative.
Do as you wish, let it be known I tried to inform you, but you refused to lend an ear.

This isn't within their own communities, my intelligent little rick and morty watcher, this is a total sum of all crimes in the US. Presenting the statistics of the number of people who are white and have been school shooters/child molestors/rapists (and might I add that majority is actually black)/and serial killers because it's not a testament to anything but the neuroticism of the particular race which blacks are incapable of.

>Yeah African Americans perform most violent crimes within their own communities
Every race performs the most violent crimes in their communities. Whites kill whites. Asians kill asians. Mexicans kill mexicans. Humans tend to kill the people they are closest to. "Black on black" crime isn't a thing. Black people don't commit crime against each other at any higher rate than any other race.


>discounting a source
Can you help me spot the fallacy? Because I can
gee whiz
you leftists never surprise me

And one might even say the burden of proof lies on the inquirer to prove any of the objective facts stated in the article wrong, but unfortunately I have to babysit you.

Truly leftism is a mental illness

Nazi here. Accept the lot you were given in life and you’ll reincarnate as a white boy in the next life. At least that’s what the Hindus say.

Realize that although in general blacks underperform, you don’t need to conform to stereotypes. Your acknowledgment of the general inferiority of your race already distinguishes you from the majority. Just remember that being black does not say anything about your qualities and virtues, and it never does for anyone. I’m sure you are a very intelligent and that deep down you are a good person. Realize that you are using your race as a scapegoat for an irrational hatred of yourself, and realize that if you are not happy with who you are now, you can change.

Can you tell me if there's a way to be spared when the day of the rope comes ?

>This is absolutely not true. Prejudiced whites will pretty much never let go of their prejudices
I'm not just talking about the 50+ year old racists who are basically unchangeable at that point
people under 30 are still very much savable
I generally accepted the ideology my dad thrust on me from when I was young
but several instances of non-whites being kind / hospitable to me, kept me from being completely brainwashed

my dad is one of the unchangeables, he is impossible to communicate with on any partisan topics
he gets loud, angry, and talks over people
while classifying everyone he disagrees with as the emotional / irrational ones

he's always raging about the evil muslims,
coming into white countries and groping white women

but when I brought up the topic of sexual abuse in hollywood,
he jumped to saying that the female accusers were liars,
when I showed him proof that validated many of the claims,
he backpeddled, saying that women should expect to have to deal with that kind of treatment if they're working in that industry

so in his mind,
>someone with considerable influence over careers abusing women = A-OK
>while migrants sexually assaulting people = reprehensible (for the record, both are)

don't bother trying to change the minds of old cranky racists
focus on young people who are still mostly on the fence,
even if they seem to have already swallowed the nazi propaganda

Sure you can follow all the advice here but it doesn't help the fact that blacks are still the cursed seed of Cain. No matter what a nigger is going to nig. Kill yourself black boi

>when I showed him proof that validated many of the claims,
you are as retarded as your dad. just because some skanky bitch whines 20 years later after schlomo goldsteinberg gave that unsuccessful bitch a career jumpstart by her agreeing to fucking him doesn't make it sexual abuse. they all knew what they were doing and they profited out of it, or not if they did not.

people are so fucking far up their own fucking asses, they don't even need to be responsible for their own decisions these days anymore because publicly shaming and blaming one out of the two that need to tango is a common standard now days. how i fucking despise you americans

I'm black myself, you really should not believe a lot of the things you read on Wikipedia. I sort of get what you mean though, being on Jow Forums makes you start to feel that way with all the racism flying around but you need to remember there are always exceptions. Strive to be an exception and people will start to take notice. You might be pleasantly surprised.

Just move back to Africa, problem solved

I feel like people are more self conscious about their race in the US compare to the UK (I'm black British). I hardly ever think about race when it comes to anything I do (even when I dated some white guys and go to a university filled with majority white people). One of my US friend even assumed that I deal with a lot of discrimination here which I haven't at all. I even seen lots of (US) black girls ranting on about white guys asking about if they're okay with dating them.

Honestly, if you look at what is happening in south africa, you gotta admit that despite all its flaws it came a long way in america.

Sure, they're still looting and killing their neighbors for turf, but y'know, not nearly all of them.

UK doesn't really have black neighborhoods, unlike in america UK blacks are all voluntary immigrants who were forced to integrate.

by it I mean black community, sorry.

Get off this board.

Ever since what I have seen in namibia and seeing how it escalated now in South Africa, which was inevitable, going the way of Zimbabwe which now, starving, begs whites to come back so they can rape and murder them again, I've concluded there is absolutely no hope for a majority of blacks. I fucking hate seeing them here in my country in eastern europe. Fortunately I'm not alone. Sooner or later they should all be forced out of Europe or decapitated before they start making demands here. It already started nicely with all these rapes and destroying the detention centres.

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>UK doesn't really have black neighborhoods, unlike in america UK blacks are all voluntary immigrants who were forced to integrate.

Regarding crime at least, blacks in england do not seem to be doing much better than US blacks. And they do concentrate in ethnic neighbourhoods, though apparently less than asians.

>Figures from the Office for National Statistics showed that in 2007 an estimated 10.6 percent of London's population of 7,556,900 were black.[25] Evidence shows that the black population in London boroughs increases with the level of deprivation, and that the level of crime also increases with deprivation, such that "It is clear that ethnicity, deprivation, victimisation and offending are closely and intricately inter-related".[26]

>In June 2010, through a Freedom of Information Act request, The Sunday Telegraph obtained statistics on accusations of crime broken down by race from the Metropolitan Police Service.[n 2] The figures showed that the majority of males who were accused of violent crimes in 2009–10 were black.
>Of the recorded 18,091 such accusations against males, 54 percent accused of street crimes were black; for robbery, 59 percent; and for gun crimes, 67 percent.[27] Robbery, drug use, and gang violence have been associated with black people since the 1960s.[28] In the 1980s and 1990s, the police associated robbery with black people. In 1995, the Metropolitan Police commissioner Paul Condon said that the majority of robberies in London were committed by black people.[29]

>Street crimes include muggings, assault with intent to rob, and snatching property. Black males accounted for 29 percent of the male victims of gun crime and 24 percent of the male victims of knife crime.[27] On sex offences, black men made up 32 per cent of male suspects. Similar statistics were recorded for females. On knife crime, 45 percent of suspected female perpetrators were black; for gun crime, 58 percent; and for robberies, 52 percent.[30]

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So I guess it really is genetic after all.

I guess eugenics or racemixing with someone who isn't a complete retard is the only hope for user.