Apart of being 13& of American population but commiting 50% of homicides, what are some cool facts about black people?
Apart of being 13& of American population but commiting 50% of homicides, what are some cool facts about black people?
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Peanut butter was invented by a nigger.
It actually wasn't, turns out.
Interesting, oh well.
They have big dicks and fuck white women
surely they ahve invented something more than that?
They don't, turns out.
Sub Saharan Africans never developed written language, built a two story building, made motive use of the wheel, nor domesticated any local animals. On North Sentinel island there is a negrito population which is actually pre-stone age, they can't make fire and only use wooden tools.
Peanut butter was consumed by native americans for thousands of years its literally just crushed peanuts, there is nothing to invent. The nigger George Washington Carver developed tue hydrogenated fake "peanut butter" which is half cottenseed or basedbean oil and is really bad for you.
They make decent music
Largest recorded penis belongs to a white man, Jonah Falco. Black porn actors often use flesh colored prosthetics to artificially extend their penis for the sake of entertainment.
black somalis, especially muslims are the lowest forms of life on the planet and should be eradicated, all of them, any trace of their genes
Unironically true.
Lmao did they really put a filter that changes S.o.y. to based? Kek
nice try ahmed
>muh picture truths
law of averages
Yeah, no.
Top-tier black music: youtube.com
Top-tier white music: youtube.com
In the only exhaustive study which nationally ranked average penis length, Germany was in first place. If I recall correctly, there wasnt even an African country in the top 5. The big black dick meme is related to African-americans, who on average have 25% European DNA and are descended from slaves that were eugenicallu bred for over 300 years in stud farms that only allowed high testosterone males to breed. Credit where credit is due, I know some brothers out there packing serious wood, but it is not a distinctly African feature
this theory cannot explain sex tourism. women go for studs oversees for a reason.
who's got the pic related video, i need a good chuckle
>what are some cool facts about black people?
They smell bad
they were brave, tough and loyal soldiers for Germany in WWI and the German government paid the blacks still alive a full white soldier's wage in 1964 if they could prove they fought for Germany.
Ah see, it is my opinion you are unfairly comparing the two races musically. Whites are simply able to organize in a manner that is too complex for blacks (compare the many European orchestras to the lone pan-african orchestra). However if you judge black music on its own merits you can objectively discern who are the skilled musicians. A song from Earth Wind and Fire will not move ne as much as a piece from Rebel or Chopin, but I can enjoy it from what it is. Also I will say that black music is often imbued with that nebulous "soul" factor which is difficult to describe but definitely improves the mood of the listener with lively energy.
I've personally met a black person that didn't understand what the word empathy meant
True but I also believe female sex tourism is a phenomenon that is distinct among older European women. Notably, Asian women are not sex tourists in Africa, despite their men having famously small penises. I think more than anything, the European female sex tourists are a result of the falling testosterone levels in modern European males. Regardless of penis size, men from the middle east and africa have much higher testosterone levels right now due to relative lack of exposure to modern industrial chemicals and EM radiation among other things. Testosterone levels are incredibly important factors in attraction, more so than penis size, as the pheremones produced by your hormones are what really draw women in, not a bulge in your pants
Agreed, then. Same can be said about the native music of most indigenous peoples.
Whites took musical expression and art to a whole different level, though.
It's called fetishism. Westerners are so rich, decadent and bored that they go on sex holiday. The men go to Asia the woman to Africa. Almost all of them are old and well beyond their prime thought.
You could see it as a pretty bad form of racism as well.
testosterone is a factor too.so it muscle and fat content.
>what are some cool facts about black people?
They can peel a banana with their feet.
Not unreasonable considering their genetic evolution took place in a tenperate climate where food was readily available everywhere. In frigid northern white societies, conscientiousness was a developed over evolution because it is more necessary for survival when you must plan for winter, gather food stores, and then essentially spend months at a time indoors in close proximity to your family and neighbors.
Their food kills.you slowly but is delicious.