I feel like I’m starting to hate women and their games from flirting and dating...

I feel like I’m starting to hate women and their games from flirting and dating. How can I stop this before I go full red pill?

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can anyone confirm that NOT going full red pill can bring you any success?

>their games
Guys play games too. You just don’t see them as games.

Name fucking one

>teehee silly boys

seriously give me an example of games that guys play



The one where they're honest.

what are you even trying to say here? that guys fake being honest a lot or that being honest is a game itself?

Almost fell down that hole myself when I got cheated on and I broke up with my girlfriend. Try to remember that just like how men are not all the same. Women aren't either. There are some pieces of shit out there. But some bitch you know who may have screwed you over don't represent half the population just because she has a vagina and tits. Just like how that asshole you know doesnt represent all men just because he also happens to have a dick. I know it can feel like "all women are the same" sometimes, but luckily they aren't.

I mean the problem is that the only girls I’ve found different are the dykey girls with short hair and asexuality.

1. Pump n' dump - Tell a girl whatever she wants to hear in order to have sex with her and then after she lets you fuck her you ghost her.

2. Gaslight Special - Make a gigantic deal about something little she does so that you have an excuse to break up with her/pump n' dump her and simultaneously make her think its her fault. A good example would be getting a double text and saying something like "Wow you're super needy I definitely think we need some space you're really taking things too fast."

3. Bait n' switch - Dangle a relationship in front of a girl so that she'll keep having sex with you.

4. Daddy issues - Purposefully seeking out a girl you know has some intense intimacy/approval issues, getting her attached to you and then taking advantage of her because you know she'll agree to do anything if she thinks she could lose you.

5. Its not you its me - A variation of the bait and switch where you get a girl to have sex with you by dangling a relationship and then turning down the relationship with her after you've fucked her by giving her some shit about how she would be better off without you or you just are in a really rough place in your life right now and can't date.

You want more? I can keep going.

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None of these relate to the OP about flirting and dating.

I've never met a guy who plays LoL.

The “dominant and direct” game, which seeks to exploit female social compliance and resistance to saying “no”. Another is the “don’t call after the date” game. Yet another is telling a girl you love her and will stay with her forever, then breaking up after you sleep with her.

Honestly the number of games guys play to trick women into sleeping with them are innumerable.

Never done any of those.

Guy’s games come at the back end. Women’s are at the front end. They’re no less games and no less bullshit.

Oh, I forgot an important one, the "I didn't think we were exclusive switcheroo". Its where you behave in a way that makes a girl you're seeing think you're exclusive but you're actually fucking other girls behind her back. You purposefully avoid having the conversation about being exclusive because you know she'd stop fucking you if she found out. If you ever get caught you get to play innocent, bank on the technicality and pretend that you both knew you weren't officially boyfriend and girlfriend even though you absolutely knew if she found out you were fucking other girls she wouldn't fuck you anymore. If you're lucky and the girl is damaged enough you can pull a Gaslight Special and make her think its her fault for misunderstanding your relationship or not communicating and probably still keep having sex with her.

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Stop dating assholes then

I was talking to the guy who asked us to name one game that guys play. He asked a question and I answered it.

I was asked about games guys play, not games I’ve observed you personally playing. Many women haven’t done any of the games you whine about either.

So stop trying to be a MGTOW and get back out there.

But assholes are so sexy!

Women with short hair and masculine traits don’t do this stuff sure

but women will always play games at the front AND the back

I'm a dude. I was just answering the question. I've seen my guy friends play each one of these games first hand and I'm even guilty of doing some of them myself. Anyone who thinks guys don't play mind games with women is a fucking simpleton.

Trust me, you sound like an even bigger asshole if you’re so asspained about girls not throwing themselves at you for merely existing.


Moving the goalposts eh?

Aww pumpkin. Is you upset?

Get the fuck over yourself. I get plenty of pussy. It’s all a game. It’s all a mating dance, essentially. You just suck at it.

Maybe you should go for traps then.

>Anyone who thinks guys don't play mind games with women is a fucking simpleton.
And probably doesn’t get much action either. Some of the games we play are shitty, but a lot of it is just the human mating dance. If you don’t dance it right, the girl knows you’ve got a disability of some kind, and aren’t gonna be a good mating partner.

