How do we stop Christianity?

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More Jews

>commie wants to stop truth
the memes, they scribe themselves.

>following skinny guy who died ona cross in 2018
christcucks wil all burn

Stop it? It's been stopped. Do you mean hasten it's death spiral? If so:
More homosexual clergymen. The higher up in the hierarchy of the church, the better.
Even better, more trans / non-binary / any other made up non-sense that comes to your mind clergymen.Again, the higher up in the hierarchy of the church, the better.

More cucking to brown people. Put on a public toe sucking contest every week where clergymen worship the feet of black muslims. The dumber and smellier the blacks look, the better.

More pushing towards tolerance and acceptance. The word of God was written a long time ago. It's time for the church to get with the times. It's the current year after all.

Attached: pagan hypocrisy.jpg (750x732, 95K)

You can’t. God wins, spoiler alert. Find Jesus before it’s too late, he is the ONLY way

Go back to Tel Aviv, Shlomo.

By reconquering peoples souls to Odin.

Godin you mean, God appears in no contemporary Christian writing.