Why are you far-right?

So I'm doing some research into why it is people have far-right ideologies (Extreme Nationalism, Closed Borders, Anti-multiculturalism). What motivates you guys. Does it have to do with certain policies? Do you guys just not like other races?

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Because the left literally tried to teach my children about gay sex before their balls even dropped.

Actually, I dont support this dichotomy. Take the third path, user.

Is there something about that you find wrong?

because of this

Can you explain what this third path might be? What are the polocies and ideas they support?

For most of us it’s due to a lack of sexual activity.

Who is this boogey man you are talking about? You want to discuss a certain issue or are you just creating a slide thread? What stance are you proposing?


Is there something wrong with Multi-culturalism?

Do you actually not know what the third path is? Is this research for a paper or something? Or just your own personal information?

National Socialism is the application of Natural Law to mankind.

You are either a retard or a next level troll. I can't tell.

I want socialism and nationalism. At the same time!

I was radicalised by the white supremacist rhetoric of Dr Jordan Peterson. He showed me the path to ultimate victory. 1488

The Far Right generally believes in Anti-Multiculturalism, segregation, and other authoritarian ideas. I'm simply trying to find out why?

white countries are more successful than non-white countries

im not really far right i just dont want to see my people systematically wiped from existence, also i know first hand what its like to have big groups of brown dudes getting drunk and walking around with tasers, knives, bear spray ect. and just attacking random people, i have wonderful blonde haired blue eyed niece and nephew already and thats not exactly the world i want them to grow up in.

why is that so hard to comprehend?

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How is closed borders far right? Would that just be the status quo? What is extreme nationalism? Is that some kind of sport?

What about Countries like Japan and India?

Nothing wrong with multi culturalism. Trying to force cultures into closed communities with laws is equivalent to rape though especially if that community is asking to be left alone.
Do you respect a communities right to self determine?

Me --> my family --> my race --> the world
A natural, logical progression

And because it's not:
Me --> my family --> the world --> my race

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Because i realized that a european identity is precious, and isn't something that can just be given with a passport. Because i realized that my culture is ancient, and the fact that many generations of my fathers have died building this country of mine, and that it would be a huge betrayal to transform it into something unrecognizable.

because when you get called nazi and far right you slowly find yourself among others who were also called that constantly
some of which may be further right
also 'the left' hasnt made any good arguments in years, in my experience
when i was in sixth form (16-18) we had a mini brexit thing and the pro brexit argument was sound and made perfect sense (reclaim control of the country, curb illegal immigration, spend less on other countries etc) and the remain argument was literally the teacher saying 'some of my mates might get kicked out the country'

I can see where your coming from. Maybe the problem isnt with race but the way Blacks are disenfranchised?


>Extreme Nationalism, Closed Borders, Anti-multiculturalism

Please fucking kill yourself already.

I can already see your false premise. Good luck with that (((research )))

I was just using them as an example for productive non-white countries

rip england, we still have hope tho
torilla tavataan

Leaf actually makes sense for once? Today has been really strange so far but this takes the cake.

Disenfranchised? They currently have the same rights as we do, but they still scream for more.
Also checked.

This. Also Carl Benjamin, Tim Pool, Milo, and Gavin.

I disagree with this statement. I actually think far right are closed communities with strong legacies that usually need isolation in order to continue surviving. Lots of legacies on the far left or far right are actually pretty abusive. Once you understand the abusive behavior each group is pushing you learn to understand why both extremes can be dangerous and also to question what exactly it is you yourself are pushing

Proceeding with study dump

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>extreme nationalism hasn't even started yet
>why can't you fucks understand legal vs illegal immigration
>show the stats on forced migration and community cohesiveness
tl;dr version: Get fucked.

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>Right wing.
Choose Third.
Anyways California. That's it.

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spoiler alert: blacks aren't disenfranchised here in canada, quite the opposite, but it happens here anyway

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Okay but you do see how being segregated from society into ghettos and not being able to afford anything because of taxes right?

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india is a shithole by any measure. but you're right, i should have included northeast asians. if they want to move here legally that's fine with me.

>Tim Pool
Idk man he makes me kinda uneasy. I get the necessity of expelling Jews but do we *really* have to put them in mine carts and send them down a steep hill into the open oven doors?

But wouldn't it be better if we came together as a society and combined our strengths?