I have a high paying job, money, status, car, live alone and wear nice clothes and would love to take a beautiful clever young lady like you out because you see in me what so many other women my age do not.

lol jk

Live with parents or on a baby mama couch actually 30 not 25, criminal record for petty shit, broke, unemployable, compulsive liar, addict, 4 kids I don't see or pay for but the clothes are nice aren't they. Enjoy your herpes and welcome to adulthood kiddo.

You're gonna have a rough time living life as an adult if you decide to dedicate your life to a fucking meme that is based off a 1999 sci fi action film. "red pill" as it were is just stagnating in your own bitterness and painting yourself as the victim. No different than "blue pill" SJW with 5 genders and blue hair.

I like how my idea for the thread was to try and stop these TRP thoughts and the women here have only made them worse

Make more female friends and start seeing them as individuals like your male friends, because they are. I'm a girl in college and I know of some shitty manipulative people and it tends to be split down the middle, gender-wise. The issue is, shitty people beget shitty people so it feels like everyone is shitty. It doesn't have to be that way.

For awhile I used to read incel/red pill forums because I thought it was super interesting on a social level but it didn't take long before the negativity began to affect me and the way I saw people. Their philosophy and perspective is poisonous and will leech into you before you know it. Take some time to figure out what you really want and think about things on a more long term basis. It will lead to the stability and end results you need.

I hate to break it to you but there's no women in this thread. Your redpill ideas are stupid regardless of the gender of the person telling you so.

>Another is the “don’t call after the date” game
this literally only exists because girls hate clingy guys without fail so it's safer to just wait for them to contact you. it's not even a game just a necessity, like not talking about your feelings

>dominant and direct” game, which seeks to exploit female social compliance and resistance to saying “no”
that's literally just what the majority of women like. even if you were to claim you don't like that shit and i were to believe you it's still a well known fact that women in general like dominant men so it's understandable a guy would act that way, women can play games that literally no man would enjoy on any level

and sex is a logical motivator for playing games that results in shallow wounds that are easily healed by some other dick, guys never play the kind of games that actually leave lasting damage whereas women can be heartless cunts to people they've known for years and they even involve others in their bullshit. if a guy is playing the games you mentioned with you, you can 100% be sure it's because he is attracted to you specifically which at least stems from basic human instinct and can be taken as a compliment whereas a woman will manipulate the shit out of you without even wanting to fuck you. also the games that guys play come at predictable intervals whereas the entire existence of women seems to revolve around playing them

Not one woman here bro. You’re just pathetic on your own.

>making excuses for why guys play those games
They’re still games dude. You think girls don’t have rationalizations for their games? Pathetic.

>*lists several mind games that guys play*

Keep moving those goalposts, bud. I'm sure you'll be right eventually.

>guys never play the kind of games that actually leave lasting damage whereas women can be heartless cunts to people they've known for years and they even involve others in their bullshit.
Oh my god you are so outrageously wrong it’s hilarious.

The games guys play don’t cause as bad lasting damage? Let’s compare.
>guy tricks virgin girl into bed by saying he’ll marry her; leaves the next morning
>girl only thinks of guy as a friend because he was her friend for years, and he’s suddenly trying to ask her on dates, guy is hurt because he’s friendzoned, stops being girl’s friend, isolates himself from the world and curses her name for making him feel so worthless
Seriously dude. You are the lowest class of male. I probably fucked whatever girl hurt you. She sucked my cock and I coated the back of her mouth with my jizz, and she swallowed it dutifully. She clawed my back as I fucked her and cried for more. You were probably rocking yourself to sleep bawling your eyes out.

do i really have to spell out that i already accepted that guys play games? that's what my post is about

my point is that the games women play tend to be less forgivable, less necessary, and more damaging

>all of these assumptions

yeah i'm totally this pissed at women because i got friendzoned once, fucking retard

Goalpost moving, goalpost moving and more goalpost moving.

It doesn't matter what we say your only goal in this conversation is to come up with a reason why what women do is worse. We can all see straight through your smokescreen of bullshit, user.

