Serbian liberation when?

Serbian liberation when?

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Only in our decayd Europa, we have a puppet muslim state created by the multiculturalist elites. Kosobo must return to Serbia obviously.

kill yourself radoje,
muh kosovo, muh serbia but you're too cucked to go kill albanian scum and retake your land. fuck off.

Fake nation returns to an even faker nation. Yikes.



Go back to India you gypsy serboi picku materinu.

Never, you always say you will, but admit it, you never will bother

albonigger in germany, what a surprise, came there for the welfare?

mohammed answering. lulz


>probably the most historical nation of the balkans (serbia)

try harder shill

fuck off albo nigger, literally the entire world hates you and your disgusting country. you overcompensate by being overly proud of a history that contains FUCK ALL achievements. You really are the lowest of the subhumans are will be purged from europe soon.

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>undefined borders
>history not well known because most of its just Serbian academics larping
Of course you'd defend your gypsy bros.

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>UN warns Serbia 1 year ahead that if they keep up with the persecution they will be bombed by NATO
>Serbia does nothing
>UN pushes the deadline further and tells them to stop
>Serbia does nothing
>UN still pushes the deadline further and tells them to stop, this time by ammassing bombers
>Serbia still does nothing
>Bill Clinton refuses to send US troops to Kosovo
>UN still pushes the deadline for a 3rd time and tells them to stop for the last time
>Serbs bar UN inspectors from entering Kosovo
>UN stops pushing the deadline and greenlights NATO
>Serbs lose their shit and get bombed

Imagine being this much of a nigger you have been warned 4 times and still cry injustice

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Never. Serbs are the niggers of Europe and need to be deported to Africa where they can chimp out as much as they want.

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muslims intentionally manipulated the MSM to give false reports and statements. they intentionally fired from hospitals etc. to give serbs a bad name. fuck off with your lies

more like India

>give Serbs a bad name
They do that themselves.

doesn't even deny it. typical parasite

>undefined borders

Borders of all europeans countries changed along time

> your gypsy bros.

try harder shitskin

>history not well known because most of its just Serbian academics larping

Sure sure, so Kosovo was not a Serbian populated by serbs and invaded by muslo turkish albanians that even called mudhaidein arabs and other shitskin retards to fight aginst Serbia. sfu muslo

you're going to the list, nigger

>more like India
Nah, poor Pajeets don't deserve that.

>so Kosovo was not a Serbian populated by serbs
It was mixed with Serbs being a majority in the north and west and Albanians being a plurality in the west.
It became relatively Albanian at least 200 years ago due to Serbian emigration to Vojvodina and Bosnia/Croatia.
In other words, Serbs themselves are responsible for becoming a minority in their own lands while becoming a majority in lands which were never theirs.

>north and west
North and East*

>Borders of all europeans countries changed along time
Serbs aren't European.

>try harder shitskin
Speaking from experience I see.

>Sure sure, so Kosovo was not a Serbian populated by serbs and invaded by muslo turkish albanians that even called mudhaidein arabs and other shitskin retards to fight aginst Serbia. sfu muslo

Learn some English you gypsy scum. Serbs have no history in the Balkans. Serbian history apart from Turkish domination is made up distortions filled with myths and wishful thinking. Serbs didn't even arrive in Kosovo till the 11th century at best.



Literal nigger behavior

Serbs are gypsies, they will backstab you any chance they get, albros wont try to pull that shit also they are very xenophobic kek, most albanians/kosovars i know hate refugees and beat the shit out of them

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I have never seen a Serb with pale skin. They're literally all black asses like Indians.

I doubt Kosovo will ever be able to liberate Serbia from serbs.

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>your land
crorat pls

now that you've said it...

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t. orthodox albanian

Not only emigration, but the expulsion of 200.000 albanians from the newly estabilished principality of Serbia and their dumping into what was the Kosovo vilayet fundamentally changed the demographics.

That's a big yikes from me!

Multiple genocides and pogroms tend to reduce populations

Yes, historical "Serbian" Ras region was predominantly Albanian before expulsions. Serbian history would be considered mythic and imaginary by western standards.

The eternal victims the serbs, unlucky!

Go home albomonkey. Canada doesn't deserve to have to have you as its citizen.

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Yugoslav and Bulgarian women are such fucking roasties. They love rich sandniger chodes! Albanians only fuck Albanians, and to a lesser extent other white people.

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It's either Albbro either the souless chink.

thats actually pretty accurate if a albanian doesnt marry a albanian he will be shunned from his family since he is mixing blood

>source huffpo

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>Bosniak rapist in Canada
But I thought Serbs loved rapists?

Bosniak from RS

Thank you for leaving
Please continue to weaken your host nation, you are doing us a great favor


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Stop with this shit or we have to take Sanxhak and Vojvodina

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How does that change what I posted?

Leaving from where? I was born here same as my parents. Don't be butthurt just because people outside of your nigger countries know about how fucked you are.

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Based Shaquiri user

>german flag praising albania
If you love Albania so much fucking go back you shitskin muslim cunt

Was he actually Bosniak?

