can someone explain this comic to me?
Can someone explain this comic to me?
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Swallow more redpills first
It's quite accurate
You and your enemy may go different paths but you’ll eventually end up walking in the same road
they are common enemy's
the explanation is that libertarians are fucking stupid
The communist and capitalist are both working together against the libertarian and fascist.
>can someone explain this comic to me?
pic related
leftist idiots hate right-wing alt-righters more than they hate big corporations fucking them over
Hahaha nice
It's saying that peoples ideologies don't mean shit, and it's obvious now because capitalists and communists are working together despite their conflicting ideologies, without realizing that if they win, they'll be enemies immediately after. It's how you create a perpetual war.
>muh freedom/lelbortarians fight against corporate leftism which has turned extremely authoritarian in the last decade
>right wing facists fight against left wing authoritarians because left wing authoritarians seek supremacy of ideas rather than dispute the powerful state
Tldr leftists are so cancerous they unify the right
Best version
Lurk more faggot
makes sense
The first panel shows a person with a libertarian symbol on his shirt pulling on a rope.
The second panel shows the libertarian noticing right next to him some one with a fascist symbol on his shirt pulling the same direction on the same rope.
This is confusing to the libertarian because fascism and libertarianism are nearly polar opposite ideologies and traditionally they are mortal enemies of each other.
The third panel shows what it is that the libertarian and the fascist have coaligned to fight against; a coalition formed by a communist and a rich bourgeois capitalist, another pair that are traditionally mortal enemies.
The final panel shows the libertarian extremely confused as to what the fuck is going on. How did he end up on the same side as a fascist? How did the communist and the rich bourgeois capitalist end up on the same side? how did these two coalitions end up fighting against each other? How did it come to this?
This comic is a reference to the weird allies people have been finding over the last few years as SJWs and other (anarcho)communist groups have been the beneficiaries of large corporate shows of force against supposed 'Nazis'. Libertarians oppose these moves because they are violations of people's rights to expression. Libertarians oppose communism because it is very similar to fascism from the Libertarian perspective, with no rights to personal property and people are only to be thought of as resources for a government to use. Libertarians are also getting attacked for also being 'on the right' the same 'side' as the 'Nazis'. I can go on, but in general more and more libertarians and fascists have found them selves on the same 'side' facing off against a communist/bourgeois 'side'. The circumstances that have lead to this coalignment are complex and hard to follow and the end result makes no obvious sense, hence the comic.
What does the trash can with the axe on it mean?
“No borders no walls” faggots are white knighting for George Soros and Koch Bros in 2018, because they are strongly pushing for open border policies.
People who have traditionally been the flag bearers for libertarianism and anarchocapitalism, like Stefan Molyneux, are currently advocating for strong borders and nationalism, as their utopia basically can’t exist with an infinite supply of people flooding in and askin for gibs.
So now... the comic just reflects the current landscape of the far left and the far right. Lefties are cucking for literal billionaires, and libertarians are finding allies with “Alt Right” compatible people.
This is an ancient Imperial Roman symbol of power carried by lictors in front of magistrates; a bundle of sticks featuring an axe, indicating the power over life and death. The original symbol of fascism, in Italy under Benito Mussolini, was the fasces
yes, yes i can.
We hate commies
We hate Jews
Wouldn't it be kind of convenient if we pretended they are on the same side?
Of course it would.
East India Company
The communists in the US have always done this, because they are disproportionately jewish and always have been.
See: Kevin MacDonald: Culture of Critique
Jews completely understand that homogenous societies are ALWAYS bad for them, so they take up pluralist positions. Even if they don't completely believe in aspects such as islam or homosexuality, they understand the more variety at the table, the less chance of being singled out.
stormfags think they can "convert" angsty libertarians by ignoring that they have more in common with libertarian opponents than they do with the actual liberty movement
Communists were a tool of the establishment all along, not fascist like we were told.
I like the "expansion pack" of this one too