Those aren't games, you fucking retarded cunt. Fucking kill yourself.

Someone's a little upset huh?

>my point is that the games women play tend to be less forgivable, less necessary, and more damaging
That is such bullshit.


Yeah those are games. They are as much games as the ones girls play.

You are pathetic dude.

You have no idea dude. A girl’s virginity can’t be returned. A guy can always get rid of one way or another.

It wasn’t long ago that a girl who wasn’t a virgin at marriage was worthless. Now it’s mostly MGTOWs like you who insist on a girl being a virgin, because you think you’re sucking another guy’s cock when you go down on a non-virgin pussy.

ITT: Boys who haven’t seen a live pussy since birth arguing with men who have actually had sex with women that love them.

What if I'm a guy who's seen a vagina irl plenty of times who has never made love to someone he loves

If you’re not OP, you’re okay. If you’re OP, you will never know the loving embrace of a woman.

i don't give a fuck if a girl is a virgin or not, nothing about my posts implied that. anyone who gets hung up on their girl being a virgin or not has probably not had any experience with women

i don't know why you think that all MGTOWs want a virgin girl it's probably just a vocal minority of insecure people on this site. i'm pretty sure that anyone who actually became MGTOW did so because they were hurt by women and not because they're just insecure. if a woman was a huge cunt to you then you would know that them not being a huge cunt (which i don't know if i believe they have the capacity to do) is more important than their virginity

Oh look, it’s the MGTOW fag who will be chasing traps next week. Everyone point and laugh.

what the fuck are you even talking about

>full red pill

I love how this no longer means becoming aware, and now means becoming an extremist

You. Being a faggot MGTOW loser.

you already said that i was MGTOW and i didn't deny it so it was a retarded and pointless post

Being gay also meant something else 100 years ago.

Yeah, your post was pretty pointless.

never reply to me again faggot

>neber rebly agin!! ree!
Wow dude, you sure are tough. I bet nobody thinks you're a loser just because you're incel. Yeah, man, everyone respects the incel for how hard he has it. And how girls always treat him badly. Poor you.

I will admit, as a man, that guys will literally do/say anything to get laid. But that's the only "game" we play, and every girl deep down knows this and the tactful ones can exploit that. The latter of course, being what we men would call "games".

this isn't any fun because i feel like you're actually upset that i hate women or something

i expected a smug reaction image that i could reply to in kind but you really let me down

kek, I don't give a fuck what your opinion is kid, just stop being edgy in public and you won't get bullied. Fuck, maybe you'd get a girlfriend.

jesus dude when will you get over this MGTOW shit you don't sound like you've been here long enough to get this triggered by incels

You're shitting up this board. I'm tired of you people. So get fucked... no wait, I guess you won't be.

this board was always shit

>So get fucked... no wait, I guess you won't be
the way you unironically(?) typed this as if it was an epic roast makes me think you've never gotten laid yourself

Kek. Try again. I've had consensual sexual intercourse with a biological woman without money or alcohol being involved. I bet you haven't even fucked a trap.

i actually believe you despite your obvious insecurity, my point was that it doesn't matter if you've had sex or not because you still sound like a fag

>my point was that it doesn't matter if you've had sex or not because you still sound like a fag
No it wasn't, your point was that you thought I hadn't had sex. Now you think otherwise. You're very easy to convince. Would you like to buy a bridge in New York?

this was your first funny post

Wow, you're flattering me now? Wanna fuck? I promise to be gentle.

i'm not gay though

Funny because that sounds like my ex gf. Try harder.

this fucking game is genderless

Everyone plays games while dating and flirting. Including guys.
You just don't get it.

Which is fine - plenty of people are, including many girls. Just keep trying and try to understand what's going on.

I see you like playing the "lol I'm fukin retarded" game though.

I fake the whole thing to get in Im a bastard

Daddy and mommy issue girls will 100% cheat on you half the time so that's not a "game" guys play its just common sense

You'd think girls would see through "games" this obvious and blatant. Its almost like they enjoy it

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The exact same fucking game user. Stop playing dumb.