Serbs are only rapists around you muslim dogs. We even killem since you guys are barely considered people in Christendom.

itt balkan diaspora shitting on the one ethnicity they aspire to be because history gave us a spotlight and a heritage

you do realize that your hatred only helps keep people redpilled right? keep at it shit eaters

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All of the memecountries in your area are rightful Austro-Hungarian land.

Indeed. Kosovo gained a large influx of Albanians from now independent Serbia at that time. I am not sure about the number though.

Indeed. Which makes it even sadder. Despite all pogroms and genocides you did Kosovo still ended up Overwhelmingly Albanian lol.

sure you were
lil Blerim

God is a serb

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>i's made y'all famous all y'all just be playahatin yo
literal nigger logic

Not a muslim
>We even killem since you guys are barely considered people in Christendom.
I know you do, you guys are like the ISIS of Europe.

>you do realize that your hatred only helps keep people redpilled right?
It's the other way around, Serbs are the most hated of the balkaniggers here. Croats and Bosnians are generally viewed positively, Analbanians so and so, Serbs are almost down at the level of Arabs.

See above.

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they are one of the only "migrant groups" that are actually against fucking refugges you cuck

Sorry satan, but you are a country of cucks anyway and apart from your welfare state utterly worthless.

>Senol Komec

albos going in overdrive itt

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>Despite all pogroms and genocides you did
yes, in croatian matrix we genocided ourselves and you and albanians have literally dindu nuffin

Which one are you?

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Redpilled about what? Serbs were always enablers and subhumans.

imagine being such a pussy you cant fight the serbs 1on1 so you cry Nato hjelp! Albanians talk real tough considering how they never had the balls to fight us in a proper country vs country war.

he's a bosniak though

None of them, not Analbanian my butthurt dark friend.
Also pic related: the average serb

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Fellas, is ASMR degenerate? Note, I'm not talking about blatantly sexual one.

Can we resurrect Tito. Yugoslav borders were so sexy

Then I need to switch up my memes

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yeah serbs are really hard guys, killing and raping kids and women and going full in against defenseless farmers

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>t. slav albanian
shut up


the only ally you have in europe shlomo

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Serbs had overwhelming advantage of being the biggest welfare recipients of jewgoslavia and thus had the most money to buy tanks, guns, art, Kevlar etc.. it was less of a fair fight than US v. VC/NVA in vietnam. But you can continue being a deceptive gypsy.

Chetniks were famous for killing off and fighting a 350 year guerilla war against the Turks.....ISIS are muslim mujahadeen...your graphic is almost as retarded as you are....subhuman...god bless Serbia the only good muslim is a dead one

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>albos are "actually against refugees
>still flock to G*rmany in the thousands,spreading Islam and crime precisely like the refugees

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Albos are shit at anything outside of crime and reproducing like rats, including war at arms.

>help Turks numerous times
>gain your independence because of Russia doing the horse work for you


you faggots put on nazi uniforms and got your shit stomped in ww2, you couldnt defeat us even with Hitler and Mussolini's help...typical subhuman

UCK never got to its full potential because it started out as a small group and only gained support through the years
now kosovo will have its own trained army

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>help Turks numerous times
You mixed us up with Bulgaria

>we genocided ourselves
No but the numbers you put out for crimes purported against Serbs certainly points you wish so.
>J-Jasenovac killed 1.2 million Serbs and more!
God just imagine if this figure was true, Croatia and Bosnia would be Serbenfrei

>we won WW1
>we won WW2

Do Serbs actually believe this?

*backstabs bulgaria*

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*Bulgaria allies with Ottoman Empire*

the fuck you're talking about croatian nigger, out of the two times you had the chance to genocide the serbs out of croatia you used both. now they're barely 2% and have nothing left there whatsoever

>being this retard

probably not ever your final form serf diaspora

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>the two times you had the chance to genocide the serbs out of croatia you used both

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i don't even have to talk about wars, it's enough to look up demographics of croatia through the last century

we didnt win ww2, clearly we got fucked by the English....Cetniks were disarmed and turned over to Tito's partizans for immediate albos however picked the wrong side not once but you ever got into America's good graces is a total fucking mystery...and ftr Tito practically gave you Kosovo in order to punish the Serbs.

DonĀ“t project your own condition on europa you colonial mongrel. We are not like you.

And about Serbs, chck the balkans war's Serbs were the last badsed nation of Europa, but by a large margin.

Imagine if the next US president decides to ban and confiscate guns, sends police and military regularly to make sure you are unarmed and shoots everyone even remotely suspected of having a firearm and decides to use tanks and mortars against you because he's from New York and you're in Minnesota. If you think such a scenario is even remotely 1 to 1 then you're deluded.

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Serbia, Bulgaria, Croatia and Greece are the only real nation in the Balkans
The rest are artificial creations propped up for Western finnancial interest
With the exception of Albania which is Albania

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>go against Jews on two occasions while Serbs unironically support Jewish war mongering against Germanics like the good slav(e)s they are
>Jew United States mistakes Serbs as the Jewish haters and Albanian larp stories about saving kikes from nazi is taken literally when Jews were actually saved by Serbs more so and Albanians partook in some nazi action against Jews
>Jews bomb Serbia despite Israel pleading Serbia's case
