Industrialization and it's Future

Hey Jow Forums just wanted your opinions on the Ted Kaczynski's infamous 'manifesto', deemed the "Industrialization and it's Future".

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Other urls found in this thread:

Industrialization is my fetish it was the inspiration behind my DA

dudes a prophet
we'll all be witness to the fall of industrial society within 40 years

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The non-poser version of Thoreau. Oversocialization was a genius concept. Thank you Ted.

Fantastic, a man truly ahead of his time.

can someone spoonfeed me a quick rundown on this guy's book?

I don't know of anyone regardless of politics who would deny he was right on pretty much everything. It even says as much on his Wikipedia entry, go read it. The problem is that when you kill people to get your message out, it tends to color people's opinion of your message.

>opinion on X, guys?
>what you do guys think about X?


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From what I remember about him, he actually had some good ideas. Still a bad guy for killing, and attempting to kill people tho.

I ran a red light last night, and I’m feeling bad about it. Ted Kaczynski made me do it.

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If it had all happened today, I wonder if there's even a chance the NYT and WAPO would run his manifesto like they did back then.

I'm impressed at your dedication

You could read his manifesto in a few sittings. Don't deprive yourself. His IQ was 160-something and his philosophy was well developed.

Like it hasn't been discussed a million fucking times already on this board. Check the archive you lazy burger

>Industrialization and it is Future
americans are so stupid

I don't know that it would matter. Wikileaks would publish it and anyone could torrent it.

I live a very depressing life. The natural consequence of having the unfortunate circumstance of being born in CA

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100% unironically based

Fuck off, you faggot.

>tfw growing up people compared your ideals to ol teddy

I just like that it was plastered front and center on two of the cathedral's premier media outlets.

christ almighty, 8 sidewalk captchas for this one gay post

Being autistic and getting mindfucked by the CIA will do wonders for your perception

I'm not sure if I can understand it though

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Yeah he mentioned he was some sort of KGB experiment... I don't agree with the killings but the man knew he had to do something to bring attention to his name.

Absolute alpha male in every sense of the word. One of the greatest Americans to ever live. He was right about everything.

Linkola's collected writings are also good. Pretty much the SIEGE of anti-industrial stuff but less autistic satanism.

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explain the wonderbread obsession

Linkola's collected writings? I'll have to check it out.

tl;dr the west traded small homogeneous communities and agrarian/pastoral society for industrialization, mass production, and urbanization so don't be shocked when society's values start to reflect those of soulless bug people. You can't just turn civilization's structure on its head and expect it retain conservative values.

Its a parallel on how normally society identifies negative stereotypes but they only ever stereotype it in a certain way that fits their narrative Lemee explain it like this. How often do you watch Cartoons or Animation of any variety where they decide to do an episode where the theme of the episode is about spreading either an environmental message or they create a character for the sole purpose of helping to spread an environmental message When people, animators/writers whatever feel the need to make plots like this their archetype of choice on how they write the episode is "Lets draw a White, Tall, Shady looking (sometimes fat really depends upon how cartoonish the show in question is) Billionaire 1-Dimensional Character who doesn't care or think about the long term consequences for his actions because as long as it continues to make money he doesn't give a shit" They have been making this one type of character in the industry for YEARS! I am so sick of seeing characters like this not because its a bad character type but because its demonized to where people start to think "Man why would they ever draw a female equivalent to a character like this it just doesn't exist." And yeah its hard how in the real world you need to really think about if such a character like this could ever exist in the real world which is probably why its so easy to make a character like they have been making for what feels like forever now in the Cartoon world because that one character can represent either one type of person that fits that narrative or a whole group of people that could fit that narrative. I'm just saying we live in a world where a female equivalent of this character I am describing is very rarely seen so I wanted to bring more attention to this fact by making more of them

Honestly he does a really great job laying things out clearly and concisely. Much easier to read than much of the modern philosophers.

Uncle Ted was working at Berkley and saw where this shit was all going so he went mad and started shitting in a bucket innawoods.

He is the original anti SJW, and he knew how it had to end.

Yes he has a very strong critique of normie conservatives who shill for capitalism and trad values while not realizing that the former eventually destroys the latter.

He was in a law program, volunteered for a study where they verbally abused and broke his mind. Dude was autistic he couldnt handle it and snapped

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thanks. I'll remember this if I ever get lost while reading

That's good to hear, thanks user

Oversocialization is a killer bro

that doesn't really explain this

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Read this and "Homo Deus" by Noah Yuval Hurarri and you pretty much have the two sides of the coming dystopia. Ted is for the natural, empowered, local individual poor human, Hurarri is for the synthetic, AI and genetic engineered, ultra-rich, global imperium's super-humans. Here on Jow Forums those soon to be replaced in Hurarri's version of the future can't decide if they want to be agents of Ted's version. Their indecision and timidity will spell their doom.

That particular piece was a gift from a fat fetishist on DA. The character in the picture was based around another character from a completely different commission artist borrowing that character and creating something out of it.

you know I'm learning more about deviantart than I'm comfortable with. please go away

If you actually read his manifesto its pretty obvious the same SJW shit we deal with today is what broke his mind. He is a casualty of being a sane mind in a leftist hive of insanity, not the fucking govenrment.

he was right but he was wrong in believing anything at all could be done about it.


Civilization is gonna get more and more cyberpunk dystopian until a minor natural disaster fucks it up and the elites get their shit kicked in by nature. Then civilization will become anarchical and after a mass starvation over about 5 years we will have a 1700s style civ again


Ted was right. Industrialization was a mistake.

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It's pretty interesting.

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Best mutt anarchist ever

Nice tinfoil. No. He was just a man who got a sneak peak of what the world was becoming when he worked at Berkley, and decided that all needed to burn down. Basically, he was a cannary in a coalmine.

“Industrial Society and its Future”
Get it right newfag.

It's not even a conspiracy theory you kike faggot.

Why are you shilling so hard meme flag? He WAS a part of CIA experiments in college, this is a well documented fact. Is it what drove him crazy? Who knows, but it happened.

Brilliant. Understands the progressives mindset perfectly. Ted is tied with Chris Langan to be the alt-rights top super genius.

No it was literally the cia and mkultra. They fucked him up good

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Ted Kaczynski was a plagiarist who stole all his ideas from Jacques Ellul.

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