Bought 5 tabs of acid on a whim, what do?

Bought 5 tabs of acid on a whim, what do?

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take them all at once and go on a trip that you'll never come back from
don't forget to obsessively shill mushrooms as well, and tell everyone that they aren't enlightened until they get severe psychosis.

rip one in half and put it on your tongue.. if it tastes like anything throw them ALL away cus they are not acid.. if its flavorless, then just chill and listen to music or draw and go with it.. if you like the experience wait one week then do a full tab. enjoy!

Drop 2 at once my guy

Better advice is just to buy a kit

Or just don't be a pussy, synthetic has the same effect anyway

Yeah except fake acid can kill you and real acid won't.

It's not worth it OP, just get a kit.

I've had nbome like 5 times

Go out in the woods and drop them all

They’re supposedly 200ug each. Would 2 tabs be too much?