Can you fucking spergs stop this petty gay ass bullshit?
We are already on a very low supply of white people and we don't need you 2 killing eachother over silly petty shit.
Fucking hug it out and be friends again. This is embarrassing
Can you fucking spergs stop this petty gay ass bullshit?
We are already on a very low supply of white people and we don't need you 2 killing eachother over silly petty shit.
Fucking hug it out and be friends again. This is embarrassing
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Wtf you are accualy trying to convince Slavs not to kill eachother? Mate that's not going to work,
>very low supply of white people
in fact, both russia and ukraine have never had a white person living in their borders, ever.
Well I'm ethnically a slav and all I wanna do is invade some oppressed Ukrainian clunge
Not kill anyone.
> all I wanna do is invade some oppressed Ukrainian clunge
based and redpilled, honorary mongoloid
wtf are u talking about? Ukraine literally means white Russia
This is such a retarded meme.
Typical divide and conquer tactics only retards peddle
Belarus means that (Germans translate it that way), Ukraine means "borderland".
to (You)
Stupid burger, Ukraine means borderland, beocuse it was borderland of PL Commonwealth, Belorus means "White Ruthenia"
fuck you
can you fucking kill all jews instead of fighting each other you fucking mongs ?
>Belorus means "White Ruthenia"
I'll split you again
Białoruś, Biała-White, Ruś-Ruthenia, Ruthenia is land of Rusyns, not Russians
are you retarded bratsvo ? Or just a Russian ?
>Can you fucking spergs stop this petty gay ass bullshit?
>implying the (((US))) isnt behind the whole thing
WHO coupled Ukraine and admitted it?
(((Soros))) & USaid...
WHO did they install as puppet leader
Rus' is a Scandinavian tribe, it's even on Wikipedia
= Down syndrome, and pic related.
In English retard
Retarded Russian Can't Speak Russian Sad
>Well I'm ethnically a slav
I'll punch you badly, blood from your nose!
Don't try to transgress your nonsense past Polish borders (temporary ones)
>checking your own duobles
Zuidzee = literally Genghis Khan
Ehh, idiot, im just trying to tell you that this is RUTHENIAN clay not russian or polish, it belongs to Rusyns (Modern Belorussians and Ukrainians), even name has nothing to do with some fucking vikings or Russians but with Rusyns
who gives a shit about how autistic krauts are naming things?
(you) have a Ruthenia Nigra (Black Ruthenia / Ruś Czarna)
Ruthenia Rubra (Red Ruthenia / Ruś Czerwona)
Rus(s)ia, Ruscia, Ruzzia, Rut(h)enia (Kievan Rus / Ruś Kijowska)
Moscovia (Muscovite Rus / Ruś Moskiewska) and that's you faggot
Nuke London
There are more white people today than ever what are you talking about?
Not to mention white people lose it without war just look at our culture sink without any conflicts
what the fuck are you laughing about Hong Dong the half yellow Mong?
Only good thing to come out of finland was the autistic pedobear
White Ruthenia for Belarus
Seriously what's up with white nationalists who want to exclude slavs? You dumb cunts realize we're already depelted as fuck worldwide?
>t. self-proclaimed "slav" mutt
Blood is Blood regardless of land. Can't help where I moved too as a child.
Do you know what caucasian means your retard ?
Maybe it's because the Slavs contribution to western civilization is so small and they constantly do dumb shit and fight over nothing, as we're seeing play out yet again on the world stage.
>do dumb shit and fight over nothing,
t. USA
Fuck off, spic
Impying that fighting over everything and constantly killing eachother is bad
Begone westcuck
(((Western Civilization)))
Everyone knows that central European civilization is superior to every other
Russia, it is stupid. It's always been stupid. The disputes we have with our own kind are pathetic and you should "be the better man" and stop this gay ass conflict.
You end up wiping out Ukraine well good for you, you get an extra shekel from shlomo for that task.
Normally we wouldnt care, but there are too few white people atm
Ukranians are sub human
Every revolution in history with Russia has been due to Ukranians
Russia could have stopped communism but Ukranians fought for it and than became it's bitches
Fuck the Ukraine
And fuck these amerispics who don't understand any history and cry about "muh white people"
First Jow Forums Russian that doesnt support communsim
Good for you
Name at least one
It's everybody else's fault but mine!!!!
Pay for my reparations now!!!
Why do you consider Slavs "white people"? Seriously. Any single Western country such as Germany, Italy, England, France, or even the damn Danes, have more contributions to science, architecture, law, and so forth than the entirety of every Slav nation put together. Genetics is more than skin coloration. There's a reason their countries are shitty places to live.
>eastern slavs
Black Army / Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army of Ukraine
"For a time, it appeared that the White Army would succeed in its drive; Leon Trotsky, as the supreme commander of the Red Army, hastily concluded an agreement with Nestor Makhno's anarchist Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army of Ukraine, Makhno duly turned his Black Army east and led it against Denikin's extended lines of supply, forcing the Whites to retreat."
>Implying the average American knows anything about anything that their government is doing
Mate I'd wager less than 1% of Americans have even a rudimentary understanding of our global geopolitics.
