Remember when this place supported Ron Paul? Now people here are reporting people to the IRS like good little bootlickers. What happened? When did this place start going downhill?
Why did Jow Forums become so pro-big government?
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We're doing it for the lulz.
If I have to declare earnings for playing organ at church then thots can declare the betabux they get every time they shake their tits
Go fuck a dog, kike leaf.
I guess when most people realized that no matter how much you play nice, they aren't going to leave you alone.
They are trying to destroy you and asking everyone to just get along doesn't get you anywhere.
Maybe if Enough Thots get audited by the IRS for tax evasion they will become libertarians too LULZ
By reporting income, sex workers will become more eligible for welfare. There's no need for tax reform cause they can just use the form 1099 and identify as independent contractors.
Good job incels, you fell for the bait.
>women live life on easy mode so i want to get back at them! reee life is unfair
seems like this is the reason for a lot of them, Jow Forums is basically Jow Forums these days
>What happened? When did this place start going downhill?
It's funny, that's all there is to it. It's totally in the spirit of Jow Forums.
>illegal crime
Wrong. Thots were already lying about their income to claim welfare & unemployment subsidy programs. Now their ireal ncome will be discovered by the IRS they'll not only owe taxes, have to pay fines and possibly prosecuted, they'll also be ineligible for public assistance.
Who knows they might even catch a felony tax evasion charge and be prevented from voting, depending on the state.
>muh Ron Paul
He never got elected it’s time to move on
There's no contradiction. We're just asking that lefties chip in for all these tax intensive programs they implement, leaf.
LMAO!! Tax breaks and exemptions for whores everywhere! Whores of the world unite! No peace until THOTS everywhere are granted tax exempt status like Scientology!
>Now people here are reporting people to the IRS like good little bootlickers.
Because these people vote for more taxes, therefore increase the total amount of tax you pay, while they get to skate by?
Libertarians are unironically the IRS's greatest ally when it comes to tax cheats, as they know the way to make people lothe and vote against taxes is to make sure they pay them.
I'm sorry you are too much of a brainlet to understand this.
Identity politicking, across the board
Any benefit to your own group and any hardship on your "enemy"
>stop making us play by our own rules!
Big government is cancer but if I'm going to be forced to follow the rules then you can bet your ass I'm going to make sure the people forcing their rules on me have to follow them too.
If you have such a problem with it maybe you should advocate for less rules like this...
they understood how useful this place is and took over
When we found out we can use it as a weapon.
>and this is NOT okay
I thought this was a meme speak only used as a joke by 9 years old and youtubers like pewdipie
Why do you sound white if you live in Dominican republic?
> Leaf fag
You’re retarded. Having a decent income makes them ineligible for welfare and similar government programs, dumbass.
>Report peopel to the IRS
>Earn a whistle blower reward
>Battle your enemy and make money
we wuz jewz n shit
Jow Forumstards are NPC'S who follow group thought.
Although those hoes deserved it.
nigger, that's not how jews work. jews work with Usury Scrolls
>sex workers
why do these people need to find these ridiculous expressions, you're still a prostitute, sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken
So behaving like Jews is a good thing? Why do you stoop to their level?
Dann I love watching you tumblr bitches melt down
>hahaha stupid nerd virgins women are shrink and independent.
>wait taxes? No I didnt want ACTUAL equality.
>I just want to be a filthy camwhore and get paid for having a vagina
Doing shit to annoy people is pretty much the only consistent theme in this hellhole of a website
honestly I wish they were actual sex workers. I don't mind paying to fuck some thot, but I'm not paying money to look at naked pictures of her christ.
we go where the memes take us, Jow Forums is freedom.
"And that's a good thing"
Remember that these people are all brainwashed to the point that they need to be told what their emotions are
Pay your fuckin' taxes ho
>Remember when this place supported Ron Paul?
No, and only the Kremlin supports Rand Paul.
Doing ANYTHING of worth will annoy someone.
This place just recognises that as part of the fun, rather than a negative consequence.
Welcome, newfriend.
>sex workers having their lives ruin due to claims made against them with no evidence
How's that meetoo movement working out for you ladies?
Wait, is this one of us posting that to redpill normies? Aahhh because that's what it seems like
No one should have to pay taxes.
Taxes are THEFT period.
>Remember when this place supported Ron Paul?
Remember when the left and right media deplatformed Ron Paul during the 2012 election? Trump might not be my ideal president but he's a big middle finger to the fuckers that did shit like "Romney leads caucus poll with Santorum in 3rd" without mentioning who was in second. Not even making this shit up, even Jon Stewart was shocked by it.
That's why I don't flinch when Trump says "the media is the enemy." We'll never get a Ron Paul until mass media oligarchs that control what people see and think are overthrown.
>muh principles
We're done sticking to our principles and losing while the left will always take the opportunity to lie, cheat, and steal to win.
Fist fuck off leaf. This is not your concern. Second luz overrules all.
Or maybe they should just pay their fucking taxes like everyone else. These fucks are literally bernie-tier socialists while practicing libertarianism.
Oh no!
They have to pay their taxes LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE!
The fucking horror!
the thots deserve it for thinking with their cunts
>adhering to basic tax law/basic laws in general is kowtowing to "big government"
Imagine being this much of a fucking uneducated loser.
