Whats the most based and redpilled denomination of Christianity? Im thinking Russian Orthodox
Whats the most based and redpilled denomination of Christianity? Im thinking Russian Orthodox
None of it.
Child fucking scum.
Jesus wasn't even a real person, you numbskulls
>pic related
Eastern (Russian) Orthodox for sure. If the Catholics were not such pussycats and didnt split off, Isalm would have never spread as far as it has.
>Russian Orthodox
They preach a works based salvation user, just like catholics. As Isaiah 64:6 tells us our own "righteous work" are as filthy rags in the sight of God. If the orthodox are wrong about salvation, they are wrong about everything.
Literal crackpot shit 99% of historians refute
Lutheranism is the one true religion
>Literal crackpot shit 99% of historians refute
How would you know? You've never read a single history book in your life, much less a scholarly journal
Keep posting it, I’m sure hell will be super comfy
>Keep posting it, I’m sure hell will be super comfy
Well, it will definitely have fewer child molesters, won't it?
Yes I have? It’s hilarious you would cite something that has so little clout among historians and then act like you are the well read person here. You clearly fucking aren’t
Who preaches right salvation
>Yes I have?
Great! Then you can explain to me why St Paul wrote that everything he knew about Jesus came from dreams, why the author of Hebrews literally wrote that Jesus never visited Earth, and why the four Gospels are about 95% re-tellings of earlier OT stories
Turn back to your blood.
>multiple different sources from completely different places all talk about a man called jesus
>all contain at least some information that is consistent among the others
>somehow all these different people were in on the lie down to the point where they all idenpendently crafted a consistent character with a consistent personality among all accounts
>several people ONLY referenced in the bible such as pontious pilate we can now confirm did exist (this particular information came out after that retarded book was published)
He was real
Non demominational. Spirtiual.
Think about it. Any given religious institution is designed around controlling people. That's the truth.
Now, when you go to heaven and see the light at the end of the tunnel, do you really think that it's going to matter what way you worshiped god or what way you ended up praying is going to make a difference?
Here's the truth, it doesn't matter, as long as you're practicing unconditional love, then God doesn't care. He doesn't care what you believe in. God isn't a being of wrath. He's a being of unconditional love. He doesn't want you hating people, be they niggers or otherwise.
At the same time, he doesn't want them hating you either.
Now take my advice, stop posting on Jow Forums go give someone a hug. That's what it's all about. Not blowing someone up, not lynching someone.
Otherwise you're going to have to come back here again. And do you really want to do that?
The one where you practice it on your own without a church.
>Christian Identity. It's ADL and SPLC disavowed so you know it's good.
Mainstream Catholicism is a heretical perversion. There hasn't been a valid Pope since 1958.
Christian Identity.
Salvation is by Faith alone, through the Grace of God in Christ Jesus. Righteous works are fruits of the spirit, as are love joy and peace, but any requirement for salvation that requires works is a false doctrine. If you believe that Christ payed the whole price, then you know the answer to this already, just as the thief who died on Calvary next to Jesus performed no works knew.
I think you just changed my life, user. Or at the very least, sparked the fire of self realization that I’ve missed. God bless you brother, and thank you.
>>multiple different sources from completely different places all talk about a man called jesus
Yes, but they're all from the mid-to-late second century (or even later than that!), so they have no value as evidence
>all contain at least some information that is consistent among the others
Wait - are you talking about the Gospels? The GOSPELS?
Dude, you know that Matthew, Luke and John are just copies of Mark, right? Using exactly the same words in numerous places?
>several people ONLY referenced in the bible such as pontious pilate
WTF are you talking about? Pilate is mentioned by Tacitus, Josephus and Philo of Alexandria. Not to mention by several works of apocrypha.
>He was real
Possibly, but where's your evidence?
