How do I gain more confidence?

How do I gain more confidence?

Attached: Pepe.png (1024x1024, 25K)

Talk to people IRL
Take up self defence
Take up a team sport
Join a running club
Stay off social media

Tell me about your circumstances first/

I'm 19 in college and haven't spoken to a non-family member since leaving high school


to be more specific, talk to random people
stuff like asking staff how their day is going when they're serving you

also, stay in touch with distant family
call them occasionally just to ask how they are / what they're doing

but don't QUIT social media
a lot of people get invited through FB
(unfortunately, I'd love to be able to ditch FB without suffering social consequences)

try talking to people in your course
join a club of your interests


is it more of a social phobia thing or what?

I don't think so. I've just so far haven't found myself in the situation

so do you actually lack confidence? would you talk to a girl you found attractive? would you make friends with people who have similar interests? or are you scared that they might react negatively so something you do or say?

The latter

Married with 1 kid and another on the way.
Probation worker, routinely talking to violent offenders, building a rapport as quick as possible to try and keep them from offending as long as possible, I can't flake or lose frame otherwise I'll be cunted off.