Multi-culti is genocide of native populations and native cultures. You should be shot for supporting this.

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>What motivates you guys
Chaos and potential genocide

this. jordun paterson radicalized me.

Stopping people from migrating peacefully to your country is now considered far-right

>not being able to afford anything because of taxes right?

are you high? most blacks pay $0 in tax and are subsidized entirely by the government (read: white taxpayers)

Because I don't want my descendants to be the morlocks from HG Wells' Time Machine, which is the future progressives are steering towards.

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the only argument that i could find myself even considering agreeing with is that governments in general need to invest in the smaller areas, not just cities.
however for places like Chicago and ghettos and whatnot, you cant even start doing that if the residents (primarily black) keep fucking killing each other and wasting the money that the government already gives them on drugs
they really dont help themselves

They’re not segregated, they just love their shitty communities. They’ve stayed there willingly in a way. They were segregated maybe some 30-40 years ago but that’s changed, they just don’t see it because they can just get free shit and whine. I’m all for them being on my level, but they need to work for it like I did.

Hey man im just curious why you guys don't like immigration. No need to get all mad

Oh, user.

>I get the necessity of expelling Jews but do we *really* have to put them in mine carts and send them down a steep hill into the open oven doors?
Absolutely. It may not be cheap or practical in any way, but how will people know how evil we are if we don't even have holocoasters?

How are people forcefully segregated? What are you talking about. Each culture pushes legacies, roles, and even jobs that they want to see.
Selling drugs, porn cam steamer, setting up speed traps, selling trash online, selling spiritual salvation. People choose how to make money, you can help by creating more jobs or you can shut the fuck up because you dislike people taking shitty jobs out of desperation... I would like a job, can you help me?

the issue in places like glorious bongland is that areas become inhabited by migrants, they cause crime, white residents leave, more migrants come, and the cycle repeats until the area is dead and a shithole

Me three. Jordan Peterson radicalized me and showed me the way. Jordan Peterson is a hero to the white nationalist cause.

You can start by creating non abusive jobs in your community

My "far-right" positions are essentially support for eugenics and the preservation of western culture. Eugenics (meaning the promotion of desirable genes) incorporates a number of policies (not all of which are typically considered rightwing) including closing the borders or making immigration far more restrictive than it is now, getting rid of the welfare state,being pro-choice, pro free market etc.

My support for western culture on the other hand is a product of preference (I was born into this culture) and the fact that western culture does seem to produce the greatest civilizations in terms of productivity, wealth, technology, living standards etc.

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Because the left literally wants me and all the people of my race silenced, subjugated and exterminated by a slow and humiliating death

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Lemme explain a bit calmer:
A country just shouldn’t let people in without checking them. I don’t care how much of a sob story you got, I need to keep my people alive as best I can, and if I think letting you in will increase the death rate, you’re not getting in.

>being segregated from society into ghettos and not being able to afford anything because of taxes right?
Those are tax consumers in the ghettos, not tax payers.

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I like other races just fine. It's you I hate. Day of the rope is for the traitors.

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I’m just trying to get lower taxes. The left won’t even disavow the openly socialist/communist Antifa, so I’m stuck in a strategic alliance with fascists. Thanks, btw.

Good old fashioned survival in the face of an enemy, simple as!

based kung fu generation murdoch chan poster

>So I'm doing some research into why it is people have far-right ideologies (Extreme Nationalism, Closed Borders, Anti-multiculturalism). What motivates you guys. Does it have to do with certain policies? Do you guys just not like other races?
I hate all shitskins because they are ugly, they are invaders inside white nations, and they have done tremendous harm to my people.

Just live around other races and you will be far-right too.

if you are serious about this answer you deserve to be gassed plain and simple. no sane person would say or think that

Yeah I save this one directly from MC's post, she's actually really seems like a truly sweet girl

But I'm not.
Jow Forums is an ideologically and ethnically diverse board.

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I was also radicalized by Jordan Peterson.

>Closed Borders
I'm only against this because population growth is wrecking the planet and will eventually lead to our extinction.
>Extreme nationalism
If that's what it takes...
I don't mind other cultures. Just the extreme population growth and consequent environmental degradation I'm bearing witness

I don't hate other races until I'm forced to live alongside them, watch as their crimes are ignored or covered up. How their "culture" comes before long established law of the land.