If you love Christ, you would love what He loved, Christians. Joining a congregation for support, study, worship, and prayer is important for your spiritual growth. If you go onto thinking or expecting to find super woke Hitler rallies on Sunday you are a fool and an idolater.
>Literally a tool of the Russian government?
Try again.
Christian Identity
>no value of evidence
This, this is how I know you have zero actual understanding of how history works. Here’s something that might shock you, nearly all medieval sources are written years after the fact. Sometimes monks would wait upwards of 30 years before deciding to record something. Does that mean it didn’t happen? No you complete fucking spastic. Physical evidence is one thing, but we NEED written evidence too. And just because how people recorded history back then doesn’t stand up to modern practice, doesn’t make it worthless. Someone wrote it, and therefore it is history. When we look at these accounts, we can recognise they are wholly true. But when you see this same Jesus guy mentioned in a fuck ton of different written accounts, all describing similar things even though they were written by different people in different places, it indicates STRONGLY that some guy called Jesus preached about love and shit in the Middle East. This is what we consider evidence in history, making logical conclusions with evidence we have. Retard.
Esoteric Christianity with a focus on the symbolism and meditative prayer
Because they're all confused retards who think "Adam" means to blush, and that Saxons means Isaac's sons.
They're a jew worshipping cult who go through mental gymnastics to hate jews because they want to be jews.
To my understanding Greek Orthodoxy, as all other Eastern Orthodoxies, follow the same doctrine.
I can see where you're coming from if you're referring to individual clergymen being encouraged into promoting a political perspective but if you're making the claim in relation to the doctrine it doesn't make sense unless you're trying to argue that the russian government also runs the other 13 autocephalous churches in Eastern Orthodoxy.
>Sometimes monks would wait upwards of 30 years before deciding to record something. Does that mean it didn’t happen? No you complete fucking spastic.
Retard-tier argument
(1) Waiting 30 years to make a written record is a lot different to waiting 150 years, which is at least 70 years after you've already died
(2) By the second century the Gospels were in widespread circulation, so we can't be sure 2nd-century manuscripts are even independent of the Gospels. If they're just copies of something that people read in the Gospels then they have no value as evidence
>But when you see this same Jesus guy mentioned in a fuck ton of different written accounts
Jesus is mentioned in exactly one account that is both (a) independent of other sources, and (b) written within 100 years of Jesus' death. I've no idea where you get this "fuck ton" [sic] idea from.
>Yes, but they're all from the mid-to-late second
Not true.
>Wait - are you talking about the Gospels? The GOSPELS?
If your angle is historical proof only, then any mention of Him is relavent. In addition to the secular Roman and Jewish accounts.
>Matthew, Luke and John are just copies of Mark, right?
This is a lie. The synoptic gospels have some overlap yes, using the same retelling of a common record each agreed upon with each of its own authors details remembered. Mark was Peters translator. A studious learner would study each parable or setting with from the context of each gospel book to gain further insight.
>where's your evidence
Besides the overwhelming case already presented to you and every other kike historian who concedes that Jesus lived?
>>Yes, but they're all from the mid-to-late second
>Not true.
No problem. Present a manuscript which you think is earlier than that.
>. In addition to the secular Roman and Jewish accounts.
WTF are you talking about? No such accounts exist. We've been over this in these threads a thousand times.
> The synoptic gospels have some overlap yes, using the same retelling of a common record each agreed upon with each of its own authors details remembered.
If that were true, it would be LITERALLY impossible for so much of text across the three synoptic gospels to be EXACTLY THE SAME, WORD FOR WORD.
Christianity isn't a denomination it's a relationship with Jesus.
Get saved frens
Historical accounts are what they are. Your denial of them is preposterous and makes everything else you say look worse.
>If that were true, it would be LITERALLY impossible for so much of text across the three synoptic gospels to be EXACTLY THE SAME, WORD FOR WORD.
