I gotta be honest I didn't really like him at first when I used to see him on the Joe Rogan podcast back in the day since he kind of reminded me of a cult leader with his head stuffed up his ass, but been watching his lectures and they can pretty informative, and even if steers clear of the more heavy duty redpills such as naming (((them))), I'm leaning towards "he's kind of alright", lol.
Opinions on Molymeme?
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Good emphasis on philosophy and truth, totally huffs his own farts though.
Very mixed to be honest, never managed to like him. I was not impressed by his arguments against the state.
>50 min vids
hell no
Molyneux is the type of person whose existence justifies a state. I mean, you can't have this guy going around ruining vulnerable and naive peoples' lives with no fucking checks and balances
Better than juden peterson
he's fine when he isn't boasting about how fantastic all his self published novels are
that's what i thought. the guy makes videos that are even up to 3 fucking hours. who the fuck has that much time?
I liked the videos he did about Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio when he was shilling for Trump but I don't really care for his politics
>Telling the truth is ruining people's life
I used to work as a technician and it's good for those kinds of jobs where you can work and listen at the same time, also good for background when you play some vidya
If you consider the gospel according to Stefan as truth you are a naive little manchild
The worst part is that most of the time he's just reading slides like a high school teacher, I tried to watch him a couple times and fell asleep everytime
Imagine the smell in that room.
What did he mean by this?
How much time do you spend on Jow Forums or playing vidya every day?
Likes to call himself a philosopher but hes just a talk show host and ideologue. He "helps" people by what I see as Freudian methods, by that I mean he usually attributes whats wrong with people as being a childhood trauma or their parents raising them incorrectly. I just dont really see him as cutting edge, coming up with new ideas or anything. Hes just a libertarian
user I...
gummy chew redpill for normies
Moly is OK if you're playing vidya and want some background noise that's not going to trigger you to the Moon.
Probably doesn't smell of body odors as Brazilians take 3 baths a day although it probably smell like marijuana
yea that's a good point, when he does his Dr. Phil bits it's pretty cringey, but his "truth about _____" stuff is pretty good
OP you're gonna attract a ton of shills with a thread like this, heads up.
Molyneaux is so far the most consistent and accurate philosopher alive today imo. He brings up great points and so far admits when he is wrong (the entire "Why I was Wrong About x" series is all about that).
Those that disagree with him or don't like him are either trying to sway your opinion or reaffirm their own beliefs. If half of the people that claimed to disagree with him really think that they're right and he's wrong they would call in to his show and debate him. I guarantee you no one in this thread has done so demonstrating their inability to truly put their money where their mouth is.
All in all, he's great and should be listened to more. Read UPB if you haven't already.
being an ideologue does technically make you a philosopher of that ideal
Adding on to this, i think hes better and more genuine than other people such as juden peterson. Also I have this suspicion that when he says anarchocapitalist, he just wants the ability for communities with certain rules to be able to exist without government intervention. He probably isnt against some government control even though he says otherwise. I think he essentially wants a white ethnostate but that cant exist under a large multiracial government
someone reccomend me good molymeme videos
especially the ones that focus on one's life and psychology
not really interested in his commentary on society/politics or women
The debate between him and Cultured Thug made me hate him. He was such a son of a bitch in that debate that I almost punched a hole in my pc.
Yeah I dont mean to say he isnt a philosopher, but he claims to be the biggest philosopher, which I think is a bit much. But nothing will ever be better than anarcho capitalism to him even though it really doesnt make sense. Thats why i believe he has an alternative motive to allow essentially white ethnostates/communities to exist without government intervention.
jean exposed him as a kike, explains why he becomes zionistgatekepper.jpg whenever the JQ comes up
I used to like him but now he is a slightly further right PJW going after low hanging fruit
Trend follower, like Sargon. Big ego, also like Sargon.
What permanently put me off his videos is how rude and preachy he can be to callers - I remember about a year back how much of an arrogant cock he was to a reasonable and polite caller, and never taken him seriously since.
Most of what he says is wrong, though. He deIiberateIy omits any information that goes against his agenda. For exampIe, he made a video saying that Denmarks economic system is bad because Danish peopIe are in huge debt. Which isn't true, because we have some of the worIds biggest savings to counter it and the fact that our banks are viIIing to issue Ioans to peopIe is a sign of a heaIthy economy, it means they trust peopIe to pay back the money they Ioan. This inconvienient factor he just 'forgets' to mention.
You mean dumbed-down categorical imperative? One of the things I hate most about Molyneux is when he goes on about how brilliant he is for solving the problem of ethics in a secular worldview, when really he's just ripping off Kant's moral theories.
he seems to have very mercurial politics, i've seen him espouse ancapism and trump-fueled statism back and forth, really depending on his digestion that day i suppose. he can call himself a philosopher but not a consistent one
baby's first redpill
he becomes such a weasel when he's losing debates.