National Socialism is treasonous. Explain yourselves human filth.
National Socialism is treasonous. Explain yourselves human filth
You made the claim faggot, you explain yourself. Also post nose with timestamp.
Not. An. Argument.
As if you don't know. Stop feigning ignorance. It shows how weak and pathetic you are
you irish love national socialism... just too dumb to realise it like britain and most other countries
>telling me what irish people love
You have a big fucking ego
You were literally just in my thread about RUS and UKR
You hid your kike star flag this time way to go, goyim status = subverted
Man.. it just feels good to point out your stupidity. For a jew you must be right at the bottom lmao
adjective. 1Involving or guilty of the crime of betraying one's country. 'a treasonous act against the State' 'he was accused of a treasonous conspiracy to topple the government' 'they're branding dissenters as unpatriotic and treasonous'
how does this fit on your equation compared to being social about/for your nation?
how about pic related. does that fit the description of being treasonous?
I wasn't in your shitty thread which is probably full of retards
it fails because no one likes genocide and warmongers
Yeah I too hate my country and the people in it. We're one world and one people, lets be like locust and take what we want where we want. As long as we're being polite and friendly about it, it's all good.
ehhhhhh let’s hear the plan before passing judgment
yeah fuck. neocons and NatSocs are both warmongers for opposite reasons but I hate them for the same reason
What a meaningless sequence of words, pathetic.
Yeah neoconservatism was never a sustainable ideology. As for NatSoc it’s hard to say whether it’s failure was due to too little or too much commitment
You don't want to get into it with me you fucking NPC fuck
NatSoc kind of survives only when it's at war. with all the jobs it created because of war but because of that it also fucked over the rest of Europe
i do tho
...said the NPC shill. But yea you are probably right, you don't seem to be worth it. Could you process any arguments?
He's right. Capitalism is just two drunk Irishmen making an agreement in private regardless of social impact on the community.
op dead behind keyboard. what a faggot
Before you ask: no, one will not work without the other.
> LOLbiterians
> calling anyone else treasonous
Lolspergs literally follow a kike created meme civicuck ideology.
Fuck off back to t_D
you don't even know what national socialism mean kiddo stop playing the smart ass when you're clearly in the double digits IQ
probably 16 to 20 thinking you're unique and specials unlike everyone else
You never made an argument, paddy.
Hitler didn invent nor propel National socialism he hijacked it and turned it into a personality cult and a war machine to create and legitimize the European union and Israel while destructing one of the only enemy to their hegemony the Germain people
Hitler was a plant and his plan was zionism hidden behind double talk
true national socialism was not tried
Why do you have drawings of black penises saved on your computer?
>implying there would even be niggers in a country with no welfare
>You don't even know what National Socialism means, kiddo. Stop playing the smartass when you're clearly in the double-digits IQ. Probably 16 to 20, thinking you're unique and special unlike everyone else.
> why do you have memes that BTFO us lolspergs in your computer
i take them out to rek you lolsperg cucks
> implying you wouldn't allow based black men into your NAP as long as they follow "muh law"
Fascism will rise in Ireland too you fucking Sin Fein cuck
I'm sure that Shlomo kikenburg would pay handsomely to import some black bulls from africa to impregnate the white slave girls he bought from their families for his "Pornographic cinema". Why would anyone stop this entrepeneur in a totally free market? To hell with morals and values and tradition, all that matters is that which is profitible.
did you just correct my spelling mistake ?
here from all place ? do you come straight from jewbook fucking wine aunt ?
You should have kept the meme flag, your making every other Irish man look bad.
>triggered North American tardbois
Sure thing faggot. You should organize your BBC folder while you're at it.
t'es l'espèce de fin de race qui était sur le /FR/pol je suis sur. putain de youtre.
you're not even a good troll you sound like a cunt if you're a boy dude go check your testo asap and stop the attention whoring thread you can't win a reddit gold here
They would have to spend an unbelievable amount of money to find girls willing to do that, and even then they would not make even the slightest dent in our demographics with the few hundred mulattoes the make. By and large welfare does nothing but create a breeding ground for nigs and beans, cut it off and they'll head out or starve.
You are missing the point, it's not about a war they have to constantly fight it's a constant struggle (wich desu they were up against impressive odds even back in 1923) against the many forces and external influences against the nation, it's people or interests, so it would be forever in struggle against everything just like we are right now
You type like an ignoramus. I could rant about how Keynesian economics intermingles with Hermetic Occultism to control the masses via fatalistic nihilism, but I am concerned it would go over your head.
I think you misunderstand how much money jews will throw to the wind to try to destroy the white race. I was giving a solitary example, a totally free market creates a breeding ground for degeneracy, insanely addictive narcotics, porno, hip hop (((hollywood))), usury countless means to destroy the cultural identity of the white race and subvert them, eventually charities run by Mister Shlomo with the express purpose of "diversifying" white heighborhoods would be raking in the millions because of Jamal tyquan's latest hit album released courtesy of shlomo studios "Them crackas aint got game".