>Stopping people from migrating peacefully to your country is now considered far-right
since when?
says who?

>why it is people have far-right ideologies
My liberal boomer parents decided it was a good idea to force me and all other white children to go to school with niggers. That is the root of it for me.

Normies get off my board REEEE

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Plus I'm never trusting these cunts not to spit in my curry

Im sick of dealing with brown and yellow people who cheat me and lie to me with a smile on their face and pretend they're doing me a favour.

Im sick of them buying all the houses in my country. The average cost of a house in aus now is a million dollars.

Im sick of the way they drive and clog up the streets.

Im sick of them blowing up and decapitating people in our cities.

Im sick of the drug dealing, violence, theft, tax avoidance and undercutting of our wages.

If i wanted to live in such a place i would move to their third world shitholes.

I want a white country full of white people, and theres nothing wrong with that.

Says who? Do those rules apply to say....non western, non white countries?


Love her accent, it's real sweet.

We are not a society, you fucking faggot. Those like you and those like me live on two completely different moral plains, basically two different people (a healthy one and a sick one) heading towards civil war.

We ran this suicidal experiment of leaving you at the wheel of our countries for the better part of the last century and the results are appalling. You leftists are psychopaths and your non-white pets are parasites. I wouldn't trust you to look after my goldfish, let alone run a country alongside with you.

Also we know what you are doing, playing the role of the dumb and innocent bystander, when in reality you know far too well the answer to your own loaded question.

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I come from a Communist country with a high portion of blacks and mixed race mongrels.

When I moved to a white majority capitalist country, the contrast was significant improved. Didn't make the correlation until I developed critical thinking abilities in university. Compared other non-white countries and other white countries and the results were largely replicated.

The consequences of the migrant crisis of 2015 in Europe just solidified my conclusion of race realism.

>We must secure white countries from non-white migration and growth of ethnic minorities in said white countries.
>We must end foreign aid with the exception of contraceptives, abortion, and assisted suicide of people in non-white countries.

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>Why are you far-right?
I am not. I am just a republican who believes in small government, strong family and God.

I came to see the impossibility of these egalitarian lies. It was a small steps. At first, I heard anti-immigration arguments. Rather than refuting them, as would have been the intellectually honest response, our modern left basically shouted down the guy who made them as Nazi. It made me lose all respect for the left. If their utopia was correct, why couldn't they defend their ideas?

Slowly, I began to drift. I read about crime statistics. At first, I found them difficult to believe, but wherever I looked, it was pretty much the same story. Again, modern left couldn't muster any proper counter-arguments aside from calling all their opponents Nazis. Then I came across IQ science. Both the heritability of IQ and the IQ differences among races are common knowledge. Even though I was familiar with the field, I had not put 2+2 together until user pointed it out to me. The more I thought about it, the more it made sense. In fact, innate IQ differences explain everything. It explains why low IQ countries do so poorly. It explains why low IQ minorities do so poorly in Western societies (and why high IQ minorities don't).

The IQ thing does have a number of uncomfortable implications, but reality is reality. All I want is a society free of this multiculti shit. It doesn't have to be violent. There can be a peaceful reconciliation of our ideals between us and the left. They don't want racists in their multiculti zoo, I don't want to live in their multiculti zoo. It's a match made in heaven

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Im far right because Im fucking better than you are

Simple. The alternative is spiritual suicide.

Self determination for a people is the most important principle. This is why

>85 replies

come on retards

Is there something so good about multiculturalism, to the point where a lot of the spectrum believe that it's necessary?

It doesn't benefit anyone and does more harm than good.

Why should we abandon the beauty of mono-culture, to experience the disgusting mess that is a massive spillage of various different cultures that have their own part of the world to be celebrated in?

Why can't we just celebrate our differences in different nations so that no one is at harm?

If you support the idea of multiculturalism, it would really help for you to explain why you do.

Because the jews are hell-bent on destroyed everything i like, myself included.

I did not declare war on them, they declared war on me

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OP your so bluepilled and far behind you can't even grasp the most simple comments on this thread, we can only inform anons who have atleast decent knowledge of politics. If you want some insight into the world we see I would recommend reading the una bomber manifesto (link below), I feel he captures pretty well what modern leftism has become and the book was written in the mid 90's way before we saw how awful things have turned out.


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> commiecuck
> loves shitskins
sounds rite

Hear hear