Please don't use all caps you literal child you. The synoptic gospels are not identical no matter how many times you scream it. They have overlaps, from a common source, each author of the gospel mark/luke/matthew would have made full usage of that account, and each did, and each added to and took away in their own accounts details not in others. Entire chapters appear unique in each. There is no reason to diverge from an account you fully agree with.
>Historical accounts are what they are. Your denial of them is preposterous
You haven't presented any historical accounts yet, user.
>The synoptic gospels are not identical no matter how many times you scream it.
How would you know? You obviously don't know any Greek.
>They have overlaps, from a common source,
The common source is the Gospel of Mark. If you disagree then you're in disagreement with 100% of biblical historians, all of whom can read Greek, by the way.
You dont have to be part of christianity or any denomination to know God.
This is manmade nonsense and nowhere to be found in the bible.
Why do you wish to be part of such a religion instead of just believing in Jesus?
>You haven't presented any historical accounts yet, user.
You just said you've done this 1000 times. I don't see any credibility left user and no further reason to engage a liar.
>common source
Thanks for the concession that they aren't identical.
Whats the main difference between Roman Catholicism and Baptist?
>christian denomination
that's not even in the bible. there's only one true religion. pick up a bible and read
>Thanks for the concession that they aren't identical.
WTF are you talking about? I didn't say they were identical, from beginning to end. I said they contained a large number of identical passages, proving that one is the source of the others.
James 2:17 -- "Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone."
nice try though
am mormon, can confirm
The were the same before the reformation. They both believe in the Trinity doctrine, the Father Son and Holy Spirit, both hold canonical the New Testament and most 9f the same books from the OT. Difference may sound nuanced, but majorly it is in the basis of what it is that saves you. Faith in Christ by itself (Baptists ) or the combo of faith and doing good works and charity and a whole bunch of things religiously like confessing to a priest, eucharist from a priest, communion from a priest, and then a confirmation by a priest - after which you are officially saved in the eyes of the RCC. Baptists have issue with their reliance on a human man for salvation. Other issues include importance of Mary and the saints. Baptists consider them cool and important, but not worthy of prayer to.
Baptists are heretics, while Catholics aren't. The same with all other Protestants
Isaiah 64:6 says those works you hold up are as "Filthy Rags" before the sight of God. The fruit of true beliefs certainly includes good works though, but faith can't be won that way, otherwise an unbelieving atheist like Mother Teresa would enter heaven, which is impossible, and be saved by her works, or the ridiculous notion that those good works would make her have faith.
he looks like james wilson from House
>Isaiah 64:6
Good thing we're saved by works and faith then cuz just works we'd all go to hell.
Idependent Fundamental Baptist
Orthodox. Don't settle for less than the fullness of The True Church.
Tell that to the thief on the cross next to Jesus.
Russian or Serbian Orthodox
all of us are terrible people, got it. So explain to me how exactly that exempts us from doing good or bad things if in the end it doesn't mean anything, and all that mattered was our belief that Christ came to the earth.
Christ came to the earth to serve as a middle man for the fallen state of man which came about through Adam and Eve's transgression. God knew that with the gift of agency and Satan's temptations we would mess up and stumble. That's why he sent Christ. God is, imho, a God of justice. He follows the laws that He set forth, and Christ is a God of Mercy, acting as the one who will stand in for us and say, "I have already paid the price of his/her sins." The only way that we as mortals are able to obtain the redeeming power of Christ's sacrifice is through going through the repentance process and by keeping his commandments which are clearly outlined in His earthly ministry (works) and by believing that His grace will save all who will humble themselves.
I think your attempt at D&C is obvious. There's no "best" denomination. If you profess Jesus Christ as God, the one God, Alpha and Omega, confess your sins, and ask for His forgiveness, you're in His company and that is all that matters in the end.
Another fucking uneducated brainlet limey Britbong. Jesus was real. He really existed. Hard to image that someone who did not even exist had such a big following.
Why would I go to a Hitler rally when they dont practice key points from the bible? That I've studied, on my own.
