Shy Bladder

Going to the military. Already went through meps. When I had to take the piss test I got very pee shy and was only able to pee after drinking enough water that it was painful and I was about to piss myself. I don’t want to go through that again but know I will have to pee in front of someone else a lot once I ship out. Any advice on this?
I also get pee shy at urinals without a barrier in between. But in stalls or urinals without barriers I can piss easy. I know I’m not that bad compared to other. It’s not like I’m socially anxious in other situations or like I have a small dick.

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The key is to drink tons of warm water (warm water goes through your system faster). Also, you need to relax. Your nerves make it more difficult.

You’ll have to do this a lot in the military. We used to get piss tested once a week

Wow, incredible advice, user. OP had never before thought of relaxing, you're a genius!!

Think of funny shit

How do you relax ?

I relax by doing equations in my head. It doesn't have to be difficult, just 4 times 201 for example and just keep doing those simple things to keep the mind busy. It will just start to flow. Counting up fibonacci sequence is also a good one.

Struggled with this for years user, I can't squeeze a drop if I think people can hear me, bloody awful.

>I relax by doing equations in my head. It doesn't have to be difficult, just 4 times 201 for example and just keep doing those simple things to keep the mind busy. It will just start to flow. Counting up fibonacci sequence is also a good one.

If you are a mathematics imbecile like I am, just do whatever basic math (multiplication/division) you can do in your head while you pee. Seriously, works like magic.

I don't know if this works for men as well but when I think of something sexy and channel that feeling of arousal in your crotch, my stream always starts flowing. It's worth trying at least, think of cum coming out.

I’ll try this thank you

>thinking of cumming in a room full of men one of which is staring at you pee

what branch, if army i can give u tips on this and other stuff

meps fucking blows btw.

Yea already did MEPS. Wasn’t as bad as most people make it seem.

wait till reception. meps on steriods

I’ve heard that Pdays are the worst. I’m not worried about hurrying up and waiting or sharing showers or getting yelled at or working out. At all. I just have trouble peeing while someone is looking

I do remember giving blood in reception but you dont do a pee test. You do it at meps before you ship out. And trust me i was in a line for literally 8 hours standing completely still and looking forward. it sucks ass. but it gets better. as for basic the only time people will watch you pee is for like random drug test.

You’re a navy or army vet?


Do kegel exercises, once you can control them better, you can power through pee shyness.

Got to

PS A lot of the advice above is simply wrong.