>using a weapon against your enemies means you're politically aligned with the people who created the weapon
Fuck off faggot
Their entire existence is alinsky tactics and you want us to sit around and take it up the ass
As long as they continue to vote for leftist big gubmint parties they deserve to have big gubmint to rape them for all they have
t. Anarchist
That's the exact sentiment that led to you being played bitch. But I'm going to be nice and let you in on a secret. Youre a source of legitimating power for whatever opposite position we want to take. Those angry women with high social intelligence are the answer for incels. Showing them to be tax payers who are working a disgusting job with the compassion of the best nurses. You just helped everyone start a trend to >think of the whores
it only gets better from here, friends confessions to the left of me, suspicions to the right
You disappoint me, leaf.
Based aussie poster knows what's up. What incentive do these whores have to vote against the expansion of taxes if they haven't tasted the salty penis of the irs in their mouths?
>Leaf with opinion
>people will rally around the whores who don’t declare their income
o i am laffin
what delusional tumblr group did you come from, faggot?
>Reporting twitch thots to the IRS
>Not reporting chaturbate thots to the IRS
Statism is the red pill, stop pretending there isn't going to be a government and start organizing to take it over and use it to promote the things you support you fucking monkeys
reee its not ok when it takes muh money
das racis and sexis, because muh vagina and i shouldn't have to follow the rules
Their pain amuses me
Stooping to the level of the left will make us just as bad as them. We need to have moral principles.
Ron Paul's importance was as great as his DoomPaul meme (which has been criminally absent this past year or so). I still think he's very right about a lot of things, but you're gravely mistaken if he ever had a large following here.
In fact the longer I stay on Jow Forums the more I'm convinced its just trolls trolling trolls.
Take everything here with a scintilla of salt.
But if you woulda listened Ron Paul woulda been elected and he woulda abolished the IRS. This your punishment for not listening. You reap what you sewed. You voted for the IRS now you get the IRS.
Rules for radicals my good OP.
Make the enemy play by their own rules.
>tax exemption for sex workers
Holy shit my sides have transcended. Sure why not, also let me for my own tax exempt religion
Sex workers? That’s like selling fucking weed and saying your in the cannabis industry. Fuck off.
>Tax exempt for whores
That will surely get them votes
so...we reporting facebook whores too?
Chaturbate whores are just that, whores. You are much less likely to catch them tax evading, unless they live in a state where what they are doing is illegal as most of what they are doing is already public.
Twitch thots, on the other hand are practicing a level of discretion to both stay on the platform and maintain a level of dignity, thus are more likely to not report said income to the IRS.
>you're gravely mistaken if he ever had a large following here.
Jow Forums is behind Trump because they didn't let us have Paul
fucking this
you made your weimar, now get fucking gassed in it.
tolls will be paid.
I thought I'd never see Jow Forums fighting for equality.
This is great, keep doing the good fight. I'm sure feminists everywhere around your country are thrilled.
Are you really that stupid? This shitty board has always been for the lulz.
>Ron Paul
wez Rand Paul now fagot. try to keep up
i'm just fucking with ya. but yeah times they are changing and they are changing fast
You don't have to be pro big gov't to do that
checked and heterosexual
>leaf flag
Carry on
people? why the fuck would I care about people. if you don't know who is gonna rally than you haven't fucked with another man property before I take it. You all fucked up and gave an opening that is going to be the same as pot was for billy boy, and coke Obomb. read up on 19th century france bitch. love was in the air, but now daddy aint getting paid. how does the right deal with you fake-nazi churchgoing liberals with too much time on your hands. get ready bitch
Sometimes I wonder if I’m the only libertarian left on Jow Forums. I support prostitution, porn, weed and other “degeneracy” because I think we should live in a free society.
Fuck you, roastie, suffer with the rest of us or stop voting for more fucking taxes you piece of shit.
Nobody gonna check those digits?
Is that wrong? I'm just trying to promote equality here. They deserve equal taxation just like everyone else.
It literally doesn't matter how much you post this hysterical weeping, nobody gives a fuck, nobody is going to stop.
All that will happen is that we will laugh at you because you're either a THOT getting audited or one of the betas that pay for them. Either way we want you fucking dead and will never apologize for screwing you on this.
Thots are overwhelmingly liberal. Single women are the most liberal demographic. You aren't allowed to vote for big government and then dodge paying taxes. That's not how it works.
how do these companies infringe on my rights at all?
I feel the same way, the reason our ancestors came to the new world was to escape from oppressive European system of governance which was totalitarian monarchy.
They're not denouncing blue-collar workers, they're denouncing softcore sex workers, they're a bad example for the young girls in our countries, if they wish to pursue contrinue makeing a living on the ills of our societies, they should at least financially contribute to it
>I support prostitution, porn, weed and other “degeneracy” because I think we should live in a free society.
But do you also support free healthcare, free education and the myriad of other social welfare schemes these people want and vote for? Then, you find out that you are the one paying for it, while they aren't?
Hahaha you can't vote for bigger government and more taxes then complain when it happens to you. Eat shit, whores, I hear you can make good money doing that too
Bring the thots down, in a week we'll have them apply for a job at mcdonalds
>not reporting sluts to the IRS to force them not to have a free pass making money for low effort jobs
There’s a difference between not wanting big gov and reporting tax evasions, dumbass.
>leaf posting
Surprise, its fake
>You're supposed to be for losing on principle while we use every trick in the book, goyim
Kill yourself kikeleaf, day of the rake soon.
>Jow Forums managed to turn a bunch of lefty slags into libertarians/ancaps