Time of Troubles/Ivan Bolotnikov/Bolotnikov Rebellion
"Large bands of armed brigands roamed the country committing all manner of atrocities. The Don Cossacks on the frontier were restless. The central government demonstrated it could not keep order."
The smart Americans tend to keep quiet in most situations. The more opinions you have, the dumber you are on the subject.
That being said id up that margin to 3% being modest
>do dumb shit and fight over nothing,
t. Russia
Fuck off, ruskie.
sounds like 2 bitter ex girlfriends in a slap fight
Ukraine is a US puppet regime. You get what you paid for cunts. America's next.
So you seriously blame failure of whole russian anti communist movement during civil war on bunch of regional anarcho autists?
Then you're clearly wrong at assuming that ukrainians are subhumans considering the fact that Taras and Vasyl from village without proper training and discipline made russian officers run like bitches resulting into victory of bolsheviks
Yeah we are the lost tribe of ancient israelites, ie. more than human, now shut up you mongoloid slavshit before I put you in chains again
Honestly, Ukraine should just become Russian. Stop your bitching and vote to join.
u mad bro? still more human than you
>Nestor Makhno's
In the aftermath of the defeat of the White Army in the region in November 1920, the Bolsheviks initiated a military campaign against Makhno, which concluded with his escape across the Romanian border in August 1921.
How can Ukraine become russian faggot? What they will suddenly change their culture? Fucking think before you post
Woah, not so aggresive pepik
assimilate. Nobody in Ukraine likes their leader anyways
Prauge has some nice titties walking around all the time. Its nice
Chill, troglodyte.
It is way to late, they lost their chance.
What culture?
They don't even produce any quantity of pop music in Ukrainian language. It's forced upon them by quotas, but folks just skip and ingore it.
Imagine if Poland listened to 90% of its music in another language. Willingly. Because they like it that way.
To be fair think of it like this.
The United States should just join Canada already.
Leaves a bitter taste in your mouth doesn't it?
only replying because its my duty to czech those digits
Canada joining the US is the correct analogy.
shut up dumb amerilard, america killed the most white people out of all nations and by that logic you literally have no reason to post right now when you should have an hero out of shame long ago.
Razin Rebellion / Stenka Razin
"After massacring all who opposed him (including two Princes Prozorovsky) and giving the rich bazaars of the city over to pillage, he converted Astrakhan into a Cossack republic, dividing the population into thousands, hundreds and tens, with their proper officers, all of whom were appointed by a veche or general assembly, whose first act was to proclaim Razin their gosudar (sovereign)."
Russia is a great country opposed to globalization. They should be happy to join and become a greater power
>wtf are u talking about? Ukraine literally means white Russia
somebody screencap this nigga
no more brother wars plz
find a flaw about this Ukraine.
>Romania gets back Buceag and Cernauti, and also Odessa as that was Romanian too, between 1941-1944.
>Poland gets back Galicia and Volhynia.
>Russia gets all Novorossiya.
>Slovakia gets Ruthenia.
Not from the side of the Ukrainians
That was kinda the point
How about you join Russia and fight your war, while we just live peacefully alone?
I would be opposed to Russia becoming Ukraine tho lol. It would be good for Ukraine. The United States becoming Canada, not so much
if we not pandering to the butthurt belt, it doesn't mean we support communism
Bulavin Rebellion/Kondraty Bulavin
"Bulavin's rally cries were simple: the goal was to move against Moscow and destroy the evil influences on the Tsar. It is important to note that the rebellion was not against the institution of Tsardom but against the figures in power at the time. It was generally believed that Peter was either not who he claimed (i.e. the Antichrist sitting in place of the true Tsar who was hidden away), or that he was indeed the rightful Tsar but was under the control of evil advisers whose destruction would liberate him, and that if given the freedom to act, he would repudiate all of his wicked reforms."
hey Jewkraine, thanks for letting Vladimir take back Crimea.
can Klaus take back Buceag and Cernauti already?
what culture
I can post whatever the fuck I want faggot. You have absolutely 0 power in silencing me.
I don't know if your new or anything but that doesn't work on this website
If you just trollan take this (You)
(You) earned it
99% of young Polish people are listening only to Western music, Poland is still under socialist neo-marxist occupation, there is quicly growing part of young people dont even consider themselves Polish, fucking retards, even yesterday some retards painted some Karl Marx quote on my fucking commieblock, if something wont change there will be no Poland in 100 years
I would also throw a part to Belarus for better neighbourhood relationship, but it can go from our gains
Isn't Ruthenia just a latinized version of Russia?
>99% of young Polish people are listening only to Western music
Statistics gathered by Youtube shows they listen to Polish rap all the time. Meanwhile you just "claim" they do something else. One can claim many a thing, including that Ukrainians have some culture.
Just nuke poland already ffs
Koliyivshchyna Rebellion / Haidamaka
"A major haidamaka rebellion that broke out in Right-bank Ukraine in June 1768] caused by the dissatisfaction of the peasants because of the serfdom oppression, the anti-nobility and anti-Polish moods among the Cossacks and peasants. The uprising was accompanied by violence against Poles, Jews and Roman Catholic and Uniate clergy, culminating in the massacre of Uman. The number of victims is estimated from 100,000 to 200,000"