Why would I take up idolatry, when the bible clearly states not to do that?
Youre assuming a lot of shit about me.
>The only way that we as mortals are able to obtain the redeeming power of Christ's sacrifice is through going through the repentance process and by keeping his commandments which are clearly outlined in His earthly ministry (works) and by believing that His grace will save all who will humble themselves.
And why would an unbeliever do any of that? The good works flow as fruits of the spirit as Grace through you, His son as an already heir. Works have their starting place in a saved, sanctified, justified, (and to be glorified upon death) saint still walking the earth who by mercy and grace and led by the indwelling spirit feels uniquely drawn towards doing these good works -and- if the believer doesnt, he would be utterly convicted by the indwelling holy spirit in his daily failure to do good works. It's not even a chicken/egg coming first argument. You either have the indwelling holy spirit or you dont. If you do you, you will live either victoriously (with fruits of joy) or suffer worse than any unbeliever on this earth with unrelenting guilt and chastisement.
>Jesus was real
The one written about in the bible? Do you think every claim in regards to jesus in the bible is true?
The Holy Bible is the Inerrant, Infallible and Inspired word of God...so yes.
This is like asking which breed of bull produces the nicest smelling shit. It’s all bullshit and that’s all you need to know.
Any professional scholar will not deny the existence of Jesus. There is too much in the way of circumstantial evidence. Not to mention the fact that his enemies tried to erase him from history (and failed miserably obviously). Jesus existed. Maybe a better question to ask is "was Jesus the son of God?" Personally, I would say YES. He was/is the son of God. Anyone who does not like what I believe can eat a dick. I give 0 fucks. Jesus is lord.
Exactly right. Not only fiction but plagiarised fiction.
So why would you hide in the shadows without a congregation when Christ sent the apostles out two by two? At least find a prayer group.
It really is. Let me cap you a pic from my Orthodox Study Bible.
>The dry stands fro the Jews, barren of all life and of all righteousness.
>Do you think every claim in regards to Jesus in the bible is true?
Yes,and more.
then you must be a jew
Good post.
Wrong. Just because there are similarities doesn't mean one is the source of others. If anything, it makes it more valid because different eyewitnesses are reporting similar events occuring.
> redpilled.
I'll give you the real answer, but you (and no one else) will believe me, even though it's true... Society of Friends (aka Quakers)
>Good goyim just pray to god and give me 10% of your money and you can go to heaven
Arent you gonna be late for middle school?
>Inspired word of God
Are you next going to claim the church is sinless and perfect since it's an institution of God?
But there are many inconsistencies in the bible. If the supernatural claims about jesus are true in your mind, what evidence do you have to suggest they occurred?
Athecucks are the real brainlets.
>Personally, I would say YES
The fact so many people admittedly died for it. And it spread so quickly. No religion can spread like that unless it's rooted in something.
The west was pretty solid until degeneracy peaked, which was concurrent year by year with the degradation of religious communities.
>and more
Adamantly. Fucking auto correct and my carelessness.
>Richard Carrier
All legitimate historians agree that Jesus was a real person. There's a few retards who ignore massive amounts of historical evidence so they can sell sensationalised books.
False equivalency. Try again. But since we're on the topic, the most evil the "Church" has done lately in Orthodoxy is the business with Constantinople. The Catholics were doing good work until Vatican II. RIP Cathobros.
and even though they dont have like 15 children on average like catholics do, theyre still super trad
>The fact so many people admittedly died for it
So heavens gate is also valid in its belief of its claims?
Go to church and ask those questions, why would you come to literal nobodies when you could go to an actual trained priest who spent years waiting and training for your questions?
> Atheism
You mean the ideology responsible for more deaths in the last century than the whole of history combined?
Laestedinan Lutherans. Ultra conservative Lutheran branch from Finland. Found in rural Finland, Norway, Sweden and the US