As for "finding girls willing to do that" I'm willing more than a few girls would be more than willing to take shlomos 30 pieces of silver to help pay off the crippling mortgage their father took 3 generations ago to buy a home that has long since been sold off.
And I'm sure that you watch a lot of rick and morty eh? Get the fuck out of here you pumped up pseud.
Having beliefs is not treasonous
Attempting to take over the country by subverting democracy by importing millions of immigrants is treasonous.
Attempting to convince the general public of proposterous lies such as the Black Lives Matter Narrative, the Russian Collusion Narrative, the White Men Are the Real Terrorists Narrative, that is treasonous.
People are free to believe whatever they want, so GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HEAD
I'm not really a libertarian so I'm not going to say I wouldn't ban certain forms of degeneracy like porn, narcotics, etc.. but so much degeneracy comes out of publicly funded institutions like our public schools and publicly funded colleges. I would much rather there be a voucher program I can use to send my children to a conservative private school, than send them to MLK Elementary where they can get "enriched" by diversity training.
We have to be realists about the preservation of white people and it's not going to happen by staging a NatSoc revolution, that's as outlandish as believing there will be a communist revolution. Very few people agree with that ideology and the most they're going to buy into is an economically and socially right leaning platform with no bad optics tied to it.
Why do you value intangible egalitarianism over the furtherment of your extended family?
>An ideology that puts that well being of a nation and its people first and foremost is treason
>Compared to one where everyone is supposed to fend for themselves and let the market run everything, essentially not even needing a nation
You could argue Japan is NatSoc
Of course public institutions can be corrupted as well, there is no doubt to that. But from how I see it there is more inherent to the system of free market capitalism that allows the breeding of degeneracy, as it's most basic principle is profit is all that matters.
As for your second point of a national socialistic rlevolution being unrealistic, from how I see it politics is getting more and more extreme, you have democratic canidates talking about full on marxist socialism, and you have republican canidates talking about demographic change, and more and more people are getting knocked off the centrist fence, Ithink we are moving towards a political situation where enough people support extremist politics that things like communist revolutions or silvershirts marching on washington will seem less and less unthinkable. But even if you believe in the whole optics thing, I think that similar policies to national socialism could be very popular if packaged in a friendly light. According to polls the most popular issues for the right are things like immigration while leftists have things like healthcare as their most popular issues. It seems like social justice issues like open borders are unpopular while purist capitalist positions seem unpopular as well.
Their right lad I can feel it among the natives here. My moderately sized town has been hit with a hundred or so sandniggers and all they do is sit around and beg on the streets saying their starving. Even though their all fat as fuck and I saw one with an I phone. People aren't happy. Also that arson attack in Moville...
Either way, don't give the enemy the playbook by saying all this is NatSoc, it's only damaging. Immigration and anti-communism are not the exclusive stances of NatSoc anyways, American conservatives have a long history of opposition to Marxists and mass immigration, look at operation wetback and the anti-communist rallying during the 50's. If there is to be anything that remotely resembles a NatSoc gov, it will have to be uniquely American in nature.
That being said I'm as little a NatSoc as I am a libertarian, I don't want an over centralized and highly regulatory state like they had in Germany, it's ineffective and is a waste of money. Letting people live their lives doesn't mean you're letting them be degenerate, the degeneracy we see today is manufactured and force-fed. People would not be this way if they truly had the choice.
I'm Irish and can confirm national socialism is superior to most ideologies. It's pretty popular among my irl friends. Distributism is preferable though.
Fuck off lolberg
Distributism always seemed appealing to me in principle but how would it even manage in theory? They're opposed to a large regulatory government, but at the same time they would need one to micromanage corporations from growing too large.
>the degeneracy we see today is manufactured and force-fed
That would be great if, you know, half of the SS wasn't actually pagan.
Reminder to toss Jewish children off bridges and tall buildings.
Better keep your meme flag
National Socialism was in effect just Hitlerism, as in, whatever Hitler said it was at any given time. The ideology died with him.
Even if someone were to take the model he created and tried to revive it as a neo Nazi movement, it’s still a dead ideology. This is bc there are no actual movements related to Hitler, which was very specific to Germany in that time period. All movements based on him now are just racist who like the uniforms and symbols he created. That’s it. There’s nothing tying any neo Nazi movements to the actual thing.
Social Nationalism is better my dude.
Wwtf this post made me join the IRA
Agreed. It destroyed Europe, resulted in the deaths of millions of Slavs, and ruined the reputation of White nationalism and ''anti-Semitism'' forever. Now even opinions that every White person had before Nazism existed are considered ''Nazi'', which obviously makes no sense, but that's what you get when you let a bunch of German spergs with shitty ideas destroy Europe.