So what should we do about Climate Change? At our current speed we're going to have a refugee crisis in the next few decades that makes Syria's look like a family holiday.
So what should we do about Climate Change...
Shoot people at the border?
The sea is not rising. That island is sinking.
Climate Change was the inspiration behind my DA specifically Deforestation the very concept of something so self destructively wasteful towards something so beautiful fascinates me
Environmentalists are not sincere.
The number one cause of pollution and non-renewable resource draining is the artificially high population of the planet due to Christian style charity/government aid to other countries,outsourcing, immigration, and unfair trade. (unfair trade is trade with countries with a lower standard of living and lower wage).
The population of the entire planet might not be even half of what it is now if not for what I listed above.But the majority of environmentalists are also pro immigration, charity/aid to lesser countries, outsourcing, unfair trade, etc which completely contradicts their environmentalist stance
Build more nuclear power plants, until we do this there is nothing else that can be done.
Global cooling is inevitable, it will cleanse the world of tropical peoples who cannot bear the cold of Snowball Earth.
What about solar/wind?
So, Republicans support the eventual slaughter of millions of people?
Climate change is fake news, made by envimental scientists because they have useless degrees
I know you're smarter than that.